

  • This might sound crazy, but it may be an unbelievably good thing that you obsess about your food. I know throughout this whole journey thinking about food has occupied a great deal of my time, but its that consciousness that has granted me success. As long as you can still function and its not keeping you from carrying out…
  • you look so amazing! wonderful accomplishment!
  • I have to admit. I have gained a lot of my weight back since I got down 55lbs in around april of last year. I think the reason was that I didn't let myself have one single cheat day, not even on holidays. I just got to a point where I wanted everything bad at once. I stopped eating healthy and exercising, and ate whatever…
  • I understand that some people prefer to not use the artificial sweetener, however with real sugar this would just be too much! I suppose you could substitute the sweetener for a couple tablespoons of honey, but it would add extra calories, and I try to aim for under 300 for breakfast so I used the artificial sweetener.
  • I started January 3rd so almost 8 months.
  • Funny you should talk about Alton Brown, I am a major foodie and i love him! I met him a few months ago in pennsylvania, and he was super nice. I told him that he was one of my inspirations for actually sticking to a diet and he congratulated me and was very sincere. Another show I used to watch a lot was healthy appetite…
  • I completely understand your offense at someone else saying "we" are fat because my mom said the same thing to me. I screamed at her and told her she had no right to call me that, but I can't just go avoiding my own mom, so I eventually calmed down and forgive her. It hurts yes, but it made me wake up and think to myself,…
  • I need to do mine again, haven't in about a month! Congrats on the loss of inches, It feels great to visually see how far you have come!
  • I can hardly run 3 miles let alone do it in that time! That is a wonderful accomplishment and you should feel very proud. keep going and you will get faster, trust me!
  • I needed an idea to change my dinner up tonight and this is perfect! thank you!
  • I don't know how much you have lost, but for me, I keep a picture of myself at 200 lbs (my starting weight) on my iPod, and every time I want to stop I look at that picture, and think to myself, I NEVER want to look like that again. Very good motivator. Even if you haven't lost much you could still look at that picture of…
  • I'm positive I'm not pregnant but to the ladder yes. The weird thing is I'm not really over doing it, I haven't worked out for at least 2 days.
  • I had breakfast, and I ate a trail mix bar a little while before I I don't think I was under fueled, I just felt oddly weak.
  • I have read the first couple pages of this thread and I think that you are right in some regards and the responders who oppose your view point are right in some other regards. I highly agree that a consistent intake of 1200cals/day or less is not a healthy thing to do, I for one struggle to stay within that limit most days…
  • sounds like a good plan but natural peanut butter is best. They use hydrogenated oil to emulsify regular peanut butter which adds a lot of trans fat.
  • My goal weight is bigger than your starting weight:laugh: You look amazing. I hope one day I look as amazing as you do
  • haha I love the 40 year old virgin. I myself am taken by a really sweet guy but kudos for your courage to post this, looks like you aren't alone.
  • my mother is a little overweight and keeps asking me to put her on a diet but when I suggest something she says she wouldn't eat that. My sister is one of those girls who thinks that as long as she goes to the gym she can eat whatever she wants. She isn't overweight and never has been. They don't understand how much work…
  • The restaurant they ordered from probably wouldn't dare ruin their fancy food by cooking it healthily, and it would have cost 17+ dollars if they would. The whole idea of eating out is getting something you can't make at home, and for that price tag I would rather. I wanted to just cook something for myself but they said…
  • I personally don't see the big deal with sugar. I don't track sugar, but if I did I would probably be over. I eat 2 cups of strawberries in my morning smoothie alone, and thats usually not my only fruit for the day. The way I see it yes, sugars are sugars but I think that as long as I'm seeing progress, which I definitely…
  • I always have sugar free pudding on hand, going to try this soon thanks!
  • I personally have a thing for analog scales. The one in my bathroom is analog and is pretty consistent. I also weigh myself on the Wii, and it usually agrees with my analog scale, so I trust it. They are much cheaper too :]
  • I have to agree. MFP recommends at least 1200/day and with all that hard work you are doing you need more calories. If you keep eating so little it could have some negative effects on your health. I'm not saying you should eat all of those exercise calories back but try maybe eating a little more or choosing high calorie…
  • Such a good response! I don't personally have kids yet, but when I do I hope they are like your daughter. I know that I will definitely try to pass on my good eating habits to them.
  • thanks for this. I agree. This whole process is essentially about choices. What you chose to do with you're calories allotted is certainly not up to me. I think occasional splurges are definitely ok, as stated originally (a lot of you seemed to have skipped over reading that part or mis understood me) Some people feel that…
  • stop posting you're making me hungry!!!! Just kidding. Thanks for all the wonderful recipes, I love to cook so I will certainly try one of these :]
  • Mine is public. I had some delicious whole wheat burritos for dinner last night and had the leftovers today...I love to cook so feel free to browse through mine.
  • scratch all that. I feel really awful now. I never meant to hurt anyone's feelings, I guess I was just frustrated because I am trying so hard to change the way I eat, and I feel really guilty if I eat badly. For some people, those bad foods do help them stay on track, and some people are at the point of just controlling…
  • I'm not talking about mono unsaturated and poly unsaturated fats, I'm talking about people who's fat and calories are clearly coming from the wrong source. I hope you are looking at more than just someone's fat totals before you judge them. There are reasons for going over on fat. For example, I started following the Flat…
  • Thanks to everyone for your support. I really am more happy with myself lately and its nice to hear that other people notice the difference.