Choose your calories wisely



  • Papi1991
    Papi1991 Posts: 2
    I don't think it's "depriving" yourself if you are replacing the pizza with something that is equally delicious but has a ton fewer calories. And as for chemicals in "Low fat" foods I don't really worry about those. I am not on a low fat diet or anything like that, I have simply chosen to make a life style change and eat foods that are better for me. Not only do I feel better but I am dropping the weight pretty well too. I have already lost around 30lbs and joined to have some help with the rest I want to lose. And to be perfectly honest one slice of pizza hut pizza is bad no matter how you look at it. Some people( me included at the start of my diet) can fool themselves into thinking otherwise. Personally i'd rather spread those calories over the day so I feel full and don't starve at the end of the day. Hope all that makes sense.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    ITA!!! Save the bad meals for occasional cheat nights out only, and eat only food you prepare at home! All calories are not created equal!
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    I think there are several posts on here that are important.

    @MVL: I know exactly what you mean by the micronutrients. Like you I was interested primarily in portion control when I came to MFP. The only reason I started looking at other things is that I am an anal/anal type person (analytical and obsessive) and wasn't satisfied with just portion control. If you have had success with portion control then you are succeeding on your terms, not anyone elses.

    Several others had commented on the improvements they have made. I think that is entirely acceptable. Take my earlier post that I went out for pizza tonight. Not only did I go out for pizza, I went out for pizza buffet... and I enjoyed it like you would never believe. Here is what we didn't count: historically, I would eat pizza buffet at between 1 and 2 meals a week. Lets assume I ate 2000 calories at a pop, 1.5 times per week. I have not eaten pizza buffet That is 33000 calories I didn't eat in the past 11 weeks. How about the 33000 mg of sodium I didn't eat? Don't look at the negative, but the positive. Yep, I planned on jumping off the wagon tonight, but I know that I can atone for my sins in the next few days on the exercise bike.

    As I said in my first post on this thread, everyone makes their progress at their own rate. Fiber, vegetables, fruits, fats, sodium, cholesterol, calories, carbohydrates, etc... we all have our own battles. Some of us are further along the journey than others. Some of us will be getting off the train at earlier destinations than others. Some will be on bullet trains, others will be on mule trains. The important thing is that we reach our destinations. (remember the tortoise and the hare?)

    One last thought (from my signature): In necessary things we are united, in debatable things we have freedom, and in all things we have charity.
    What are the necessary things: keep trying, don't quit, reach your goals
    What are the debatable things: do I eat my exercise calories, to carb or not to carb, to exercise or not exercise
    What is charity: appreciate each other for our differences
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    When I started this journey, my goal was to lose weight and keep it off. I have (for the most part) done that. I have changed my eating habits immensely as compared to 4-5 years ago. I've learned a lot about fat, protein, fiber, nutrients, sodium, sugar, etc along the way.

    I don't ever intend to eat "perfectly healthy"

    I like my ice cream, burgers and fries, pizza and barbeque ribs. I enjoy potato chips sometimes and candy too (chocolate, MMMmmmmmm) I know I will never weigh 120 pounds and be perfectly shaped with little body fat because I DO like these and indulge on them quite frequently- although, not in the quantities I used to pre-weight loss. I eat processed foods purchased from the grocery store and probably always will - sure, I read labels and there's some things I will never ever buy and eat again- but there's plenty out there that I still do.

    I know doritoes have no nutritional value and lots of fat, and the same for donuts... but they taste good and they make me happy. When I am happy, my body is happy because I am not miserably moping around feeling deprived and mad at the world because I "can't" or "shouldn't" eat the food that I just want to eat (regardless of whether or not it's good for me)

    I am not perfect, I do not eat perfect, I do not strive to be perfect nor do I strive to eat perfect. I do not think it's a good idea to give myself an unrealistic goal. In my world, yes... cutting out all junk and processed food is unrealistic. I don't want to, don't think I really need to. If you looked at my food diary (go ahead if you want- it's public) you'd probably be shocked at the amount of "crap" I eat. I know I could probably cut back a bit and lose faster - but it's hard for me! :wink:

    Anyway, I'd like to think of myself as a weight loss success, I lost 60 pounds in 7 months back in 2006. I gained a few back, but I am working on losing them again and am currently still down 56 pounds from that original high weight (see signature if you'd like) I must be doing SOMETHING right! I am only 7 pounds away from my desired weight, which isn't so bad IMO. I'm not really unhappy where I am now, but it's nice to have that extra cushion (you know, incase I go on vacation and REALLY pig out!) LOL

    Seriously - this is how I feel, and I can't be ALL wrong because my weight has stayed off and I've been eating all that unhealthy stuff the whole time. Everyone has different levels of what they want out of life - including their nutritional and exercise life. What works for you won't work for someone else... obviously, what works for me would never work for you!! :laugh:

    I do find it extremely rude to read through other people's food diaries and make judgments about them based on what they eat. People here are in many different steps of progress along the way and most people take baby steps as they learn. You have NO IDEA what they ate before to compare and think they are eating poorly now. The food diary is here for us to learn from. It tracks what we eat and shows us what we need improvement with and it's up to us to take that information and tweak and adjust our diets as needed until we get to where we want. It really p*sses me off when someone makes people feel that they should be ashamed of ANYTHING they eat, that they need to keep their diaries private for fear of negative feedback from others who think they are "helping" them. If they want help and ask for it, that's one thing.... otherwise, keep your opinions to yourself!

    People join MFP and sites like this mostly because they are overweight. Most people become overweight because they eat a lot and of the wrong foods. They don't just miraculously join a site and automatically start eating perfectly and exercising like a maniac overnight! We should be here to offer support, suggestions and advice, not to belittle and judge.

    My thought is that people should look through other's food diaries to see what the people are eating who HAVE lost lots of weight, maybe get some ideas for new meals or snacks that look good and healthy. Learn from them - not judge because of them.

    OK OK OK.... I'm getting off my soap box now.

    Sorry. :blushing:
  • Just My 2 Cents Here!

    We all joined this site for many different reasons and I really don't think it is a positive thing for people to feel like there are food diary monitors looking and judging what people are eating. You can't know the whole story behind why they are eating a certain way. I know when I started losing weight my first priority was to cut back on portions of unhealthy foods and add healthier foods to each meal. I knew for me if I tried to just start eating perfectly healthy I would failed miserably. So for me I would have been proud of eating 3 slices of pizza, but when I first started losing I could eat a whole pizza by myself.

    I also know that there was another post some time back where a person was judging other peoples food diaries and alot of people got really irritated and alot of people made their diaries private! Just something to think about. The last thing we need to do is make people feel judged on a site that for many is about motivation and support.
  • PattyTheUndefeated
    PattyTheUndefeated Posts: 302 Member
    I'm going to eat that slice of pizza and enjoy it, dammit. If I'm within my calories, I think I should be able to enjoy a slice of pizza every now and then. I'm sure most people on this board have the intelligence to make that call. You do have to make wise choices when you have a limited amout of calories, but you also have to eat like human being.

    Moderation is key. Torture and ridiculous unmanageble rules are not.

    Just my two cents.
  • lchisum
    lchisum Posts: 18 Member
    I think that it is great that everyone is willing to share knowledge with each other on this site, but it is also important not to let education begin to sound like accusation or this site will be no different than other weight loss programs where people feel judged. Also, saying people will either learn or fail is very black and white...none of us knows the path that each of us walks daily... the old saying that to walk a mile in your neighbors shoes, etc... well the same is true with what we choose to eat. Foods and meals we choose are influenced by such a divers variety of things (from stress to ethnicity) that it is very narrowminded to try to judge others based upon what works for you. Also, statements such as "what you call exercise," is very demeaning and I am saddened to see such mean spirited statements on this website. Any attempts should be rewarded with encouraging and supportive comments or met with silence. Mom was very wise to remind us that, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." Sometimes, even though our intentions may be good, our words can cause pain and suffering that lingers far beyond our ability to understand. I hope and pray that I am always encouraging and supportive to you all. I know that by participating in this website, you are trying (regardless of the level) to make a better life for yourself from the inside out and I wish you all the best!
  • tkrall
    tkrall Posts: 109
    I agree to some extent to what you are saying. Have you ever heard, "people don't fail, diets fail". I understand eating healthy and keeping active. But I also believe in being happy. I've joined this site for many reasons. Fist was to get healthy, second was to lose weight, third was to know that people where here to support me in my journey. All calories are not created equal, and watching your fat intake is extremely important. But isn't your mental health just as important? If I would completely stop eating some of the foods that I love I would be miserable. If I was miserable, why would I want to keep moving foward? Does that make any sense? Why make yourself miserable to lose weight? I believe most of this journey is about portion control and learning what you can and can not do. Not about eating ONLY "healthy" foods all the time. That is not a life in away. Life is meant to be enjoyed.
  • So many great comments on here!

    I will say that I absolutely agree with you, that not all calories are created equal, and that portion control is not the ONLY factor in weight loss (or, maybe more accurately, in maintaining that weight loss long term.) BUT I also remember when I started out -- how overwhelming it all was. Portion control was the only thing I had room in my brain for. :laugh:

    Seriously though, can you imagine a person just starting out and thinking, suddenly, "I gotta cut my calories in HALF of what I used to eat. I have to give up ALL my standby meals and comfort foods and favourite tastes. I gotta eat healthy fats like flax whatever that is! I gotta eat less meat, less carbs, less sodium -- apparently all I'm gonna eat is cottage cheese and lettuce. GREAT." And that's exactly why soooooo many people don't make it.

    For me, I've been doing this a year and a half now. And the type of foods I eat has changed sooooo dramatically but it's all happened slowwwwwly and over time, and only when I wanted it to and was ready -- only when I found my OWN reasons to do it.. To me that's how you change for a lifetime. Anything else is just 'dieting'.

    Great post though, really enjoyed reading everyone's thoughts! :smile:
  • confuseacat
    confuseacat Posts: 137 Member
    You are so right. If you eat 1500 calories worth of pizza every day you may be within your calories but it is not a healthy choice. I think most people get that but some may not.
    That being said so I am not misunderstood.. If you want to have a cheat once a week or so it is ok. as long as you don't do it every day.makes the changes seem more bearable and makes you less likely to give up altogether. I personally do not feel right about checking out other peoples food diaries unless they are asking me to. I have enough trouble with my own:blushing:
  • cbnorris
    cbnorris Posts: 204 Member
    I do find it extremely rude to read through other people's food diaries and make judgments about them based on what they eat. People here are in many different steps of progress along the way and most people take baby steps as they learn. You have NO IDEA what they ate before to compare and think they are eating poorly now. The food diary is here for us to learn from. It tracks what we eat and shows us what we need improvement with and it's up to us to take that information and tweak and adjust our diets as needed until we get to where we want. It really p*sses me off when someone makes people feel that they should be ashamed of ANYTHING they eat, that they need to keep their diaries private for fear of negative feedback from others who think they are "helping" them. If they want help and ask for it, that's one thing.... otherwise, keep your opinions to yourself!

    People join MFP and sites like this mostly because they are overweight. Most people become overweight because they eat a lot and of the wrong foods. They don't just miraculously join a site and automatically start eating perfectly and exercising like a maniac overnight! We should be here to offer support, suggestions and advice, not to belittle and judge.

    My thought is that people should look through other's food diaries to see what the people are eating who HAVE lost lots of weight, maybe get some ideas for new meals or snacks that look good and healthy. Learn from them - not judge because of them.

    Well said. :smile:
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    :wink: I think that everyone has different goals, and really a one fit all doesn't work for everyone. I think that EVERYONE's food journal may look odd to other people. We have to remember the progress that we made, for some people it was 1. portion control 2. Some people it was too many carbs 3. Some people it was too much sugar 4. Some people just had no idea of what they ate every day. As we are all at different stages in our progress we are at different stages in our learning curve. For me, I am trying to add protein to the mix and stay within the calories, trying to lose 1-2 lbs a week, but trying to not lose muscle (which people say is not possible or not easy, well I am trying! :) I am also trying to not eat processed food. So easy to judge one person's diary for not enough veggies, or so easy to judge one person's diary for not eating their calories, or to judge mine for having 4 glasses of wine last weekend!:wink: Hopefully with each other's support we will all learn and grow and reach our goals
  • bebhinn
    bebhinn Posts: 198
    Just My 2 Cents Here!

    We all joined this site for many different reasons and I really don't think it is a positive thing for people to feel like there are food diary monitors looking and judging what people are eating. You can't know the whole story behind why they are eating a certain way. I know when I started losing weight my first priority was to cut back on portions of unhealthy foods and add healthier foods to each meal. I knew for me if I tried to just start eating perfectly healthy I would failed miserably. So for me I would have been proud of eating 3 slices of pizza, but when I first started losing I could eat a whole pizza by myself.

    I also know that there was another post some time back where a person was judging other peoples food diaries and alot of people got really irritated and alot of people made their diaries private! Just something to think about. The last thing we need to do is make people feel judged on a site that for many is about motivation and support.

    I make a concerted attempt to eat healthy when I can and pick as healthy as I can when I can't cook at home. You can look through my diary - you will see that I had a DQ blizzard the other day. I ate the whole thing. It was within my calories. It was #*$()#()$$# delicious. I haven't "sugared" out like that since before I started dieting. And have a look at my loss - it hasn't killed me.

    Rewarding is important. Feeling like you are not being deprived; equally so. Baby steps.
    And for the record, my blood sugars are within normal range now (pre-diabetic before), my cholesterol is normal. I can take stairs without being winded.

    The first person to chastise me after the successes I have had will receive a VERY cutting reply.
  • ACarp24
    ACarp24 Posts: 90
    scratch all that. I feel really awful now. I never meant to hurt anyone's feelings, I guess I was just frustrated because I am trying so hard to change the way I eat, and I feel really guilty if I eat badly. For some people, those bad foods do help them stay on track, and some people are at the point of just controlling portion size, looking to further onto making better choices. I'm really sorry to anyone who thought I was attacking them or who felt like they had to turn their diaries private. I guess to me personally I would rather have my weight watchers giant cookies and cream bar and some sugar free pudding rather than eat real ice cream or pudding and risk falling off the wagon. Sometimes its easy to get angry at someones food choices before you stop to consider their situation.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: The reason people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want MOST for what they want at the MOMENT

    after many failed attempts to lose weight, I made weight loss my primary goal and I've succeeded. I started out taking the journey one day at a time and taking baby first all I wanted to do was plan three meals a day and stick to the plan.....then I went on to counting calories.......then I tried to find ways to eat the most food for the fewest calories----that's when I knew that sweets and sauces and dressings would add calories without giving me much actual food to eat....alcohol is an even greater offender of calories with no nutritional value......I don't judge what others are eating but when someone complains that they're staying within their calories and not losing weight, sooner or later, it comes out that their calories have too much alcohol, sugar, processed food, and other empty calories...... I guess everyone has to decide which is more important, booze, pizza,and sweet treats, or getting into size 4 jeans.

    I love reading everyone's comments on this thread.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    So, here I sit, well after 11pm, reading all of these posts and deciding if I wanted to make a comment, or not. Obviously, if you are reading it, I made the choice to stay up to type what was on my mind! Before I put out my comments let me tell you that Dr. Ian, from Celebrity Fit Club and author of the 4 day diet says that you have to have "cheat" days every 4 days! If you choose to or not, is up to you, but he says it is integral to stay on the path you have chosen to take. With that said, here is my humble "2 cents." I am 44 and have struggled with my weight since I had my first child, almost 23 years ago. I have done every diet imaginable and when I was in the Air Force and "had" to be a certain weight, I would spend countless hours in a suana or take ex-lax before I had to weigh in. (Not healthy at all) Since I have gotten out, I really let my self put on weight because "Uncle Sam" didn't say I had to be a certain weight anymore. But, when you want to make a change within yourself you must really be ready, mind, body, and soul. This goes for losing weight, stopping smoking, quiting drinking, etc. Last year I made a clear effort to quit eating out, whether it be fast food, restaurants, or whatever. I know how to cook and I cook well! I did this, to begin with, to save money and I committed to a year. When 2009 ended so did my year, but guess what? We, my family and myself, had no desire to eat out, at all. So, my goal continued! Then on New Years day, it dawned on me, and really dawned on me, that if I have no desire to eat out and am continuing my goal of cooking food, myself, then why not change how it is I am cooking and make it healthier as well. Besides that I made the decision to portion control myself and to try to cut out sweets! Mind you, my thinking was that you did not have dinner without desert! (My thinking was that if I had stuck with that goal for the year why not try to further the goal and add to it.) So, I began all of it! I easily did this through January and found that I really began to feel better by not having a big helping of desert after dinner and I also found I was sleeping a bit better because I didn't have that mound of sugar in my stomach. I bought some pre wrapped, smaller size cookies and candy bars and if I had a craving I would eat just one of these smaller delectables and tell myself that I better savor every last 30-60 seconds of it because that was all that I was going to get. I continued through February and on a flight home to CA for a funeral I happend to throw a magazine in my purse that I had sitting in my house for over two months. I had not looked at it yet and I thought that sitting on a plane would be a good time to. (digressing one moment here, sitting on planes scare me to death because I never knew if I would be able to fully get the seat belt locked on planes.) Anyway, I came across an article of a woman who had used MFP on her journey to loose over 100 pounds. I ripped the page out, tucked it back into my purse, and there it sat for another 2 weeks. When I came across it again it took another 5 days to log onto MFP and check it out. While looking at the MFP site, and reading some peoples stories, it dawned on me that during the 7 days that I was gone I ate out every single one of them with my family. The day that I got home I went right back into my goals like I had never missed a beat. So, something was beginning to change. Then and there I joined and began counting my calories and logging in every little bit of exercise that I do complete. It has not yet been 2 weeks but I have found that I need this sight every day to keep me going, keep my strong, keep me accountable. For the first time in 23 years I am doing it! I am staying within my calories, NOT MY FAT OR SODIUM, but within my calories. I am well over water, every single day, I am understanding more and more what helps make me feel full for less calories and what doesn't and day by day I am doing it. You can NOT change it all, all at once. I believe one person, on this thread, said that he had to work on calories first, then another one of the columns, then another one and so on. When you try to do it all at once you will more than likely fail! Also if you make yourself feel guilty because you had something sweet, or you ate something with real sugar in it instead of fake sugar, or you didn't do a lot of exercise, or whatever, you will probably have a bad day in front of you. Now, with all of that rambling, when I joined, I made my diary open in the hopes of positive re-enforcement. I have looked at other peoples diaries but I can tell you, honestly, that when I was looking at them not once did I look at their daily calories, fat, protien, sodium, or anything like that. I have used other peoples diaries to help me to figure out what they are doing to help them through this. How are they eating without it being "empty" calories. I thought that is what this sight was about! Enforcement, others going through what you are going through to help each other. But, now, I will tell you that I will not make my diary open anymore because I do not want the food diary "police" looking at my diary, putting some kind of post on here, and making me feel like it may have been me, that they were talking about and then feeling guilty and question myself. I joined MFP for support, to know that there really are other people out there going through what I am going through. Not to wonder if a less than positive post on the boards "may" have been for me because I will tell you right now, I AM HAVING TROUBLE STAYING WITHIN MY FAT, PROTIEN, AND SODIUM LEVELS. But, if you had looked at my diary before I made it non public, you would have seen that I am not cheating and I really am working hard at how I am eating. I have almost erased this many times and I am now up 45 min past my bed time, but this in one post that really hit me the wrong way and I don't think it had any positivity at all. Take it or leave it, but that is my 2 cents and I am sticking to it.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    scratch all that. I feel really awful now. I never meant to hurt anyone's feelings, I guess I was just frustrated because I am trying so hard to change the way I eat, and I feel really guilty if I eat badly. For some people, those bad foods do help them stay on track, and some people are at the point of just controlling portion size, looking to further onto making better choices. I'm really sorry to anyone who thought I was attacking them or who felt like they had to turn their diaries private. I guess to me personally I would rather have my weight watchers giant cookies and cream bar and some sugar free pudding rather than eat real ice cream or pudding and risk falling off the wagon. Sometimes its easy to get angry at someones food choices before you stop to consider their situation.

    LOL - Apology accepted... not that you really needed to give one, you are entitled to your feelings just as we are to ours!!

    But, I appreciate the fact that you explained why you feel the way you do (just as we all explained why we feel the way we do!)

    Touchy subject on a site like this, huh :flowerforyou:
  • cindydufield
    cindydufield Posts: 50 Member
    ACarp24.. I completely agree with you. I think you do have to stay reminded to keep a abalanced diet... That is why other diets do not work for some people. We can not just stay in oour points or calories and think i can have that.. I know that from personal experience. I thank you for your post. Its just a reminder to keep the food pyramid in mind and keep you eating balanced. Thank you
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I think it's fine to have a little cheat maybe once a week. The main thing I've learned is balance. I need to have the proper amount of carbs, proteins,dairy, veggies, and fruits to lose weight. I wish MFP had a tracking system for that. I ate turkey chili for several days in a row and I was within my cals for the day, but I still gained because of the fritos I put in it. I can't just eat any old thing and stay within my cals and expect to lose. I have to watch my fat and sodium as well.
  • Just My 2 Cents Here!

    We all joined this site for many different reasons and I really don't think it is a positive thing for people to feel like there are food diary monitors looking and judging what people are eating. You can't know the whole story behind why they are eating a certain way. I know when I started losing weight my first priority was to cut back on portions of unhealthy foods and add healthier foods to each meal. I knew for me if I tried to just start eating perfectly healthy I would failed miserably. So for me I would have been proud of eating 3 slices of pizza, but when I first started losing I could eat a whole pizza by myself.

    I also know that there was another post some time back where a person was judging other peoples food diaries and alot of people got really irritated and alot of people made their diaries private! Just something to think about. The last thing we need to do is make people feel judged on a site that for many is about motivation and support.

    I agree. Every time I see a post judging other peoples diaries, I think "thank goodness I keep mine private". Everyone approaches their weight loss differently, and for many, its starting with portion control. Also, I was told by my doctor, to not be so strict on my diet that I don't take a day adn enjoy something I like, like a slice of pizza or a soda. If we deprive our bodies of a weekly treat, then we are more likely to fail at our goal. Every week I have seen changes in inches and in pounds, though its slow I am learning to control my portions and stop when I'm full. One piece of pizza and a side salad is a great meal on saturdays afternoons for me. It keeps me full and its my treat for working out 5 days the previous week. It's just sad that people come here to band together on their journeys and have to be cut down by the people who are supposed to be helping them. Everyone is different, and your journey is not necessarily the right one for everyone else.
This discussion has been closed.