Heart rate problems

Hi guys!

So I have been seeing an exercise therapist on base & he recommended me buying a heart rate monitor, so I did. It is a good brand & I have tested it with other heart rate monitors (& the old fashion way) it works great! BUT I have noticed my heart rate is CRAZY high. Even when I am just sitting on the couch it will be in the 100's most of the time. Sometimes it gets down to the (high) 80's but only when I have been sitting for a long period of time & really slowing my breathing. I called the doctor & he asked me several questions about when I started noticing it, when I starting working out, ect. So since I noticed my heart rate being so high when I started working out he doesn't want me to work out till he can see me. (Even though the only reason I noticed it was because of the heart rate monitor, who knows if it was like this before or not) He can't see me until Feb 6th...Well, I am not listening to the doctor, I am still working out. My weight is more of health issue right now I think, then my heart. I am having no pain or anything with it, it's just really high. Even when I am sleeping it is still in the high 70s-80s.

Anyways, has anyone else had this problem??? Was it exercise induced? Did you have it checked out???


  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    I have had the exact same problem. I had a stress test last year after seeing how high my heart rate got while working out, yes after getting a HRM. My stress test didn't show anything abnormal. When walking my HR can get into the 200's and my resting is in the 80's. I have been told by a trainer that as long as you have no pain or dizziness then it is nothing to worry about. My doctor couldn't really tell me anything about why it was high, BUT she said I needed to have my thyroid levels checked just in case and it came back that I had Hashimoto's which is an autoimmune disease that attacks the thyroid and a high heart rate can be one of the symptoms. After taking my thyroid med my heart rate doesn't get as high as it once did, for example, today on the treadmill I got the incline up really high on a walking pace, this would have pushed it up in the 200's before and the highest it went today was 188 which is still high for most people but oh well. I'm still gonna truck on! Have you ever had your thyroid checked?
  • belliott08
    yess I have had it checked like 7 times lol it's always normal. My heart rate doesn't get crazy high when I am working out, it's pretty normall when I am exercising. It's when I am resting that I get worried, it shouldn't be in the 100s!!!!
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    Did you ask your doctor if you can still workout but at a lower intensity? Just until your appointment?

    I had an issue with my heart rate getting too high. It didn't happen on a continuous basis but just a few times. I had a stress test done and work a special heart rate monitor for a month. I have a type of irregular heart rate and take a low dose of medication for it. It keeps my heart rate lower than normal now but I can still go to spin class and work out like I'm used to. Until I finished with all the tests, my doctor told me to keep my heart rate lower than usual during the workouts. It was tough but doable!
  • belliott08
    No they told me not to work out at all since it seemed "exercise induced" which...isn't it a good thing that your heart rate rises when you workout? lol. My Dad said "it's not when your working out that we are worried about, it's when you are sitting the couch doing nothing...sounds like it rest induced to me" lol. Anyways, I am still working out I am just watching it. If I start to get any pain or anything along with it, I will stop but right now I don't think it's anything to worry about, just something to check out.