

  • Wow thanks for all the thoughts!
  • One with real honest to goodness food. I am not an expert, but I was doing a lot of research when I wanted to detox a while ago, and found numerous articles (from what seem to me good sources) that pointed out how bad the detox diets are that only have you drinking lemonade or smoothies for an entire week. The suggestions…
  • Haha, thanks! I like your last suggestion! I may actually put that into effect with some of them, haha. Just to clarify though - I never asked for their opinion(s). The only people I've asked about it are my boyfriend (obviously), my parents, and my closest friends. If I'd asked for their opinion, it would be a totally…
  • It's so much easier to say it doesn't matter what others think vs actually not care what others think. Mostly I needed to get it off my chest, and I've found this community to be very friendly and supportive. Unfortunately I can't edit my post to say that it's also me needing to get things off my chest. Oh well.
  • Just a note, he is NOT my first boyfriend. And I can see their perspective as well, it's a valid one to ask why not get married, moving in together is the same or close to the same level of commitment, for some people. But thank you for coming to my defense, I do appreciate the perspective and advice!
  • Wow, I did not think I would get that many response, but thanks to everyone who threw in their 2-cents! I can't respond to everyone individually, but I'll answer some of the questions that came up, in case anyone is curious. First, we are not getting married right away because we talked about it and agreed we both want to…
  • Fruit is healthy. Just remember that you could be getting that sugar from ice cream, or a chocolate bar or something. If the sugar comes from fruits or vegetables, I don't pay it too much attention.
  • I went to Canadian Tire (local hardware/everything store) and picked up two 5lb weights. At home now I do bicep curls, tricep extensions, and stuff like that. The weight was like $5 CDN. If you want more advice/have questions, feel free to message me!
  • Thanks everyone. So far I have been creating my own food entries, or editing those that seem to be really wrong. It just gets frustrating after a while to have to keep editing or adding on here, when I could just write it down in a notebook at home. But I always share my food entries with others so that I can help as much…
  • I thought 1200 was REALLY low when I started with MFP. Then I started tracking my food, without altering my diet, and found that when I wasn't snacking on junk food and eating a well-balanced diet, I was right around 1300 calories in a day. Adding in a workout balanced it all out. I sit all day at work, so I don't need to…
  • If you go to your home page, and click "goals" in the dark blue bar at the top, you can put in your age, height, etc, and get your calorie intake and other nutrition goals. EDIT: Other than using MFP to calculate it for me, I have no idea how to figure this stuff out! The app on my iPhone asked me a bunch of questions, and…
  • I added some strength training to my routine to tone my arms. Tricep extensions and bicep curls. :-) Great to hear that you're doing so well!!!
  • This is probably not the best advice, but it works for me. Keep in mind I am not trying to lose a ton of weight, and I maintain a fairly healthy diet. However, this morning I treated myself to a white mocha because of PMS cravings. What I do is allow myself 1 treat for the entire 3-5 days of my period. I pick something…
  • Thanks everyone! I feel better about my bananas now.
  • Are you SURE it's cheaper to buy food every day rather than bring a lunch? Yes, it's probably cheaper to buy food that is bad for you every day. And I know groceries can be a big expense in one trip, but think of how long it lasts. It might cost me three times as much to get everything to make a sandwich for lunch rather…
  • I often go over my sugar goals as well. I'm not sure how sugar is calculated on MFP, but I would think that the natural sugars in apples are way better than the artificial stuff in chocolate bars etc. I've stopped watching my sugars, and I'm just watching where I get it from. Did all those sugars come from fruit, and home…
  • That's an excellent idea! I was thinking of proposing starting an online forum/community so that others who are out of town can join in on discussions about the books, even though they don't live in the same town. If they all agree that it's a good idea, I'll be sure to give you the URL so you can join us!
  • I know exactly what you're talking about! I've found since last week I just don't want to keep track any more. Before I eat anything I look at the nutritional information, and I feel I have a pretty good idea of when I'm above or below my daily goals. And I know if what I'm eating is bad for me, or if it's good for me etc.…
  • I'm sorry to hear about all that is going on in your life right now! It will get better, and in the meantime, some suggestions: 1) Put together a recipe binder of food that isn't bad for you, but is super yummy. Like low-fat brownies and cakes, comfort food, but healthy stuff. And whenever you feel like turning to food for…
  • Do the sides of your runners feel tight? You can always go try on a pair of wide runners and see how they feel. I have wide feet, and in some shoes (ballet flats usually), I don't have to get the wide ones, but if the shoes totally enclose my foot, I go for the wide. If you go to the Running Room, or Sport Check, talk to…
  • It depends on how many calories I have left at the end of the day. Usually I'm over or under by a little bit, but there are nights when I have yoga and find that I'm 500 calories under my goal in the end. On those nights, I'll have a fruit salad or some kind of healthy snack (I don't run for the chip bag or chocolate…
  • It depends on what you're doing during the day, and what a "workout" consists of for you, but keep in mind muscle is heavier than fat, so if you're doing anything to build or tone muscle (like lifting weights), you will see the scale go up. Someone told me I should take measurements of my body rather than trust the scale -…
  • I dig down for a heavier piece, then spear some lettuce. It keeps things fairly even.
  • I turn on X-Weighted while I'm on the treadmill, but I have yet to finish an episode. I'm not that into it, but you might find it interesting if you enjoy other shows like it. It's definitely motivating, and it's great seeing them lose weight and feel good.
  • I've been where you are - 19, part-time wages, living on my own. The $5 pizza was way cheaper than the healthier options at the grocery store. What I did was cut back spending in other areas (like no shopping unless you NEED it), and I made sure to keep healthy food on hand so that when I was hungry, it wasn't hard to find…
  • I'm 5'6", and I just did a quick BMI calculation. BMI of 21.8 is almost exactly in the middle of the healthy weight range, and that's 135lbs for me, which is my goal.
  • I love Rodney Yee's yoga. > I have his "AM Yoga For Your Week" DVD, and it's really good. 5 short 20 minute routines that all work out different areas. I have another of his DVDs too, which isn't on that site and of course I can't remember what its called, but it's a good…
  • If I swallow it, I log it. I do not keep track of gum, but I just logged the 3 mini eggs I ate, even though it was only 3 mini eggs. Depends on how picky you want to be and how much candy you're eating I think.
  • I'm also trying to lose only about 5-10lbs, though I haven't made a dent yet and I just started. But here's a thought for you: how much of your weight is muscle? My boyfriend is solid muscle, and there is barely a speck of fat on him, but according to his BMI he's overweight, and his Wii Fit character is a lot rounder than…
  • And I find I personally don't sleep well at all if I eat within an hour of going to sleep.