HELP! :(

I Haven't been online in quite awhile, reason being i moved into an apartment with my now ex boyfriend.
Soooo my tracking calories hasn't been going well at all and me working out hasn't been happening, now I know it is all based on my personal motivation...
However eating healthy when you are nineteen living on a part time job wage isn't easy...
I am pleading for help I have gained quite a bit of weight moving in and have a birthday February Eighteenth i would love to loose as much weight i can to look better in my birthday dress...
Please help Meeeee!


  • dbcja
    dbcja Posts: 54
    All you can do is log every bite you put in your mouth and work out as much as possible. Only way to do it :o)
    Good Luck!
  • kitchentales
    I've been where you are - 19, part-time wages, living on my own. The $5 pizza was way cheaper than the healthier options at the grocery store. What I did was cut back spending in other areas (like no shopping unless you NEED it), and I made sure to keep healthy food on hand so that when I was hungry, it wasn't hard to find something to eat that was good for me.

    If you're at college or university, at least in my city, gym memberships to the campus facility are included in tuition, or it's a greatly reduced fee. Take advantage of it! If that's not an option, get some runners and start jogging, and pick up some workout DVDs that you can do at home. If you want to do it, you can. It just takes some work to make it fit into a small budget. There's a reason people gain the Freshman 15 - eating healthy isn't cheap.

    Good luck! Feel free to friend me if you want.
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    LOTS of water! And you dont need to be a marathon runner, just go fast walking for half an hour a day on top of what you already do will make a difference along with doing strength exercises too!

    You shouldn't aim to lose a ton of weight in 2ish weeks cos you might put it back on but 6ish lbs is manageable!

    good luck :)