meglet2202 Member


  • I put a 27g brownie into my food for the day but when I measured it, it was so small that I decided it wasn’t worth it.
  • I ate what I wanted at a family get together, including some chips and Texas sheet cake, went way over my calories, logged it all, and am back to normal today. In the past this would have sent me spiraling out of control.
  • Wow! So inspiring!
  • My next Happy Scale milestone is 1.8 pounds away! I split all the weight I want to lose into 20 milestones.
  • Lost exactly 5 pounds in my first 15 days! Next goal is to hit 175. I got this! I even went out to breakfast with my husband for our 26th anniversary and ordered the egg white omelet with veggies instead of the normal high fat high calorie breakfast I get. I'll still make my calories today!
  • I just really want to lose my first 5 pounds.
  • Week one: 1. stayed within my calories everyday. 2. 7 inches down overall in my measurements. 3. when I got the very bad news that my cholesterol was 345!, I was able to put off the medication for a bit to see if the diet + exercise will bring it down. Crossing fingers!
  • My NSV is that when I weighed myself and hadn't lost much (I'm used to losing 4-5 lbs my first week), I took my measurements and noticed that I've lost an inch on both my waist and belly button, which stopped me from spiraling into negative feelings, etc. Losing at 53 is MUCH different for me than losing at 48. I lost so…
  • Break through to the 160s.
  • My goal for the week is to keep logging everything, no matter what, to try to eat at a deficit and to keep walking 60 minutes/day everyday. I did really well last week, went over one day, but logged it anyhow.
  • I made it through week 1 here (after a 2 year backslide), my goal is to make it another week of logging and staying at or below the 1200 mfp gives me plus half of my exercise calories.
  • My NSV is that, even in my first week back after re-gaining 35 of the 45 I lost, even while 100% bed bound due to a Synvisc reaction in both knees (they are like watermelons!), I’m staying within my calories. Probably won’t lose any, but hopefully won’t gain either. In the past, I’d be so depressed I’d go crazy binging.…
  • I don't know about calorie burn, but when I switched from treadmill running to outdoor (sidewalk) running, my whole shape changed. I lost inches on my hips and thighs quickly. It was surprising.
  • I was able to quickly run up the over 500 stairs at a waterfall in Costa RIca that almost killed me last time I was there. Those stairs plus all of the photos I hated being in are what started me on my diet! 40 lbs later, I'm a runner and it was EASY! Plus, I liked being in all of the pictures!
  • Shopped for clothes in my 15 year old daughter's closet! Her small clothes fit me!!!
  • My daughter had her gallbladder out last fall, 14 years old! She's doing great. One thing we found that sounds woo, but for some reason actually works are "ox bile salts" that I found on Amazon. I read pages and pages of reviews and they were all positive so she tried them after her recovery and they really helped. Nothing…
  • I'm 5'1", 130, and tried on size 4 Old Navy shorts and they were too big, which is ridiculous sizing, I think. At Target, my Denizen jeans are 6, and my shorts are 4. Maybe a 4, but 2 is vanity sizing, I think.
  • I'm 5'1" and my average run speed outside is 6 mph. When I started running, 40 pounds heavier, that speed seemed laughable to me. Now I run that without thinking about it. I'm hoping that as I get stronger and better at running, I'll get even faster. I started out at 4 mph running. Whatever you do, only try to beat your…
  • I've been eating horribly lately and today was the first day that my pants felt tight. I've gained 5 pounds from my lowest, which still wasn't my goal weight, although close. Back to it today! I'm glad I got rid of EVERYTHING that was too big.
  • I've been a little careless in my logging and eating lately and my tshirt felt slightly tight this morning, so I prelogged all of my food and I've been sticking to it. I was going to eat junk today, but I'm feeling motivated again, for the first time since Christmas, really. This is a victory for me that I'm feeling back…
  • Me, too! I started walking, jogging a little in between and finally slowly running and now I would say I am a runner. I always thought I was short and curvy, but with the running, it turns out that I'm not! My body shape has changed so much, I love it. I also have to be really careful about my knees and now my calf, I seem…
  • I can't believe it. I've been sort of eating crazy since December 18th. Lots of cookies, candy, way too much. Last night I pre-blogged all of my food, determined to get myself back on track. Most of the holiday food is gone. I've been 2-4 pounds up, but this morning, I was back at my weight from the 17th? How did that…
  • I'm a high school teacher, too. I log elsewhere, but use mfp for everything else, synced with my fitbit. I've lost 45 since April.
  • Is there a craigslist type place for you to buy used treadmills? I see really nice ones on my craigslist all of the time that people bought with good intentions and never used.
  • I was whistled at today while walking into Walmart. I laughed at the car of boys, since I'm 49, but still!
  • I've been weighing myself daily since April and I've been able to see that there are actually 1.5 weeks per cycle that I barely lose anything, sometimes gaining (water weight), then 2.5 that I lose. It all evens out when I look at how much I lose per month. Remember, it's not a race. I've lost anywhere from 5-9 pounds per…
  • I ate way too much, then ate some more. Didn't drink any water today, but I did run a 5K. Anyhow, just weighed myself and there was no gain. It's all going to be fine. Luckily, I feel horrible, so I definitely won't be doing this again until Christmas, lol.
  • I ran in high school, but not after, due to my bad knees. Then I tore my meniscus badly. They were not able to repair it so I have a quarter size hole of missing cartilage, which means arthritis pain in my knee. When I started this journey, lol, I was walking on my treadmill. After a bit, I began to jog a bit. Then I…
  • I'm 49 and have just lost 42 pounds. I've found it surprisingly easy. It came off quickly and I've actually slowed it down (lowered my deficit) so that I'm not done so quickly. I'd rather lose it more slowly than go right away into maintenance.
    in Age Comment by meglet2202 November 2015