sugar intake is high...??!!

I feel like crying. :cry:
No matter what I do, I just can't seem to get my sugars under my daily goal of 35.. so I changed it to 40, but I am over even after changing it.:embarassed:
I don't know what else to do, it is almost all from fruit.
I have one yogurt a day.. which is my snack, and a tiny bit is from peanut butter.
I don't have any 'bad' sugars. I don't eat bread, cookies, muffins, or anything like that. I don't have candy or eat much of anything that has sugar in it. I am so very careful to make sure what I eat contains very little..or no sugar.
What else can I do??:frown:
I am at my wits end!!:explode:

Anyone have any suggestions??


  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I am no dietitian by any means, but I would think what you are currently consuming is a good thing and wouldn't worry about being slightly over in your sugar intake, unless you are a diabetic. As you already said, fruit is what is killing you, but you didn't mention what you are eating. here are some suggestions I found for fruits with lower sugar:.

    * Small Amounts of Lemon or Lime

    * Rhubarb

    * Raspberries

    * Blackberries

    * Cranberries

    hope this helps.
  • sunflower0022
    sunflower0022 Posts: 129 Member
    I eat LOTS of veggies.... and chicken, turkey, tuna, salmon, some beef, fresh fish, rice cakes, fruit. Some peanut butter.. the odd baked potato or brown/wild rice, whole wheat flat bread, whole grain cereal, umm..yogurt... stuff like that.
    I really try hard not to eat anything refined or precessed. I have other stuff too,but this is the bulk of it.

    My sugars are usually blown by breakfast, when I have a banana with 1 tsp peanut butter on a whole wheat tortilla.
    I never add sugar to ANY food I eat.
  • sunflower0022
    sunflower0022 Posts: 129 Member

    * Small Amounts of Lemon or Lime

    * Rhubarb

    * Raspberries

    * Blackberries

    * Cranberries

    hope this helps.

    Thank you.. it does! When I get hungry I'll go suck a lemon.. hahahahaha:laugh:
  • robinp00
    robinp00 Posts: 36 Member
    I picked up some organic peanut butter from the grocery store the other day. There's only one ingredient - peanuts. No sugar as far as I remember, so I'd try that instead of the regular stuff. Also, organic peanut butter is one of the main foods of the 'ABS DIET', which consists entirely of healthy foods that help cut fat faster than anything else.

    I'm not sure what your other nutritional needs are, but consider beans such as edamame beans instead of certain fruits. I know how frustrating it is to eat an apple and a banana and be over your sugar count already. Edamame beans are a healthy source of nutrients, but with very low sugars.
  • sunflower0022
    sunflower0022 Posts: 129 Member
    Thanks.. I will look for those beans!!!
  • Ryapm
    Ryapm Posts: 17 Member
    have you actually seen how much sugar is in a yoghurt, look at the back of the yoghurt which you are consuming, playing close attention to how many servings are in each tub.
    don't stress about your fruit sugars, just make sure you stay under your goal, because you need to keep your insulin at bay

    "Insulin plays a major role in weight gain, and even keeps us from losing weight. Insulin is responsible for the storage of all the foods we eat: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. However, high glycemic carbohydrates cause blood sugars to rise very rapidly, therefore causing the pancreas to release insulin very rapidly. In some people the body overcompensates and releases too much. The insulin will store these carbohydrates/sugars very quickly. The good side is you get a quick burst of energy; the bad side is most of what is eaten will be stored as fat. Since the blood sugars rose very rapidly, the insulin will try to bring the blood sugars within normal ranges very rapidly, causing the sugars to be pushed by the insulin into every cell, including fat cells."

    (carbohydrates include sugars)
  • sunflower0022
    sunflower0022 Posts: 129 Member
    I buy the small single serving of yogurt, and add organic crushed flax seed to it. Love it that way!

    Because sugar stores as fat is why I am watching my intake - I'm not diabetic.. but I don't want to have a high intake.. I have all the stored fat I need!

  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    I can't eat yogurt because of the high sugar content. I just don't have it anymore - period.
    Also baked potatoes - high on the glycemic index (any potato but sweet potato ironically is high in the GI).
    Everything else looks good. I wouldn't worry too much about the sugar from fruit. If sugar affects you that much, limit your fruits per day. Some say don't worry about fruit sugar at all, but it makes a big difference in my diet.

    I'd say you're doing just fine.
  • sunflower0022
    sunflower0022 Posts: 129 Member
    Thank you so much Rose!