kingtermite Member


  • I'm in a similar position. Lost about the same and been struggling. I just went to a "science of fat loss" local presentation this past weekend, and based on what I heard, I'm going to shake up my workouts with interval training. It looks promising.
  • Definitely not! I flew to the U.K. long before I lost any weight. I was 5'10" and probably over 350 lbs at the time. Much larger than a woman's 14/16.
  • That sounds delicious. I'm going to have to try that. I often do a quick fry of 3 or 4 eggs by themselves. It's usually under 300 calories. I also make a daily juice that I take to work and if I get hungry mid-morning, I'll have a juice as a snack.
  • I've had similar issues with my Fitbit One over the last week. Once I had to unsync (remove from apps) and resynch (reactivate the app). Most other times it was just taking a LONG time (like an hour or three).
  • My wife was considering it. She would have had it done last year, perhaps, but instead a more important issue came up causing another surgery for her. Anyway...the weird thing we didn't like was that the surgeon told us that the insurance company makes the final decision on how much comes off. He recommends, but the…
  • Great job, man!! It's a great feeling. We had similar starting points and end points. Here's to reaching our goal in 2014!!
  • Great story, and thanks for the Friend Accept. As I said in my intro, I've been going through a very similar journey. Down about 120 or so at the moment. I started around 346 (375 was my highest some years back). When I was trying to weigh myself at my highest, I couldn't find a scale that went high enough (the doctor…
  • You are correct. I was thinking "non-animal" (e.g. Vegan) sources, not vegetarian. Not paying close attention to OP. Going vegetarian, not vegan does provide more sources like eggs. P.S. I could never go vegan because I'd never be able to give up eggs!
  • ^^^^^This Quinoa especially. As far as I've heard, quinoa is the ONLY vegetarian COMPLETE protein. Make sure to have some quinoa in your diet if you are a vegetarian.
  • Yes, absolutely. The fitbit itself doesn't help you lose weight, obviously. But I've gotten into a real habit of making sure I get those goal steps, so if I'm low I will walk more. Or if I'm close to an even thousand number, I'll go walk more to get it. It's surely made me get up and be more active, in general.
  • There is an instant steel cut oatmeal that isn't too bad. The brand is McCann's. I usually eat a few eggs. Then a green juice/smoothie a bit later in the morning to hold me 'til lunch.
  • Mine is still syncing. Are you sure it's charged up? Did you double check the usb dongle on the computer to make sure it didn't come loose? Trying taking it out and putting it back in (or try another usb port if that doesn't work). When all else fails, try fitbit support. I've dealt with them a few times and they are…
  • Why would you wasted good bacon like that? Some men just want to watch the world burn.
  • 1 floor is recorded by FB only if you gain 10 feet in elevation. So it won't register on a treadmill. I don't add manual calorie burn, even for things FB doesn't compute (because it does compute "some"). Just let it go and do its thing. If it undervalues your calorie burn, don't sweat it. You still DID the exercise and…
  • Often, leftovers. However, I've recently started crockpot cooking bit batches of beans on the weekend and then taking a bowl of beans for lunch. High in fiber, so they are good for making you feel full. Been trying to always keep some cooked beans in the freezer for easy, healthy meals when I've got nothing else around.
  • Almost every time this question comes up (and it's fairly often), it seems most people agree that Fitbit is the way to go. I have a Fitbit One (had it almost a year) and I love it! When I see this question, I often refer people to this article that I stumbled across earlier this year.…
  • My wife and I both got the Fitbit One, but after 6 months she accidentally killed hers. We got her the Flex a few weeks ago. She's ready to contact Fitbit and ask if she can turn it back in (still within 30 days) and get the One again instead. She doesn't like the Flex. Her biggest complaint is not truly having an…
  • Total Daily Energy Expenditure Essentially, BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) + energy used in an average day just "doing your thing".
  • Do youube searches. You'll find many great "showdown" videos to compare various blenders. Vitamix vs. Nutribullet Ninja vs. Vitamix Blendtec vs. Vitamix
  • That's almost true. Blendtec is comparable. Both Vitamix and Blendtec are awesome and will do the job (I have a know it's powerful when it rates its motor in horsepower, not watts). After these two, though, nothing is comparable.
  • I have said for a long time that when it comes to weight you can have false weight gain, but not false weight loss. Hormones, water weight and a plethora of other temporary issues can make your weight higher than it "really" is. However, the law of conservation of mass in Physics makes it impossible to have fake weight…
  • I don't have a cents of humor. I can't afford it.
  • That does seem a bit high, but not ridiculously high. Check your goals: My Home->Goals->Change Goals->Custom What does MFP give you for daily calorie goal? What is your goal for weight loss set at? What are the percentages set for carbs/protein/fat? I was wondering if your percentages got tweaked and set with carbs a bit…
  • I seriously doubt this is possible as it would be doubling your calories burned. It's designed to sync to an account. It really doesn't make sense that it would allow syncing to more than one account.
  • I don't have time to read through all the replies, but I was having this problem too. Answer: GET TO THE DOCTOR NOW!!! If you've been moderately successful at losing weight, you are gaining more sensitivity to your body's own insulin back, so you are overdosing with your meds. Your doctor probably needs to reduce your…
  • Yes, these types of things, but ESPECIALLY sky-diving. The weight limit is 220 lbs. I'm now within a few pounds of being able to book a sky-diving session.
  • My beautiful little Greyhound, Ammo.
  • Probably the two best information sources I know of. Watch the movie "Forks Over Knives" (On Netflix, Amazon, maybe even Hulu for free). ^^^^This is the most important thing to get through your head. It's a mental shift and it's important to make that mental shift.
  • If you log here and have Fitbit sync'd, it syncs the calorie (not food details) info over to fitbit dashboard.