lizz2013 Member


  • wow so inspirational :) Helps to put my struggles in perspective. You are so strong :)
  • No idea I'm afraid. I've been experiencing the ovary pain on the left side really badly, but I assumed it was from my diet. Hope someone else comments and lets you know what's going on :)
    in metformin Comment by lizz2013 May 2014
  • Hey. so sorry I've been away for so long! Moved house and been living on a building site for what feels like forever! Finally got a fridge and the internet and in a week I should have a functioning kitchen, fingers crossed, so getting back to it. Well done for all your progress! I finally had a period after soooooo long so…
  • Sunday sounds good to me. Okay, so let's plan it out this week and start on Sunday! I'm gonna have a think and put some ideas together and get back to you later. woooh challenge here we come :)
  • oops..meant 12 weeks/3 months
  • Yes! Even if it is just the 3 of us (hopefully there will be more) I'm sure we can come up with something! I suggest we choose a weigh in day to suit us all so that we can get together virtually on that day and discuss how we're doing. I can do any day, so let me know what suits you. Also, personally I'd like to exchange…
  • Well done you guys! So mpressed with all of you. Each and every NSV is a huge step. I have a little victory of my own! First period in 5 months! Never have I been so happy before about this painful visitor :) Not sure whether its due to the supplements I'm taking (inositol and folic acid) or because I just spent the…
  • I've been rubbish lately, I'm sorry! But I'm back with a veangeance now! Eager to shift this weight :)
  • Hello everyone. How are you all doing? I fell off the wagon and have been having a bit of a tough time...but I'm gradually getting back on track. Popped on the scales today and I'm down a huge amount. But, I know these scales are broken because every time I stepped on them before, about a week ago, they'd read a different…
  • Hey Kristy! Great to have you here with us. I've always struggled with my weight too and although weight loss for me is painfully slow, the support here is really helping me keep going and shift the weight. Hopefully you'll feel the same :)
  • Well done everyone. So proud of you all!! Week 3 weigh in: 9th to 15th Feb Highest weight:= 215.4lbs Starting weight: (22/1/14) = 211.4 Current weight = 213lbs (but was 216.1 a week ago so I'm considering this a loss! )
  • I'm in the same boat. I work from home so movement is really low and for every 3 pounds I lose I always gain it back. It is so so hard and I'm really struggling, but I'm determined to get it done. I realised that I just can't cheat if I want it to work. A lot of people can get away with all sorts and still lose, but I have…
  • I love my dairy too. Seems all the good stuff has gluten or dairy in! I'm finding there are a lot of yummy options though. If you search for gluten dairy free on Pinterest there are lots of recipes :)
  • Hey natz. I know the feeling and am going through it right now. It is infuriating! I guess the main thing is consistency. Make sure all of your 1200 calories are nutritious and low carb. Sounds like you're pretty active, but have you tried weight training? The extra lean muscle should help you shift fat. It works for me I…
  • Hey Liz :) so good to have you on board! We are all in the same boat and it is really hard at times but I feel so much better having the support system here and I hope you will too :)
  • Week 2 weigh in: 3rd Feb to 9th Feb Highest weight:= 215.4lbs Starting weight: (22/1/14) = 211.4 Current weight = 215.3 Managed to put on 3lbs over the weekend! Not good. All the gluttony is never worth it. Someone remind me of that!! I'm going to have to be really strict this month and turn this around
  • My goal for March is just about everything! 5x30 mins of exercise each week. Stick to my diet and low calories. I'd love to be down to 205, but I'd probably be happy with anything under 210lbs. Just a consistent loss would be amazing!
  • Hey LizPuga :) Great to have you on board with us!
  • your NSV's are really motivating me :) Finally getting a period or fitting into my skinny clothes would be such a great feeling, so I know how great you all must feel. Well done! Very proud of you :)
  • I've been doing a lot of research over the weekend and I'm going to try a low Glycemic Index and low Glycemic Load, gluten free and dairy free diet. Fingers crossed this will work for me. This website explains why all these diets make sense: I don't think it is going to be easy...but…
  • That's great that you'll have all that support :) I'm in a similar boat with 2 friends who I am moving close to and we will be working out a lot together. But that is a few months away and I really don't want to be just waiting for my life to I have for months. So for now I'm going to go back to hula hooping.…
  • I've been trying that tactic too. If I don't want fruit...then I can't really be hungry, so its just boredom or thirst. I know I should eat with know distractions, but I just love curling up with a book and a snack :S Luckily, popcorn is satisfying this and isn't too many calories so I don't feel too bad. I'm trying to…
  • Well done for the loss :) You're doing great! Week 1 weigh in: 27th Jan to 2nd Feb Highest weight:= 215.4lbs Starting weight: (22/1/14) = 211.4 Current weight = 212.5 I definitely need to work out more and eat less carbs. This is my plan for the next week....although I'm going away for the weekend for my boyfriends…
  • It went okay thanks. I don't think I have the best doctor in the world as she didn't tell me anything that was going on and when she'd finished she just said 'yep you definitely have pcos'. I had to question her to get anything out of her. But then she was quite good at explaining it all. I don't have any large cysts that…
  • Hi Kelsey, thanks for your friend request. Great to have you on board :) We are all in the same boat and even though I only set up the group a short time ago I have already had so much support and feel so much stronger! My suggestions regarding diet would be to focus on healthy eating and cutting out all processed foods to…
  • Internal ultrasound she said. Before they let you pee??
  • It's great to be in a group with such active people! Together we're killing the ignorant theory that people with pcos are just lazy!
  • I've struggled with binge eating and what was swiftly becoming an eating disorder for a long time and now I think (fingers crossed I have mastered it) I cut out gluten and dairy as much as I can and am MUCH more careful with sugar and it seems to be helping. I have also started having 5 or 6 small meals and this seems to…
  • Firstly, congratulations on the wedding! I feel the same as you and am trying to lose the weight so I can have a baby in a year, maybe 2. Here to support you all the way and thanks for the friend request :)