Those who claim to be "full" off less than 1200 cals per day



  • fiendiish
    fiendiish Posts: 186
    This probably won't go over well, but this is me: I'm trying to follow the 1,200 cals a day and most days it's not an issue. In fact, many days I don't make it to 1,200 and don't even get to tap into my exercise cals. Yesterday, for example, I took in about 1,000 cals and earned about 450 more from exercise, so really I had 750 more to eat but I didn't because I didn't feel I needed to. It's certainly not about starving myself because that's not cool in my book. For me, it's about eating the right amount of things that can fill me up...and there are days when I am feeling A-OK from the lower calories, and I feel like I would be gorging if I ate the couple hundred extra at the end of the day to make it even out. My brain and tummy just tell myself I am needing to eat smaller amounts and still be full. Normal days with my earned calories, I probably eat around 1200-1400 and have a few hundred left to spare from exercise, but of course there are exceptions (such as yesterday). I agree though, the eating 600 cals a day is freaking ridiculous and unhealthy, though I have been guilty of the occasional 800-900 day. Gah, I need to stop typing because I am digging myself a very deep hole.

    Not at all. I think the problem is we keep hearing "burn more calories than you consume" and that's where we stop. People tend to think (and I'm guilty of this thought process too, although not anymore..) "if I severely restrict my diet...I can get to a manageable weight fast, THEN stay on a proper diet" almost NEVER works though. You have to create new and healthier habits for yourself.

    I read an article yesterday about The Biggest Loser and Kirstie Alley talking about why they gain the weight back. Drastic weight loss occurs from severe restriction and SUPER intense workouts...but the underlying reason for becoming obese is never corrected (ie, food addiction). The bad habits are never they go back to what they've always known and gain it all back.

    Please remember that when you eat less than 1000 cals and burn off 400 that you are essentially only eating 600 cals for the function of your body.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Most days I don't eat all of my calories and I have plenty of energy, I keep up with three active preschoolers. I think every "body" is just different. I eat every 2.5 - 3 hrs (same as my kids) so I never have a chance to feel hungry.
    Actually, eating over 1200 is why I'm on this site in the first place, I put on a few extra pounds. But I'm also over 40 and my body isn't burning calories the way it use to, so for me staying just at or under 1200 is not a problem.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    In the past 3 months I have been learning to overcome a binge eating disorder that I've had since age 8. My nutrition/fitness coach told me something very interesting the other day.

    Human bodies from day one have been created to store energy. Yes, we've evolved a long way from the time of cavemen, but we still store this to prevent ourselves from perceived starvation. Our bodies are going to store this energy whether we are giving it 600, 1200 or 2000 cals a day. If this energy does not come from calories, our bodies will turn whatever (not just fat) it can and is readily available into usually targets muscle first after fat and then goes to organs and tissues. If you consistently (key word here) eat less calories than your own individual body wants, you will lose that beautiful muscle you worked so hard to build, because your body will burn it off instead of burning those calories.

    Good advice for us all no matter how much you've got to lose and no matter how quick you want to do those calories so you don't lose your hard earned muscle. It is better for you to sneak in a few high calorie items to reach 1200 than consistently go below, and this may take some extra planning and well thought out meal plans. One pound of muscle burns an extra 50 calories a day, so the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will be also.

    I have been able to build about 5 extra lbs of muscle on my frame in the past few months and I'd be heartbroken if I found out that I had burned it off because I wasn't eating enough calories.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Drastic weight loss occurs from severe restriction and SUPER intense workouts...but the underlying reason for becoming obese is never corrected (ie, food addiction). The bad habits are never they go back to what they've always known and gain it all back.

    Well said!

    I had been using this type of weight loss plans for far too long because I just wanted to see the weight drop and it got me nowhere because I never learned the proper way to eat for lifelong health, and always went back to my old ways. I'm so glad I'm getting the professional help I need.
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    Everyone is differnent, I certainly am NOT full on less than 1200 Calories a day but those people who are, that's them, good them...each to their own and all that! Not sure I understand the reason for the post!

  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I just want to say I agree with the OP to a certain extent... staying under your caloric goal consistently will put you in starvation mode. Going under every now and then should be fine. I just increased my calories by 200 and I usually eat my exercise calories so I'm finding it VERY difficult to fill the extra space. It's hard to find high calorie HEALTHY food that won't be too filling so that you meet your caloric goal. I always went by, if you're hungry, eat... but then Banks told me I was leaving too many calories consistently - 200. And now I'm increased by 200. So that's about 400 calories I wouldn't normally eat, PLUS whatever I've worked off...and yesterday was a lot. So I ate a lot... and not healthy food. I went over, but it's okay, because that's not a normal day for me.

    A slip up, or going under, or going over... RARELY will not hurt you. It's the consistency that makes or breaks you.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Dam! I sooo wish I had a problem 'not being able to reach my daily caloric limit'.

    So far just with Breakfast, Lunch and 1 snack logged, I have about 200 calories left for dinner. I MUST exercise if I want to Not go OVER by too much. :laugh:

    My Food journal is public :wink:
  • fiendiish
    fiendiish Posts: 186
    A slip up, or going under, or going over... RARELY will not hurt you. It's the consistency that makes or breaks you.

    Thank you. That is the point I was trying to make and it occurred to me that I probably didn't make that very clear. I was referring to the people that continuously choose to starve themselves and disregard what everyone and everything is trying to tell them. In the cases of eating disorders...I get's hard to get OUT of that frame of mind...but I have PERSONALLY never come across anyone who DOES NOT have an eating disorder who is completely satisfied on 600 cals a day + exercise. That most ALWAYS becomes a binge waiting to happen.

    I don't agree with the excuse that "every body is different and I am completely satisfied consistently eating 800 cals a day + exercise".
  • fiendiish
    fiendiish Posts: 186
    Dam! I sooo wish I had a problem 'not being able to reach my daily caloric limit'.

    So far just with Breakfast, Lunch and 1 snack logged, I have about 200 calories left for dinner. I MUST exercise if I want to Not go OVER by too much. :laugh:

    My Food journal is public :wink:

    LOL I know right! My husband is on a weird schedule this week so I haven't been getting my hike workout I typically get in the mornings. I've been doing EA Sports Active and I don't burn near as much. (I usually do both 5+ days a week)...the thing is I HAVE to do EA or I will go over! HAHA! I have to be able to earn 300 +/- so I can have a decent dinner. :)
  • aesoprok
    aesoprok Posts: 70
    Thanks Fiendish for this post. I devoured half a pound of brie cheese (on special k lowcal crackers lol:laugh: ) and it got me to thinking about why i always want to binge before bed.
    Most of it it psychological, BUT i'm also on a 1200 cal plan and aim to be under that most of the time. I'm a small person anyway, 5'6" and about 120 pounds, so the 7 pounds i want to lose are not melting off. I don't excersise hardly at all, so my only hope of losing this weight over the next few months is to be very strict with my calories.
    I'm a new vegetarian, so not eating meat plus restricting calories leaves me open to nutrient deficits. I noticed the corners of my mouth are red and cracked, and i've been feeling way tired even though i get plenty of sleep. I've lost almost 4 pounds in a month, and i rarely feel hungry, so i thought i was doing this thing right. You're post has got me thinking, maybe i need to eat more calories and i higher fat content. Thanks, i don't find you offensive at all. You're honesty is refreshing and just what i neeeded today.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Oh my goodness. Thanks for posting this. I wanted to post something like this myself, but I probably wouldn't have come across as nice as you did.

    I have days were I might eat less than 1000 but only if I'm sick or unable to get to food. The whole reason I am in the boat I'm in is because I ate too much all day long. I know I'm not the only one. I have a thyroid disorder and can gain weight fast but its not the only reason I gained. I ATE too much. :sick:

    Now I am restricted to 1,400 calories, plus workout calories and I can eat them easily. I get irritated at people who post whiny posts about how they can't eat their calories. What do you mean by that??? Of course you can. If your anything like me, before this diet, you ate double or triple the amount without thinking about it.

    I just wonder why certain people feel like their newly restricted diet is suddenly too much food? Are there people out there who are big like me because they don't eat enough daily?
  • joneswife09
    joneswife09 Posts: 208 Member
    Here's how it works. Since I am one of those people that is working on this now. Well this is how it works in my mind. For one does feel like if you cut your cals you lose weight. In my mind without being educated it made sense. Get it. Fewer calories= lose weight. Second, you trick your mind into being full. You tell it that it only gets this much and then you trick it into feeling full...You look past a few minor headaches, or falling into bed at night, or the growling stomach (bc a growling stomach burns calories you know), etc... Its all in the mind. While some may think its crazy its just a lack of knowledge. This may vary for some people. I AM NOT SAYING THIS IS HOW EVERYONE FEELS ABOUT IT OR THAT WE ARE ALL PILED INTO ONE BIG GROUP. Sorry I did that so people would read it :smile: I am simply sharing with you why I got in the rut for a week or so. Thanks.
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    Because I am how I am I don't understand not being able to reach 1200 calories per day (and actually commented on this the other day on my status..?). I struggle not to hit 1500 per day (haha) except on exercise days where I usually hit around 2000 (with exercise cals on top of 1300 daily limit).

    I have to say this topic was helpful. I was glad to hear from people who eat under 1200... it helped me understand a bit better.

    There was a point in my life where I lost 80lbs eating VERY little... all I remember from that time is how miserable I felt... and as soon as I started eating normally again I gained all the weight back. ): So... my only concern would be that if you want temporary weight loss do what you'd like... but if you want to learn how to eat right why not settle down and enjoy a long-slow loss? If it takes you two years to lose the weight so what? At least you will have learned good eating habits in the meantime and know you will be able to keep the weight off forever...
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    When I first came here I knew I could never survive on 1200 cals a I shot for 1500 and added in half my exc cals and lost the weight
    I admit that if I chose the right foods, egg whites, low cal whole wheat bread and english muffins, apples, veggies (as much as hate them..LOL)
    It is possible for me to eat 1400-1600 and not feel hungry

    I guess everyone is different but I just don't think loosing weigh ton 1200 makes need to be able to lkeep the weight off once u loose it

  • abredbenner
    abredbenner Posts: 125 Member
    Thanks Fiendish for this post. I devoured half a pound of brie cheese (on special k lowcal crackers lol:laugh: ) and it got me to thinking about why i always want to binge before bed.
    Most of it it psychological, BUT i'm also on a 1200 cal plan and aim to be under that most of the time. I'm a small person anyway, 5'6" and about 120 pounds, so the 7 pounds i want to lose are not melting off. I don't excersise hardly at all, so my only hope of losing this weight over the next few months is to be very strict with my calories.
    I'm a new vegetarian, so not eating meat plus restricting calories leaves me open to nutrient deficits. I noticed the corners of my mouth are red and cracked, and i've been feeling way tired even though i get plenty of sleep. I've lost almost 4 pounds in a month, and i rarely feel hungry, so i thought i was doing this thing right. You're post has got me thinking, maybe i need to eat more calories and i higher fat content. Thanks, i don't find you offensive at all. You're honesty is refreshing and just what i neeeded today.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I don't want to sound like I am attacking you so please don't take it that way. Why do you want to lose 7 pounds? That is below normal BMI. I am 5'6" and a half and was at a low of 130. I could not imagine being any thinner. I look back at pictures from then and don't think I looked good. I know everyone has a different build but 113 for 5'6" sounds really low. I am sure you look great at your current weight and it is at the low end of a healthy BMI.
  • tristan83
    tristan83 Posts: 51 Member
    I don't want to sound like I am attacking you so please don't take it that way. Why do you want to lose 7 pounds? That is below normal BMI. I am 5'6" and a half and was at a low of 130. I could not imagine being any thinner. I look back at pictures from then and don't think I looked good. I know everyone has a different build but 113 for 5'6" sounds really low. I am sure you look great at your current weight and it is at the low end of a healthy BMI.

    I agree! I looked at her pics and I don't see 7 pounds to lose on her!

    As for 1200 calories a day... I love food too much to be under that! Don't ever worry about me not getting my daily calories. Yum yum yum! :laugh: I don't know how people get under that on a regular basis. I would hope that people are making healthy and informed choices when it comes to diet and excercise and asking questions when they need guidance. I know I am super new here and all but I would hope and like to think that this site is for helping people make informed, smart, new choices to help better themselves and not just a competition to eat the least or drop weight the fastest. :heart:
  • fiendiish
    fiendiish Posts: 186
    Oh my goodness. Thanks for posting this. I wanted to post something like this myself, but I probably wouldn't have come across as nice as you did.

    I have days were I might eat less than 1000 but only if I'm sick or unable to get to food. The whole reason I am in the boat I'm in is because I ate too much all day long. I know I'm not the only one. I have a thyroid disorder and can gain weight fast but its not the only reason I gained. I ATE too much. :sick:

    Now I am restricted to 1,400 calories, plus workout calories and I can eat them easily. I get irritated at people who post whiny posts about how they can't eat their calories. What do you mean by that??? Of course you can. If your anything like me, before this diet, you ate double or triple the amount without thinking about it.

    I just wonder why certain people feel like their newly restricted diet is suddenly too much food? Are there people out there who are big like me because they don't eat enough daily?

    Thank you for pointing this out! The whole reason we are all ON this site is because we consistently ate over 1200 cals a day....WELL OVER! So I just don't buy the "I'm soooo full on 600 cals!" excuse. A part of me thinks a lot of these people KNOW they are starving themselves...and in my experience...people who starve themselves FIERCELY defend doing it.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I appreciated this post too. One thing I admit I tend to look at when I am "listening" to advice is how long have they been on MFP and how much weight have they lost.

    If someone tells me "This is the way" but then I see that they have been here for a 6 months to a year and have only lost 5-10# and have a lot to lose. I don't tend to listen.

    I have been here for over a year and I have not lost a ton of weight but I am happy to report that I only have 8 more until my goal. (yay me). I have not been a fast loser but I have never been so I am still happy with my results.

    In this final 10...I have tried the higher calorie and the lower all seems the same. So, if I am destined to only lose about a half a pound per month, I might as well do it eating 1300 calories plus most of my excercise calories rather than barely making 1200 and not eating my excercise calories. Go figure...but it didn't make a difference with weight loss. The lower calorie did NOT speed things up.

    If I were to isolate one thing that helps me lose weight faster it is eating real food. When I eliminate processed foods, the weight seems to come off easier.


    PS....really, I do not think this post or topic has been offensive in any way!
  • iguanaliz
    iguanaliz Posts: 95 Member
    I think this is a great post and not at all agressive! Here's my thing...I did Medifast twice. Great diet; lost weight fast and healthy because everything was nutritionally balanced. Plus it was low carb (not no carb) so it put your body into a mild state of ketosis. Despite what many believe, ketosis just shuts down your "hungries"; it doesn't burn fat. So I was full with 700-900 calories a day.

    But I gained it all back plus. Both times.

    I will admit that when I got sick of my fat self this time, my first instinct was to go back to what worked. My husband put his foot down and said NO! Learn to do this right. He was right. I started working out first, which I've never really done. Then, after I made that a consistent part of my life (took 4 months), I found this place.

    Yeah, I'm new here but not to dieting. Unless everything is perfectly balanced, eating "nutrient rich" foods isn't good enough to be healthy below 1,200 calories. If you find yourself too full to eat that amount of food, look at what you're eating. Are you getting good carbs? Good fats? Or are you eating monster salads made with iceberg lettuce, some shredded carrots and balsamic vinegar?

    I happily eat my 1200 and my exercise calories. I earned them dammit! And honestly? I'm more hungry on the non-workout days :-)

    A touch of olive oil. A few olives. Some nuts. Goods, healthy stuff to get your calories up without being filling.
  • BamaRose0107
    BamaRose0107 Posts: 635
    Very good points, and the concept still remains the same, eat less, lose weight. Of course no one wants to damage their bodies, but being obese is doing just that....

    Some make a drastic change, some make gradual ones. It's personal preference, but we're all aiming towards the same goal, to get fit :)

    I guess this just proves we are all different because the concept of eat less, lose weight did not work for me. It was not until I started eating more that I lost weight.
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