Those who claim to be "full" off less than 1200 cals per day



  • wantmycurvesback
    Well, physically speaking, I have some days where I am ravenously hungry and go over my calories, and somedays where I am so busy with my son with hockey, guitar and soccer that it's 8pm and I have eaten 600 calories all day and am NOT hungry at all, so why force myself to eat if for once I can feel like I have some control?

    Everyone is different and aside from anyone who suffers from an eating disorder, it isn't going to make or break you, unless you consciously ONLY eat that little amount of calories EVERY day.
  • fiendiish
    fiendiish Posts: 186
    It is possible to eat less than 1200 calories per day and still lose weight and be quite satisfied and not starving themselves either..............

    Some of the most nutrient dense foods are low in calories.

    There are some days that I eat upwards of 1500 calories and others where I can barely choke down 600 calories.

    If you eat a lot of green leafy veggies, chicken and fish, eggs............those are rich in nutrients, full of Omega 3 fatty acids and protein...

    Nutrients and calories are not the same thing. I can easily meet my NUTRIENT requirements by lunch time. I still need that other 600-1000 calories. Hell, I could eat breakfast with a good multivitamin and few supplement pills and reach my nutrient requirements.
  • fiendiish
    fiendiish Posts: 186
    Well, physically speaking, I have some days where I am ravenously hungry and go over my calories, and somedays where I am so busy with my son with hockey, guitar and soccer that it's 8pm and I have eaten 600 calories all day and am NOT hungry at all, so why force myself to eat if for once I can feel like I have some control?

    Everyone is different and aside from anyone who suffers from an eating disorder, it isn't going to make or break you, unless you consciously ONLY eat that little amount of calories EVERY day.

    I've had those days...the days you are so busy you forget to eat. I get that. My point is a CONSISTENT, LONG TERM diet of extreme restriction and NOT being under a doctor's care.
  • fiendiish
    fiendiish Posts: 186
    I dont mean to have a go at you but it really does seem from my perspective, and probably evryone elses reading this. That you ARE being agressive on the issue and you ARE putting your way across in an offensive way. I can easily shrug it off but reading this thread is making me feel offended and it is making me feel hurt!

    1.) I don't feel as if you're going at me. 2.) I'm sorry you think I am being aggressive, it's hard to throw intention into some typed words, so I can see why you might THINK that...but I wouldn't throw "everyone else" in the same pool. Read the thread. 3.) I'm sorry you feel hurt and offended. I'm not trying to hurt or offend anyone.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    It is possible to eat less than 1200 calories per day and still lose weight and be quite satisfied and not starving themselves either..............

    Some of the most nutrient dense foods are low in calories.

    There are some days that I eat upwards of 1500 calories and others where I can barely choke down 600 calories.

    If you eat a lot of green leafy veggies, chicken and fish, eggs............those are rich in nutrients, full of Omega 3 fatty acids and protein...

    Nutrients and calories are not the same thing. I can easily meet my NUTRIENT requirements by lunch time. I still need that other 600-1000 calories. Hell, I could eat breakfast with a good multivitamin and few supplement pills and reach my nutrient requirements.

    I am sorry, but nutrients supercede calories in my book by a long shot. Calories are not created equal, so therefore if you are getting more bang for your buck and getting more for less, you are healthier in the long run for it.
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    Oh, I forgot to mention, I do suffer from one condition since losing the weight...."toosexyitis" hehehe! C'mon, this thread needed a little lightening up :)

    One thing I've become a master at is eating low-cal foods that are super filling. 4oz of salmon is only 100cal, I can't tell you how many fillets I've eaten in the past year! Salmon, asparagus, & brown rice is one of my frequent meals!
  • abredbenner
    abredbenner Posts: 125 Member
    Salad is the nightmare for me. If I have a salad for lunch or dinner I will always be full and well under 1,200 calories.

    I only eat 200-300 for breakfast (I hate breakfasts), then 300 to 400 for lunch (anymore and I feel sluggish at work). With some fruit and snacks I've eaten somewhere between 500 and 700. Now in the evening I eat a monster salad. I am totally stuffed but I could still be several hundred under. A salad is a calorie killer and I have been caught out a few times because I simply didn't realise just how low in calories the things I ate were.

    I now know that I must eat some high calorie food with the salad to make sure I hit it but I really do fully understand just how easy it is to be full on less.

    I have stopped adding all my food into MFP last thing at night so I'm not sat there at midnight shocked that I should have eaten another 500 calories.

    Try olive oil or nuts on it.
  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    Well I can understand what your point is. However, I am one of those who sometimes is full at 900 calories and sit there literally trying to stuff my mouth with other food, I just can't do it. I live in Georgia and the other day it was 95 degrees outside, I barely ate anything that day because the heat was making me sick and eating was the last thing on my mind. I know it's hard for some of you to think oh thats just impossible, that "we" are starving ourselves. It's just not the case with me. I'm well overweight and I eat when I'm hungry. I'm not on a diet, i just try to eat healthier. I can agree with Simon, when I eat salads, I'm stuffed and well salads are extremely low in calories so it may appear you haven't ate alot but trust me my salad bowl is huge and always filled to the brim. I guess the issue is finding higher calorie stuff to eat without eating more quantity because some of us just can't do it. Since I've changed my eating habits, I can hardly eat half a burger if I'm having one, or if it's a steak forget it, I usually have to split it with someone or it'll be wasted. None the less you do make a good point.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Oh, I forgot to mention, I do suffer from one condition since losing the weight...."toosexyitis" hehehe! C'mon, this thread needed a little lightening up :)

    One thing I've become a master at is eating low-cal foods that are super filling. 4oz of salmon is only 100cal, I can't tell you how many fillets I've eaten in the past year! Salmon, asparagus, & brown rice is one of my frequent meals!

    Exactly!! This is what I am talking about. The salmon is a good source of protein and fat which helps to keep you full and satisfied, asparagus has lots of nutrients and a good source of carbs, brown rice for my hubby ( I no longer eat grains of any kind).

    This is a perfect example of a low calorie meal where the nutrients superced the calories and you are definitely getting more bang for your buck!!
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    I have to say, I also find this post aggressive, and may be off putting for new members, seeking information. I remember reading on here when I signed up that the idea was to be positive and motivate each other, not have a go at those that you disagree with. Maybe if you find it frustrating, avoid reading the post and leave it for the positive people to help educate and encourage others!!

    :frown: :huh: :frown:
  • fiendiish
    fiendiish Posts: 186
    It is possible to eat less than 1200 calories per day and still lose weight and be quite satisfied and not starving themselves either..............

    Some of the most nutrient dense foods are low in calories.

    There are some days that I eat upwards of 1500 calories and others where I can barely choke down 600 calories.

    If you eat a lot of green leafy veggies, chicken and fish, eggs............those are rich in nutrients, full of Omega 3 fatty acids and protein...

    Nutrients and calories are not the same thing. I can easily meet my NUTRIENT requirements by lunch time. I still need that other 600-1000 calories. Hell, I could eat breakfast with a good multivitamin and few supplement pills and reach my nutrient requirements.

    I am sorry, but nutrients supercede calories in my book by a long shot. Calories are not created equal, so therefore if you are getting more bang for your buck and getting more for less, you are healthier in the long run for it.

    Calories is have no energy, you can't work out (to your full potential) can't work can't improve your OVERALL health.

    You're right, calories are NOT created can eat 4 oz of salmon for 100 cals with all the nutrients...or 4 oz of cake for 500 cals and get nothing more than a sugar rush.

    Most everyone here is trying to eat better...we (for the most part) all understand eating more nutrient dense foods instead of crap is the way to go. That doesn't mean that eating 600 calories worth of spinach all day long is healthy.
  • edelq
    edelq Posts: 111
    I have had this issue (only once!!) where I was 400 below, and I ate tonnes,, it's just that it was all veggie stir frys with noodles, soups, crackerbread etc,, and tonnes of snacks, I snack all day, but have replaced chocolate with fruit and yogurts.
    However, if this was to happen to me regularly, I would definately address it,, if you are going way under, you should look at the nutrient breakdown and see what you're missing out on (eg vitamins and minerals)

    Also, even if some people do say they are full, and they may be- this is an issue to see a doctor about. I had very severe anemia for a number of months, and all that time I could not understand why I was not hungry and why I was losing weight..
    While it's natural some people have smaller appetites, they should also get checked out if they physically cannot eat that much food as there may be another issue here.
  • fiendiish
    fiendiish Posts: 186
    Exactly!! This is what I am talking about. The salmon is a good source of protein and fat which helps to keep you full and satisfied, asparagus has lots of nutrients and a good source of carbs, brown rice for my hubby ( I no longer eat grains of any kind).

    This is a perfect example of a low calorie meal where the nutrients superced the calories and you are definitely getting more bang for your buck!!

    This is not a point I was ever arguing against. :happy:
  • joneswife09
    joneswife09 Posts: 208 Member
    Can I just be the first to say that I struggle with this?? I'm not going to get irritated about this topic and take offense to it. I'm going to learn from it. Why take offense to an opinion...a very true opinion (IMO:laugh: ) I am new to all of this and I'm new to eating healthy and I'm new to weight loss. Everything here is new. Ya it is going to take me a while to get it all right. Do I mess up? Will I continue to mess up...occasionally. I agree with this post. I actually went back over my food diary last night. When I started I was losing weight, but I have stopped and it was irritating me. I decided to see what I was eating while losing weight and what I'm eating now...Guess that the difference was?? The number of calories. I was eating over my calorie goals everyday and I'm not making it to 1200 right now. Hence the reason for no weight loss. Therefore, I made my diary up ahead of time to make sure I got enough calories for the day. I want to be healthy...but in reply to this post. It does take time to LEARN how to do things the healthy way. I wasn't raised to be healthy and I'm just now starting to try. It will take me time. Thanks for your honesty, but more importantly I will just need your support. And tips :smile:

  • fiendiish
    fiendiish Posts: 186
    I have to say, I also find this post aggressive, and may be off putting for new members, seeking information. I remember reading on here when I signed up that the idea was to be positive and motivate each other, not have a go at those that you disagree with. Maybe if you find it frustrating, avoid reading the post and leave it for the positive people to help educate and encourage others!!

    :frown: :huh: :frown:

    I'm sorry you find it aggressive...but that's not really the point of the thread.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Having worked with gastric bypass patients...I can without a doubt let everyone know that their doctors consistently tell them in regards to their diets to do everything possible to get at least 1200 cals in. Gastric bypass patients also suffer from malnutrition on a regular basis..and it will always be an ongoing problem for them

    As for prescription diet pills...a marketing ploy. No different than the crap they sell you on the shelves. If no one has noticed...every time a prescription diet pill is is found to cause problems in people a couple of years later and recalled. Gastric bypass, diet makers. People want fast results...and they will pay for it...a lot of times in more ways than one.
    I agree it is sadly about making money, many times even the surgeries anymore, they used to be rare, now they are done each and everyday someplace. Some ppl do need an intervention in regards to having surgery but I think that is in extreme cases.

    Though I did see someone with 30lbs to drop posting yesterday wanting weighloss surgery. whaaa??? WOW :ohwell: very drastic to even think of having it with that small of loss and that a doctor (oviously one desperate for money from that client if they would consider doing it at that low of amount to lose!!). Agreed it's a lifelong battle from then, of constant vitamins, minerals and the like because of malnutrition and so many complications. I lost in the triple digits in the last number of years and did it the MFP way, though some around me were doing the surgery route, I thought about it for maybe 2 minutes and then shook my head and decided to really make it my own victory I wanted to do it completely on my own.

    I am in no way knocking a person that has had or needs that type of surgery if they are morbidly obese but to now being doing surgeries on ppl that have only double digits I find that terribly irresponsible on the doctors part and a bit uninformed on the patients part.

    simply thoughts of mine,
    Becca:drinker: water water water:wink::laugh:
  • maz81
    maz81 Posts: 10 Member
    oh no i think im gonna throw a spanner in the works but here goes

    i lost over 4 stone doing the cambridge diet where i was on only 400-500 calories a day max for part until i got to bmi25.
    i needed to lose the weight tried every diet going and well i wanted a quick fix which would in effect give me a clean slate to restart my life.
    yes its hard the first few days i felt weak and everything else but ketosis [yes another no no maybe for alot of u] but it defo helped me to carry on cos it kinda kills hunger pangs.

    i know from this post u all probs wanna shout me down but the cambridge diet is the best thing that has ever happened to me and now im at goal i eat a healthy diet dont really watch my calories just keep an eye on what i eat and i know i eat a healthy diet for my body cos im maintaining and im fit and healthy.
    cambridge has given me a new life its helped me erase the fat person from my life and this clean slate ive got theres no way im gonna let another fat person hijack it from me.

    low cal diets work for people like me that wanna see results fast but they shudnt be used for a lifetime just to help u get to goal and then as i did i followed the maintanence plans of cambridge re-educated myself about food and how to eat healthy and now ive got it for life and i intend to follow this healthy diet and way of living.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • fiendiish
    fiendiish Posts: 186
    Can I just be the first to say that I struggle with this?? I'm not going to get irritated about this topic and take offense to it. I'm going to learn from it. Why take offense to an opinion...a very true opinion (IMO:laugh: ) I am new to all of this and I'm new to eating healthy and I'm new to weight loss. Everything here is new. Ya it is going to take me a while to get it all right. Do I mess up? Will I continue to mess up...occasionally. I agree with this post. I actually went back over my food diary last night. When I started I was losing weight, but I have stopped and it was irritating me. I decided to see what I was eating while losing weight and what I'm eating now...Guess that the difference was?? The number of calories. I was eating over my calorie goals everyday and I'm not making it to 1200 right now. Hence the reason for no weight loss. Therefore, I made my diary up ahead of time to make sure I got enough calories for the day. I want to be healthy...but in reply to this post. It does take time to LEARN how to do things the healthy way. I wasn't raised to be healthy and I'm just now starting to try. It will take me time. Thanks for your honesty, but more importantly I will just need your support. And tips :smile:


    THANK YOU THANK YOU for not taking offense to this. It is not my intention to be mean, or crappy. I sincerely worry about this problem!

    Like I said, my husband has the same problem...and it has taken me a while to learn MYSELF how to do this in a healthy way. I didn't grow up healthy either. My entire family is my brother...who figured it out before I did.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Can I just be the first to say that I struggle with this?? I'm not going to get irritated about this topic and take offense to it. I'm going to learn from it. Why take offense to an opinion...a very true opinion (IMO:laugh: ) I am new to all of this and I'm new to eating healthy and I'm new to weight loss. Everything here is new. Ya it is going to take me a while to get it all right. Do I mess up? Will I continue to mess up...occasionally. I agree with this post. I actually went back over my food diary last night. When I started I was losing weight, but I have stopped and it was irritating me. I decided to see what I was eating while losing weight and what I'm eating now...Guess that the difference was?? The number of calories. I was eating over my calorie goals everyday and I'm not making it to 1200 right now. Hence the reason for no weight loss. Therefore, I made my diary up ahead of time to make sure I got enough calories for the day. I want to be healthy...but in reply to this post. It does take time to LEARN how to do things the healthy way. I wasn't raised to be healthy and I'm just now starting to try. It will take me time. Thanks for your honesty, but more importantly I will just need your support. And tips :smile:

    :drinker: Awesome Cayla for taking time and going over your diary and seeing what changes you could make to find a way to make things work differenly. I think that is part of the OP's thoughts. That we take this on ourselves, be individuals and use our own brains and realize we journey together but also it's an individual walk as well.

    Love to see posts like this!! Have a wonderful day Hon:flowerforyou: :wink:
  • dmcpage
    dmcpage Posts: 66 Member
    This probably won't go over well, but this is me: I'm trying to follow the 1,200 cals a day and most days it's not an issue. In fact, many days I don't make it to 1,200 and don't even get to tap into my exercise cals. Yesterday, for example, I took in about 1,000 cals and earned about 450 more from exercise, so really I had 750 more to eat but I didn't because I didn't feel I needed to. It's certainly not about starving myself because that's not cool in my book. For me, it's about eating the right amount of things that can fill me up...and there are days when I am feeling A-OK from the lower calories, and I feel like I would be gorging if I ate the couple hundred extra at the end of the day to make it even out. My brain and tummy just tell myself I am needing to eat smaller amounts and still be full. Normal days with my earned calories, I probably eat around 1200-1400 and have a few hundred left to spare from exercise, but of course there are exceptions (such as yesterday). I agree though, the eating 600 cals a day is freaking ridiculous and unhealthy, though I have been guilty of the occasional 800-900 day. Gah, I need to stop typing because I am digging myself a very deep hole.
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