

  • I'll be trying that one tomorrow....mouth is officially watering
  • Spot on and I completely agree. While some people can operate off of minimal sleep (I am not one of them) you definitely need more than 5 hours a night if you are putting yourself through hard workouts.
  • I had a family member who was sick at the time and was studying for probably the hardest round of exams I've yet to face (this would be approximately a year ago). Doing something to truly improve myself that was not stressful was a really great feeling and I got hooked on it.
  • Land or World? I am actually planning a trip in the fall if I hit my goal of 165
  • I have a best of Megadeth CD that I've listed too while lifting weights for the last year. The songs are the right pace for me and nothing gets me psyched more than the opening riff of Holy Wars when I want to exercise. I generally listed to heavier music so Megadeth helps me pace myself and not over do it. When I'm doing…
  • You want to eat at least something after you exercise. Remember that you are burning both muscle and fat (even if you don't want a lot of muscle), your body needs something to help it repair itself. As griveras has said, MFP has a built in deficit. You don't want to lose weight to fast or your metabolism will slow and it…
  • soon as I have a bite my stomach turns into a bottomless pit.
  • If you portion it right it makes a good and filling afternoon snack. I have a place nearby that makes elk jerky, it helped me get through many long afternoon classes haha.
    in Jerky Comment by cpaisley88 October 2011
  • What you want as a post workout supplement depends on the type and intensity of the exercise. It's good to remember that when you exercise you are draining your body of nutrients; chocolate milk has the right mixture to restore most of the lost nutrients. I wish beer was a better post work out drink, would certainly be…
  • How everyone's body reacts to a change in diet differs. Don't stress yourself out over hearing how someone lost 6 pounds in a week. I could easily understand your body reacting to the change by putting on a little more weight at first but if you stick to it you will begin to lose weight. Although eating breakfast is a…
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