30 Day Shred - Help...

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to ask a few questions about the 30 Day Shred and share experiences with people who are currently doing the program or who have already completed it. :)

Today is day 3 of the 30 Day Shred for me. On Day 1: Level One it had to be the most intense workout of my life. Well, maybe not but I perceived it that way because I've never been this out of shape. Anyways, I pushed myself through the entire workout and once cool down time came I literally could not feel my legs. Once I caught my breath I got into the shower and just let the water run on me for over 45 minutes. I was beyond hot! Once I got my composure it was like I took a drug because I was in such a good mood and felt like a million bucks. I literally think I was “high on life”. :)

Yesterday I did it again. I wasn't sore from the first day. It still kicked my *kitten*, but was noticeably easier. I did the same shower routine but noticed that I caught my breath and cooled down much quicker. I got in a crappy mood because my Mother really aggravated me. Let's just say she has more discouragement to provide than anything. There was also very limited healthy food in the house and my car was out of gas so I couldn't go to the supermarket. I came to a breaking point where I realized that I really am in this alone as far as my family goes. Despite my pleas for them to stop pushing junk food in my face, they won't. I now know that it is just me and my willpower because there is obviously no <----> line!

Anyways, enough ranting. Today I woke up at 5:30am and WHOA! My arms are in the most pain I have ever felt post workout. I can't even lift them above my head. Getting dressed this morning and doing my hair was a task. So here is my question:

The muscle pain experienced post workout from doing an intense regimen such as the the 30 Day Shred, is that normal? How long will it take to go away? What can I do to reduce the pain so I can function at work and while exercising? Is pain a good thing? Does it mean that my body is changing?

My other question is to those who have completed the 30 Day Shred: How were your results on the program? Was it noticeable? How did you do it? Meaning did you take days off or did you do 7 days a week for 30 days?

I would also like to note that anybody currently doing, or about to start the program, please add me! I would like to speak with somebody that I can relate to. We can help motivate each other! :)

Thank you everyone for reading this. Have a wonderful weekend!

P.S.- Thank goodness no work till Monday. :) hehe



  • gatorgirlyyy
  • jennblack23
    last month i started it, but only lasted 11 days..lol..what a change though from the first day..i was actually able to kind of keep up..the first day when i did the jumping jacks during the warm up, i thought i was gonna die..lol..i plan on starting it again today..and hopefully lasting the full 30 days..last time i got a little bored..but hopefully this time i just get over it and do it :) ..good luck to you :) ..oh and in that 11 days, i did have inches lost and weight loss..i'm gonna make sure to do measurements again today before i start :)
  • SueD66
    SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
    Good Morning Gatorgirlyy! You have started a great journey, well i think so. I just finished day 6 of level 3. I am stronger, there is less of me and i feel great! Hurt through this yes yes i did. when i started day one it kicked my butt, ok level 1 kicked my butt everyday. It's hard but if it wasn't it would not be working. I found that i would work harder day after day as i was getting stronger. I have a long way to go on my journey but this has been such a great experience for me. I commited to doing the 30 days in 30 days. I did take one day off as i switched up night work out for morning so it will take me 31 days. If you are hurting i would say go watch the dvd and do what you can of it. Just how i feel about it. Some do it every other day. Good luck with the program. I know you will do great and close your ears to the negitive and your eyes to the junk. When the junk is pulled out.. go for a walk. What is that old saying misery loves company.....
    I'm proud of you for thinking of you, it's a good thing:)
  • KatyE213
    KatyE213 Posts: 446 Member
    I'm presently on level 2 of the Shred. It does get easier, believe me. By the time I went onto level 2, level 1 was, well, still not easy but a damn sight easier than when I started! I've done level 2 three times up to now, I don't do it every day as I find the 20 minutes convenient to do at home when I am pushed for time instead of going to the gym. But I hope to complete all 3 levels by my birthday in 3 weeks time. Feel free to add me if you would like :smile:
  • mom2fabfive
    mom2fabfive Posts: 207 Member
    There is a group that started last Monday. (March 19) So you are right around where we started. I finished day 5 yesterday. Some are powering through and doing 30 days straight and some of us are taking the weekends off. Feel free to look it up and join. We would all be happy to support you.
  • mbvan
    mbvan Posts: 30
    Good for you!! How long did you stay on level 1? and level 2?
  • KathieSwenson
    I will be doing day 4 today Level 1 circuit today. YES my arms I noticed today hurt in my chest from the pushups. WHY? because on the first day I could only do half the pushups they did on the shred. Yesterday I did all but I think 3. so as you game endurance you also up your workout not realizing.

    My advise for you. Take 2 advil if youc an. it is an anti-inflammatory and will help easy the pain and inflammation of working those muscles that probably havent worked out in a while. Im luck because righ tnow i have an cyst on my ovary and so they prescribe prescription naproxen which is (advil) however its prescription strength advil. So I call that lucky. But try that and see if it helps. I'll add you since im not far into it yet. we can do it together!

    PS notice a difference in 4 days i droped 4 lbs. kinda at a standstill due to some health problems. but 4 days 4 lbs i call that nothing short of amazing~

  • blv0267
    blv0267 Posts: 150 Member
    I made it to level 2 in 13 days. I did 9 days at level 1 and then moved up. Once I started level 2 my ankles started hurting from the jumping in the cardio portion. So I haven't done it for about a week now. I'm thinking about starting it back up but replacing any jumping exercises with something else.

    I didn't notice a physical difference however I 'felt' stronger.
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    i love shred, and hate it! I am about to do day 2 level 2, going 7 days a week. I measured between levels and lost 15 inches wow!!!!!

    Good luck and keep with it! Feel free to add me
  • egiakatt
    egiakatt Posts: 90 Member
  • exp_lauren
    exp_lauren Posts: 29 Member
    I did the 30 day shred last year from start to finish; all 30 days. Whoo hooo! And yes, there were days when I thought it was killing me (definitely Anita days), but wow, I did notice toning results when I was done like I never got by going to the gym.

    In retrospect, I'd have factored in a rest day here and there and not worried about completing it in 30 days. Jillian does mention the need for rest days in her “Ripped in 30” DVD which I bought as my next challenge. But it's also true, like she says on the 30DS level 1, that your endurance does seem to go up by the last few days of level 1, so don't give up. I still use the 30DS DVD when I work out to keep my muscles toned; I'm a fan.

    I no expert, but I think if you're talking about something sudden or sharp, you should stop right away, but achy arm muscles are probably okay. Make sure your weights aren't too heavy .. I use my lighter ones for some exercises, you can always bump them up if they get too easy for you. I use a mirror to check that I've got good form, and make sure to do the stretching at the end. Don't forget that you can still do full out cardio and abs and ease up a bit on the strength if you think your arms need a rest! Day 3 is probably the worst .. hang in there! Again, I'm not an expert, but if you are crazy sore, I'm thinking you'd probably benefit from a day off, but don't give up.

    I read somewhere that you should make sure you are getting enough protein in your diet to help build that lean muscle (at least 25% of calorie intake), and benefit from eating some protein within a ½ hour or so of exercising.

    Just checked a Dr. Oz book “You on a Diet” about muscle soreness: apart from the shower and drinking water, if it's time to eat when you're done, a carb-rich snack like oats will help restore glycogen that your muscles need for energy, curry (something with tumeric) would help quell the inflammation, and the caffeine in coffee may help mute the chemical that causes muscle pain a couple of days later while possibly reducing your perception of muscle pain while exercising. Hmmm!

    Congrats on your efforts!
  • niksmommy3
    i want to say it probably is normal (not sure about not being able to feel your legs) but im on day 5 and my body feels great. the first day sucked and i didnt want to do it ever again lol ive never worked out a day in my life....so i had no idea what to expect. the 2nd i was sooooo sore mostly in my thighs, i couldnt barely walk up stairs or sit down w/o pain. by the 3rd day i was ok still a little sore but manageable plus i had to work that night so i had no choice but i was ok. by the 4th day i was fine and i took yesterday off was just too busy and not home and im about to do day 5 as soon as im done typing this. i think your body just has to get used to not using those muscles...its not easy at first but after a couple more days you wont be so sore.
  • student94
    student94 Posts: 120 Member
    Haven't done the shred (yet!), but I would think lots and lots of stretching would be beneficial. Try stretching when you wake up, before the workout, after the workout, and before bed. I was a high school athlete, and that always helped me out tons during tough training periods.

    Good luck with the rest of the shred!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    today will be day 7 of level 3 for me. with no breaks. yes i've had a few niggles and sore muscles but that was mostly at the beginning and things got better quickly.

    you should definitely stick at it! you'll get stronger and stronger.

    this is my 2nd time doing the 30 shred. last time i done it i done level 1 again on day 31 and the difference was amazing. and you should definitely join a group on here. always great for support.

    i'm moving on to ripped in 30 when i finish the shred. i'm getting addicted to jillian workouts and loving the results!

    good luck!
  • Toniithia
    Toniithia Posts: 50 Member
    it's different for everyone, the first day I experienced extreme soreness, so I had to take a day off. I've been doing it for 6 days now, got 4 more days left on level one, and honestly feel great! keep doing it, it's worth it.. i still am sore to this day, but that shouldn't keep you from working out!
  • JustineMarie21
    JustineMarie21 Posts: 438 Member
    I am on day 4 of level 3. I lost 6 pounds doing the shred, I know it doesnt seem like alot but I didnt have much to loose anyways. Its an awesome workout and I hope you continue because you will be amazed by the results and the fuction of your body after. I heard that one of the ways to get through the pain is to continue working out and push through it also strech strech strech those muscles. Ahha I could never do the 30 day shred everyday, Id die ! I do it every 2 days and the days in between I do Turbo Jam.:happy: