MFP calories

So I had a test done today with the body pod. This told me what my muscle to fat ratio was & how many calories & such to eat......MFP is telling me my daily goal should be 1200, this said like exercise therapist told me to up my calories for sure! He said my body will go into starvation mode & I won't lose anything if I don't...but 2200 seems like wayyy too much, how much should I up it??


  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    Anytime I go over on my calories (including eating back more than 1/2 my exercise calories), I gain weight. I work towards 1200 calories a day plus some of my exercise calories. It also makes a difference what I eat. If I eat breads, pasta or rice, I can stay within my calorie alotment and still gain. If you are trying to lose weight I'd be careful going up to 2200 calories a day. If you want to increase your intake, go up slowing (say 200 calories) and sit there for a week or two and see what happens.Then go up again if you are so inclined. Let you're body, not your therapist, tell you the right number!
  • belliott08
    Yeah I understand what you are saying BUT at the same time look at you, you are at a 1200 goal there is no way that I should be at the same goal. When I didn't watch what I ate I am pretty sure I was eating 2500-3000 calories, if not more. I don't eat a LOT but what I did eat was very bad for me. So dropping all the way down to 1200 probably isn't good for my body either. I think the key for me is to eat better foods, & less, but mainly better.
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    Please confirm - is the 2200 calories to lose weight or what your body needs to maintain your current weight?

    If it is to lose weight, what is it saying your average weight loss would be per week.

    Also, what kind of activity level does the 2200 calories a day have you at?
  • belliott08
    2264 is what it is for losing weight. This is at an active level. I have a work out plan I follow mon-fri & on sat & sun I still try to stay active, taking walks, biking, ect. Is this 2264 a total for the day regardless of how much I exercise? With MFP giving me 1200 I using earn an extra 250-500 calories a day with my exercise.