

  • I started recovery week yesterday as well. Those shoulder burns were no joke! That was a terrible 3 1/2 minutes!
  • Had to take yesterday off, I just felt kinda blah and knew I wouldn't really get a good workout. So today did yesterdays workout which was Pure Cardio, I really hated that workout but then I realized the cardio part is just a couple minutes longer then the warm up. That really helped get my mind wrapped around it. One more…
  • Finished Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs today. I am getting farther and farther into the videos without having to take a break and it feels good to see one of the cast drop out before I do. I try and not look at the bar at the bottom of the screen that shows the time, but I really hate it when Shaun T yells out 30 seconds and…
  • Completed Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs yesterday. Things are getting easier to do, but I still have a long way to where I want to be.
  • Several guys joined the group, but I am not sure if they are actually doing it or not. And for any guy out there that thinks this is just a girl workout, think again! This is a beast! You don't need to be lifting weights like in P90X to get a great workout, this is definitely cardio focused, but is definitely kicking my…
  • Week 3 Switch Kicks - 112 Power Jacks - 53 Power Knees - 66 Power Jumps - 23 Globe Jumps - 9 Suicide Jumps - 13 Push-Up Jacks - 14 Low Plank Oblique - 44 I was getting discouraged because I haven't lost "weight" but obviously I am improving and can't wait for the next fit test to improve some more. EVERYONE has been doing…
  • Finished week 2 yesterday. Whoever though doing the Abs workout on the Pure Cardio workout day was smart, I hate you! LOL, enjoyed the burn LOL Thankfully it is my rest day today!
  • week 2 day 5 -Cardio Power and Resistance, felt great. I have started to see an improvement in not only my stamina but also my strength and coordination.
  • I did Cardio Recovery last night. Work has been pretty busy over here, so I was glad I was able to let loose for a bit. Sorry I haven't posted as much as I have been, just really busy.
  • Week 2 Day 2- Pure Cardio, definitely a lot easier then the first time I did it. This is the first time I made it through the entire warm up without having to stop and catch my breath. A personal victory for myself!
  • Great Job! You are doing the Asylum workout, right?
  • Don't hurt yourself! And how did you find out your carpet was comfy? Did you fall over? LOL
  • Week 2 Day 1 -Cardio Power and Resistance, I can definitely see an improvement from last week. I wouldn't necessarily say its a strength gain, but I think it is I am getting more familiar with the exercises so therefore I can do them better. They don't seem so awkward. Great workout though, i enjoy this one until the end…
  • http://www.gettingstrongnow.com/insanity-workout-cast/ A couple of peoples Favs
  • That is a KILLER Improvement! You probably will be at her level or higher when you get done. I really hate watching her workout, especially when Shaun T goes and talks about her! She is a beast, I dont think she is human LOL. Great Job!
  • I get migraines sometimes when I try and workout and I am really dehydrated.
  • I am done with Week One, REST DAY! WOOHOO!
  • Finished Plyo Cardio Circuit today, Finally the end of week 1. I made it! Just got to keep pushing it. My shoulders don't necessarily hurt, but I am pretty gassed with those ab workouts near the end. Every time he yells in and I bring my knees in I feel like I am going to hurl. Great workout though! LOL
  • Great Job everyone, I will finish my week this evening. Can't wait for the rest day!
  • Finished Pure Cardio today, after that water break and I saw the timer said 15+ minutes, I had to pause the video and make sure i read that correctly LOL. I was dying throughout the workout, but I was glad to see that even Shaun T had to take a break! That is motivation right there!
  • Only one more workout and I will be done with week one! I can't wait to see that crossed off the calendar! Great Job to everyone!
  • I heard a great quote today from a guy in the gym. He was trying to motivate one of his Soldiers to do a couple more pullups even though the Soldier had reached muscle failure. He yelled out, " You can't fail, if you don't quit!" That really hit home and made a lot of sense to me. He was really right, you only fail when…
  • I couldn't have said it better myself! Great Job to everyone! Just look at every workout as a battle and Insanity as a whole as the war. You can't win the war without winning every small battle. Don't look at whatever date in January you finish and think, wow I have however many days left, look at it from the point of,…
  • I just finished Day 4 as well. I agree that it did feel good to take a break from all the jumping around and arm swinging, but WOW did those little pulse moves BURN! I don't think he could have counted any slower LOL!
  • Great Job! What a difference, you look amazing! Keep up the hard work!
  • I agree with everyone saying that they feel so out of shape when they do Insanity. The thing that keeps me going is seeing these people with completely ripped bodies have to take a break and walk out of view of the camera. You can even see it in their faces when they come back from their water breaks! I love it! Keep it up…
  • I finished Cardio Power & Resistance today. So many times I was almost convinced I had to wear a helmet for this one, I thought my arms were going to collapse and I was going to eat the floor. Great workout though!
  • I heard a rumor that if you shut off your television while Insanity is on, Shaun T will ring your doorbell and make you have to workout with him, but from the beginning of the workout. Just giving you a little warning, glad you kept with it and made it through!
  • @ Emily- do you just think of team names all day LOL. Thank you both for all the suggestions, we will have the voting start after Black Friday, since I am sure everyone will be very busy.
  • Never heard sweat referred to as "Liquid Awesome" That is really catchy!