issues with pain???

This might be a given to some, but if you are anything like me then it isn't. I am very over weight, by about 80-90 pounds. I have tried eating better & working out, always with a lot of success. But I always fall off the wagon because of the pain I have while trying to get into the routine of exercising. I have problems with my back, a lot because of my weight but also because I have scoliosis. Not the kind with the S in your spine but the curve in my back is at a 47 degree when it is only suppose to be 20-30 degrees. I get pains else where-neck, hips, feet, ect. I have even seen physical therapist because of these issues. I have been working out & eating right for about a month now. I have lost 7.4 pounds, 3 inches around my waist, & several inches in other areas of my body. Getting lazy & tired are not the things that have stopped me before, it was the pain. Well I started taking a yoga class & have also been doing it at home. Let me tell you it makes a WORLD of difference. The yoga class is only once a week but I do yoga, at home, in the morning & at night. The morning one is for common conditions, including weight management. The yoga I do at night is for body pains. I have been able to work out 5 days a week no problems! A lot of the time I work out 6, or even 7, days a week.

So if you are like me & have issues with pain keeping you from exercise I highly recommend doing yoga! It takes time to get use to, & trust me it will seem hard & painful at first, but stick with it & it seriously will pay off!!! It's hard to forget about life & just listen to your body but when you do your body will thank you for it!!!! I am so excited this weight loss is going to be way easier.


  • myopus
    myopus Posts: 321 Member
    Some days I'm fine, and some days I have joint pain. I've been reading that yoga might be great for those latter days.
    Thanks for sharing!
  • belliott08
    Yoga will defiantly help! The one I do at night is for pains. I use it for my back but it is also for joint pain. If you have Netflix you can get it online off of there. Just type in yoga to the search & it will come up. I am sure you can find a DVD at walmart or something too.