Those who claim to be "full" off less than 1200 cals per day



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,119 Member
    I did read the whole thread.

    I agree with the original poster. Even if I didn't, she at least presented FACTS in a non-judgemental fashion. Backed up with research from WebMd and other sources.

    Less of the dramaqueenemo.gif and more adult-type discussions, please.

    The original poster has not once been out-of-line or "aggressive" or "antagonistic" IMO. She has answered in a very adult manner to some very snarky comments.

    If you are having mood disorders, consider poor nutrition and malnutrition as a possible cause. Poor nutrition can cause psychological changes due to brain chemistry imbalances.

    If you disagree, try to remain polite with your discussions and not attack someone with personal attacks.

    This debate has played out hundreds of times on MFP in the two and a half years I've been here. There are literally hundreds of threads about this debate. The original poster is coming from a place of love and concern. Can you say the same thing??

    It will continue to be a hot-button topic. We can disagree in a polite manner and not spend our lives in conflict. Try to remain objective and give facts, not personal attacks. Sometimes it is best to say nothing and go to a topic where you can offer help and not harm.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Boy some people get their panties in a wad. They almost act like they're being attacked personally. If you thought you were doing the right thing, you wouldn't be so offended by someone else's opinion. You'd just shrug it off and keep doing it your way. Her opinion is based on the recommendations of MFP.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Short digression. . . . . . .
    If you are having mood disorders, consider poor nutrition and malnutrition as a possible cause. Poor nutrition can cause psychological changes due to brain chemistry imbalances.

    This made me LOL.:laugh: :wink:

    Just to make myself clear, I am not being derogatory to cmriverside. I enjoy her posts, and find them to be very helpful and informative. After reading all the other comments, this one just tickled my funny bone. I have a strange funny bone:wink:

    I could state my opinion, but others have already done so with much eloquence.

    Now back to your regularly scheduled debate. . . . .
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,119 Member
    Short digression. . . . . . .
    If you are having mood disorders, consider poor nutrition and malnutrition as a possible cause. Poor nutrition can cause psychological changes due to brain chemistry imbalances.

    This made me LOL.:laugh: :wink:

    Just to make myself clear, I am not being derogatory to cmriverside. I enjoy her posts, and find them to be very helpful and informative. After reading all the other comments, this one just tickled my funny bone. I have a strange funny bone:wink:

    I could state my opinion, but others have already done so with much eloquence.

    Now back to your regularly scheduled debate. . . . .

    giggle.gif .....sending PM........
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member

    To those who say they are full eating under 1200 cals a you work out at all? I have a hard time believing that if you are working out, you cannot be full eating 1200 or less.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member

    To those who say they are full eating under 1200 cals a you work out at all? I have a hard time believing that if you are working out, you cannot be full eating 1200 or less.

    It's entirely possible to be full on 1200 calories a day if you are eating mostly vegetables. Especially high water content veggies or fruit. However, there's a difference between being "full" and being 'nourished" and I think that's where this we've gotten off track. If you are going to get enough fat/protien/carbs/vitamens/minerals to nourish your body then doing so in less than 1200 calories is pretty difficult. Not that it can't be done. (I'm not a big proponent of supplements) . Honestly, I find it difficult to do in less than 1500 calories but--I like to eat and I like a lot of variety. Even if my body is ok with a steady diet of chicken breasts and broccoli, my mind/spirit isn't.

    For me personally, eating a ton of veggies is like the proverbial Chinese meal.....I'm hungry again after a couple hours. I can hold off hunger for hours and days by eating more low calorie, high water content fruit and veggies, but eventually I end up binging because, even though I'm not body is not nourished and it causes me to binge later to get what I need.
    But, that's just me. Everyone's different.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Hello, my name is Crystal. I'm 35 years old and a yo-yo dieter since I was 13 years old.
    *everyone says, "Hi Crystal."

    Ever since my mom told me that "If you gain anymore weight, I'll stop making your clothes. See how good you feel about yourself wearing a potato sack intead.", I have done all kinds of diets. But the common thread in each of my diets, was starting out at 1,200 calories and working out. I'd start off doing well.
    I logged my food in a paper diary. I worked out but never ate those calories. I'd lose weight and feel good about myself. But this strange thing would start happening to me. One day I'd get 1,200, and the next it was 1,100...each day would creep lower and lower. If I went over the last day's calories I'd freak out.

    I recently found a food diary where I'd write my thoughts at the end of the day. I was horrified to find entries where I had eaten as little as 300 calories, and burned 600. I was SO pleased with myself. The next day I had eaten 400 and burned 600, and was ranting about 'what a fat pig I was, why can't I stop shoving food in my mouth?':noway:
    I looked through 6 months of this book, and was amazed that there were so many days where I ate 600 calories or less, and burned more. I was starving myself. I showing signs of anexoria. My sister is pro ana I was starting to adopt her attitude towards food.
    Each time I tried to diet, I would do this. Start out with good intentions but slip down a path that was terrible. I would start out losing weight fast. I loved the attention I was getting for it, but after about 6 months, I'd get tired of it, and binge....and binge...and get the picture. Each diet was temporary. I'd lose, but gain it back plus some and feel like my old loser self again.

    I KILLED my metabolism. It takes so much for me just to lose a pound a week. But I am TERRIFIED to go lower than 1,400 and its a personal struggle for me to make sure I eat my calories, and workout calories. Each day is a fight. I have to tell myself that eating 1,400 doesn't make me a pig. I am losing weight steadily and feeling great from working out. I'm okay, and eating the proper foods in moderation is okay too.

    I don't even know why I go from one extreme to the other. Overeating for months at a time, and than going over the edge and trying to starve myself.

    I guess what I am trying to say here, is that when I see these posts about 'not being able to eat all my calories', and 'Do I really have to eat my workout calories', it alarms me, cause I think along those lines as well.:embarassed: I see myself in those posts. I see myself wanting to go back to those old habbits cause they worked for me, and than I react with almost irritation over these posts, because I am actualy angry with myself for being in this boat in the first place.

    I will apologise for my post earlier if it seemed to attack anyone. I'm a hypocriate in that sense. But I still feel that eating under 1,200 on a daily basis is not healthy. If you want to do it, and you lose weight, keep it off, and don't develop health issues down the road, than more power to you.

    I am also thanking the poster of this thread, because I needed to read this. I don't want to fall into old habbits again. I want to keep this up. I have a daunting task of losing at least 70 more lbs to get to 140. I want to be healthy, and not to be tempted to go lower than 1,200, lose half by falling into old habbits, and gaining it all back cause I get frustrated. So thank you for starting this conversation, and thanks to everyone who has posted their thoughts on the matter. :flowerforyou:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,119 Member
    Thank you Crystal.
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Great post Johnnysgirl :) I'm sorry to hear about your struggles. It's really great that you shared your story with us, might help some of the people who are going down a similar path. Congratulations on adopting the healthier route to weight loss! You're doing great :)
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    I actually don't think I could cope on a diet of less than 1200 cals per day and it would appear that those who think they can are only kidding themselves! It's not healthy, and you're doing yourself more harm...

    I've struggle with my weight for the last 6 years, but i know that the key to a healthy weightloss is eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly! I've managed to lose 23lbs since February and I feel really good!
  • ACarp24
    ACarp24 Posts: 90
    I have read the first couple pages of this thread and I think that you are right in some regards and the responders who oppose your view point are right in some other regards. I highly agree that a consistent intake of 1200cals/day or less is not a healthy thing to do, I for one struggle to stay within that limit most days and work out hard just to earn those snacks throughout the day. Some days, I believe that people might feel full on less than 1200 calories, but that doesn't mean those people shouldn't do everything they can to adjust their food choices in order to meet that 1200 calories. Eat some almonds, natural peanut butter or something like that, its what I do when I've had a busy day and have no time to eat a lot so my calories are low.
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    bump so i can read it later on my lunch :)
  • Natalie43
    Natalie43 Posts: 122 Member
    thank you Crystal for putting it all in perspective and good luck with your weight loss journey.
    i agree with Fiendiish and hope that the replies dont put her off any further posting. there are a lot of delusional people out there...
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Im going to put it out there.. im a usual under calorie person, but it works for me.. becuase im only trying to loose a few lbs as im in the "healthy BMI range"... meah.. Each to there own..
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