robinp00 Member


  • I agree about the Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard powder. They're delicious (especially the chocolate mint) and they mix together well. They're not the leanest if you're looking for that, but they're one of the better ones. If you're looking for a very lean powder that's guaranteed to mix well, look for any 90% or higher…
  • I live in Alberta, so my favourite place to hike around is in Kananaskis if I'm looking for scenery, or in Canmore if I'm looking for some vertical. Bragg Creek is good for caving if that's what you're into! I'm still relatively new to the mountains, so I'm planning on checking out Lake Louise and Banff area this summer.…
  • Wow, so many Albertans. I was in Edmonton for the past two years, which is when I started (and quit) P90x for the first time. Seemed to me like most people on here were from the US!
  • Just started again after an 8 monhths off. I made it to day 60 last year, but moving for work got in the way and I gave it up. I'll add you!
  • Those numbers look too low... try a different HRM to see if you get the same results. I'm a pretty fit guy, but I've never gotten numbers anywhere near that low before.
  • I generally burn in excess of 1,000 calories on plyo, but I think the difference is that our heart rates are in a completely different zone. I generally hit about 175 as my max, and I stay above 160, where I burn most of my calories, for roughly 20 mins out of the hour. It could just be that you are no longer getting a…
  • No problem, everyone! Hope this helps you as much as I think it's going to help me :)
  • I picked up some organic peanut butter from the grocery store the other day. There's only one ingredient - peanuts. No sugar as far as I remember, so I'd try that instead of the regular stuff. Also, organic peanut butter is one of the main foods of the 'ABS DIET', which consists entirely of healthy foods that help cut fat…
  • Just a follow-up to this topic for those that are interested: To make a long story short, don't use hydroxycut. Keep your money. The new formula is a waste of money while the old formula is dangerous to the health. Why? Well, the old formula worked, but that was only because of the ephedrine (speed) used to speed up the…
  • You should do a bit more cool down if your heart rate is still that high. Your heart rate should be slightly above your normal once you are done your cool down. I would recommend keeping your heart rate monitor on throughout your entire cool down, turning it off and getting your recovery drink only once your rate is close…
  • I like your suggestion of always having something in my mouth... I can see that working. What I do when I get a craving is eat something with a strong taste. For example, I have never been able to resist a cinnabon... what I do now is eat a banana instead since it has a relatively strong taste and I find my craving…
  • The recovery drink is just as important as the workout itself. Muscle isn't built by working out, but rather by recovering. This being said, muscles require carbs and protein to build up. Without the recovery drink, your muscles are screaming for nutrients and are receiving nothing. I don't use the P90x drink, but rather…
  • You will need pages 2 and 5 of the nutritional guide. Page 2: Protein, Carbs, Fat The percentages change based on your phase within the P90x program. Phase 1: Protein 50%, Carbs 30%, Fats 20% Phase 2: Protein 40%, Carbs 40%, Fats 20% Phase 3: Protein 20%, Carbs 60%, Fats 20% Enter these amounts on the nutritional settings…
  • Welcome to the site! I am about a month into the P90x nutrition guide, but 15 days into the workouts. Good luck with the program, it's a lot of work, but shows a LOT of results!
    in New member Comment by robinp00 June 2010
  • Oh, and I'm also incorporating the "Abs Power Diet" into my nutrition plan:
  • Thanks everyone!!! I'm hoping these photos can motivate those of you who are not seeing results. You have all been my motivation to keep at it and give it my all! It's definitely a struggle every day to keep on top of the exercises, but I do what Tony says and "just keep pushing play," Even if I don't feel like working…
  • Wow, I was just thinking about this. Thanks for the list.
  • I used to teach a women's self defense class a few years ago. In addition to the martial arts instructions, we had counsellors come in and talk to the students every month or so. One of the best pieces of advice that she presented is something my girlfriend lives by these days: "Be proactive" Basically, she got at the…
  • I was thinking the same thing, but wanted someone else to say it first.. haha
  • From a guy's perspective, I don't really find this creepy. I wouldn't rule out the possibility that he's a creep, but like aliciakarver said, maybe he just wants to know someone at the gym in the same timeslot so that he's more committed to it. When I used to go to the gym late at night I befriended a few people for the…
  • Thanks for all the suggestions, everyone! I am not following the carbs dictated by MFP, but rather the phase 1 P90x nutrition guidelines. I will most likely grab some chicken tonight and steal one of those delicious sounding ideas from Maddox22.
  • I should've clarified that - I'm consuming about 100g of protein per day from food sources, but the balance is from the supplement. What kinds of soy based proteins do you recommend? I try to have a packet of edamame beans every day or two... is that what you're leaning at?
  • I could barely make it through the workout the first day, but I was told by some friends that the best thing to do is keep the DVD playing no matter what. If you turn it off, it's easy to quit. If you keep it on, you'll feel guilty and join back in :)
  • Start today! It's really simple to follow the workout, but the diet is a bit harder to get accustomed to. I've been following the diet for a few days now to get accustomed to it first, but it will come naturally after just a short while.