

  • Yoga will defiantly help! The one I do at night is for pains. I use it for my back but it is also for joint pain. If you have Netflix you can get it online off of there. Just type in yoga to the search & it will come up. I am sure you can find a DVD at walmart or something too.
  • lol yeah I figured I might have to...but I can't make a new one for the one on my home page...bleh i hope someone knows how to fix it...that is some of my motivation!
  • I did all that, didn't work. I havent gained anything, only lost.
  • No, not my ticker. My status update, one you weigh in says: belliott08 lost 1.2 pounds since her last weigh-in! She's lost 7.4 pounds so far. My my ticker says 74 pounds when it should say 72 (or 73 if it rounds) & my personal ticker on my home page says 6 pounds lost when it should say 7
  • still didn't work....I have updated everything. It adds up to 7.4 pounds lost but it still says 74 pounds to go when it should be 72 & it still says only 6 pounds lost....but only on my tickers, the status it updates is right & it says 7.4
  • I never update my weigh in if I have gained some weight back lol. I just keep on working out & update it once I have lost some more...I will try this thanks!
  • No they told me not to work out at all since it seemed "exercise induced" which...isn't it a good thing that your heart rate rises when you workout? lol. My Dad said "it's not when your working out that we are worried about, it's when you are sitting the couch doing nothing...sounds like it rest induced to me" lol.…
  • yess I have had it checked like 7 times lol it's always normal. My heart rate doesn't get crazy high when I am working out, it's pretty normall when I am exercising. It's when I am resting that I get worried, it shouldn't be in the 100s!!!!
  • haha, sadly we did not win. We lost like 27 to 52 or something like that. I mean I thought I was a pretty awesome wife because I am the only one that goes to any of their games at all....actually I havent missed one yet & have yet to see any other wives there. I never thought I would have to PLAY though!!!! haha it was…
  • haha thanks!!! I was pretty proud of myself too!!!! & I am sure I will be even more so in the morning!!! ugh! lol
  • I totally understand. I talked to my exercise therapist about this & he said that, at first, it is completely okay. You don't want to go from fast food, junk food, to nothing but fruits & veggies & working out. Your body won't know what is going on. He said that if I still want a hamburger, to eat a hamburger but try to…
  • I totally know what you mean! MFP says one thing & the machine will say another. I recently started seeing an exercise therapist & he recommended I get a heart rate monitor with a calorie counter to better track these things. I was able to find one "like new" on amazon for $13 & it has been working great!!! I typically…
  • I lost 16 pounds over the summer & I never changed pant sizes either. They got a little lose on me but that's it. Keep it up the weight is coming off somewhere I promise!!! Just might not be where we want it at first!
  • 2264 is what it is for losing weight. This is at an active level. I have a work out plan I follow mon-fri & on sat & sun I still try to stay active, taking walks, biking, ect. Is this 2264 a total for the day regardless of how much I exercise? With MFP giving me 1200 I using earn an extra 250-500 calories a day with my…
  • Yeah the bodpod is defiantly a good test. I live on an AFB & that is were I had it done at, they don't spend money on junk. The thing is 1200 really didn't seems THAT low to me, it seems a little low but my body has gotten use to it. I have lost 6 pounds but I have also been exercising a lot. Mon-Fri I have a work out plan…
  • Yeah I understand what you are saying BUT at the same time look at you, you are at a 1200 goal there is no way that I should be at the same goal. When I didn't watch what I ate I am pretty sure I was eating 2500-3000 calories, if not more. I don't eat a LOT but what I did eat was very bad for me. So dropping all the way…
  • computer & I have logged out & back on & it still isn't resetting.
  • Hey I have a question for anyone who maybe uses this website often. Do you know what the fat is calculated in? Is it in grams? I am allowed 66 in fat & I don't understand how that is possible if it is in grams, I don't see how I could lose any weight? I thought most weight loss diets only allowed 15-19g a day??? Hope…
  • Yay!!!! Together we are totally gonna do this girl!