sharamia Member


  • Add me too please. I've been a member here for so long with few friends because I tend to disappear. I have to do this now. I'm borderline diabetic and my cholesterol is on the high side. It's time.
  • I went to all the classes. I met with the psychiatrist and nutritionist. I did the six month waiting period. At the last minute, I cancelled my appointment for the gastric sleeve. Why? Because after seeing what my dad went through, (he was very sick and had to spend time in rehab) and after talking to my doctor, I am not…
  • I am supposed to get the sleeve in June. I'm doing the classes now. I gotta tell you it really scares me. I don't know if I can avoid drinking when I eat, or just sip water all day.
  • You can't push through an asthma attack. When you're having an asthma attack you can't fully exhale. Your blood isn't getting enough oxygen. The person who told you that is ignorant of the condition. You'll die if you try to push through it. Hopefully, you carry a rescue inhaler.
  • In a word: Fiber. Eat foods with high fiber. I don't eat much processed food except cereals and grains. You can get Double fiber bread and make yourself a sandwich, toast and jam (not butter) I like cucumber sandwiches. BTW, I'm a pescetarian which means I don't eat beef, pork, or chicken. I get my proteins from beans,…
  • Count me in.
  • I weigh everyday. It keeps me on track. I only log it though when I've lost (Gulp) or gained weight. Reward yourself. Enjoy your mini-goal!
  • I was one of those people once. Yeah my friends were gone when I came back. That made me feel like *kitten*. What's the harm in leaving them in your friends? Look how great it will be for both of you if they come back.
  • Start with banana. You can add anything from there: Strawberries, mangoes, blueberries, cantaloupe, peanut butter, chocolate syrup. I also like to add a little bit of greek yogurt in mine. It makes it tart.
  • I started out with the sugary 90 cal. vanilla. I now prefer the unsweetened vanilla. My favorite brands are the Blue Diamond and if I can't get that I get Trader Joe's Almondmilk. The chocolate milk is really sweet. My husband drinks it by the glassful, I just sometimes throw a splash into an iced coffee for a special…
  • You can tell somebody, "I love you and I'm afraid of losing you." You can encourage them to join you when you exercise. After that you have to let go. If you don't you'll end up pushing away the person you love, as they fill with resentment. It's like watching an alcoholic self destruct. You can't stop them from drinking.…
  • I'm not sure what JM30DS or C25K are, but the rest I can address. If you're breastfeeding your hormones are all kaflooey. That would make anyone *****y. I am in a similar place with menopause. Raging one moment, crying the next. It will pass. Recognize it for what it is an move on the best you can. As for always…
  • Bravo!!!!!!!! Well done!
  • I quit smoking on Columbus Day (Oct. ) two years ago. My mom was having her 4th cancer surgery: Lung, liver, colon, adrenal. I am 56, and I had been smoking since I was 11. I'll be honest, I still miss my cigs. When I see somebody smoking I want to join them. Well why don't I do that? I do not miss waking up coughing, or…
  • My gastro doc said everyone should get 21 grams of fiber a day for reduced risk of colon cancer. You can't get too much fiber, but work up to it if you're not used to it. (Have some Gas X around) I also reduced my fats and upped my proteins by 5%.
  • Me too! I can't get enough water in me. Teas only count if they are caffeine free. You're right, that teas and coffees with caffeine actually dehydrate you. I love green tea too.
  • I researched them before I got mine. I ended up getting the Polar FT7 heart rate monitor from Sears online. It has the chest strap which I worried wouldn't fit me, but it did. It gives me calories burned, and keeps a log of my progress. If you don't need that much, there are lesser expensive models.
  • I'm a pescetarian too, but my husband is a vegan so I eat mostly vegetarian. Feel free to friend me and snoop through my food diary. There's a wonderful vegan web site I use We eat a lot of ethnic foods, Indian, Thai, Ethiopian, Italian, Mexican mostly I find myself eating vegetables I never…
  • My husband is a vegan, I eat dairy and fish, so I guess I"m a pescatarian. Welcome. It's very supportive here and easy to make friends. I've gotten some great ideas and recipes too.
  • Mine is only set up for one person. You input your gender, weight and age, so I guess you'd have to clear it each time to set up for another person.
  • I lose very slowly too. I'm eating 1200 cals a day and working out 4 times a week. I only lose a little less than 1/2 lb. a week. Who knows why? Stick with it, eventually your scale will move.
  • I started at 240lbs. I'm at 228 now. I'd like to get to 130 or 140. I don't get the chance to exercise as much as I should. I'm doing 1200 cals. a day. You don't say how old you are. I am 55 and my metabolism, is slow, slow, slow, that's another reason for me to get exercise. I eat very little processed food, mostly…
  • I'm a vegetarian so I don't eat turkey, but this might help you. I wish you much luck. Feel free to write me, I've been there. Serotonin and Weight Loss Sorry to keep repeating this but drinking whey protein is a very easy, natural way to get serotonin…
  • I love Greek yogurt. I buy the non-fat plain type either Fage, or Chobani. (No hormones in them) I put it in smoothies, or add fruit to it. Yum. I make Tzaziki with it too. (Yogurt, garlic, dill, cucumbers)
  • Mary thanks for t he reply. I'm new on these boards. How do I know when somebody answers one of my posts? Is there a way to track threads to get notified? I hope I get better at it because I'm not very good at it right now. I'm going to do it tomorrow too and yes, I'm already feeling it. ~S
  • I started Level 1 Day 1 today. I am sooo out of shape. I couldn't go all the way down with the pushups keeping my back straight. So, I logged this as 15 minutes of circuit training instead of twenty because I couldn't do it well. How long it it take you to see results? After a week should it be easier? Just curious.
  • I started Day 1 Level 1 today. I'm embarrassed to say I couldn't even do it all. I couldn't go all the way down with the push-ups. I did the easy modified versions on most. I don't know how to log it because it wasn't as rigorous as if you did it correctly.
  • How do you change your calories? Do you add some one time and them remove them the next? Is this so you don't go into starvation mode?
  • Bravo! You look terrific! Thanks for the motivation!