Net calories

My grama is telling me things about how you can not eat back the calories you burned off during exercise otherwise that is not helping you at all. I tell her you have to net at least 1200 calories a day otherwise your body thinks you are starving it.

What do you think? Is eating exercise calories back good or bad?


  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    To beat a dead horse, or not to beat a dead horse... use the search function or check out some sticky notes

  • since MFP has a built in deficit, eating them back is fuel for your body after exercise. You don't have to eat them all, you can eat half of them, so it's not good or bad unless your net calories are super low. But your gramma is wrong, it's not defeating the purpose, she has to understand MFP to understand! :)
  • cpaisley88
    You want to eat at least something after you exercise. Remember that you are burning both muscle and fat (even if you don't want a lot of muscle), your body needs something to help it repair itself.

    As griveras has said, MFP has a built in deficit. You don't want to lose weight to fast or your metabolism will slow and it will become significantly harder to lose more weight or maintain what you have reached.
  • MandyMarie01
    MandyMarie01 Posts: 448 Member
    Thanks ya'll for all your help :)