

  • just fluid - drink lots of water and cut back on salt and processed foods for a bit and try adding some fibre to "clean things out" lol
  • Fantastic! I agree slow and steady is the long term change in lifestyle! Great job
  • It took me about 1 full year to get to my "goal" which kept changing - of 60 lb loss ( 55-60) is my maint range. I have now been nearly 1 full year maintaining, and am thrilled with how MFP helps keep me in line!
  • Early on in your weight loss you lose more quickly, also sodium, water, heat, can cause you to swing more and less. I think 2-4 lbs in a week is not to worry about from time to time. If you are hungry or are losing this much for many weeks in a row then I would maybe increase your cals, you may have a higher than average…
  • 80% of weightloss is what you eat! So just keep tracking your food and do small things, like walk on your lunch break, or do a little in the morning and a little in the evening. I find having convenient healthy ready to go snacks are awesome. fruit cleaned and in ziplock bags, cheese and veggies cut and measured ready to…
  • lol ok athough I would throw out most of it, unopened bags of chips store for a futuer party, sweets can be frozen, if there is other food that can be made into healthy meals ie. chicken into soups or sandwhiches it's ok to keep. But really if it is unhealthy snack food it was purchased for the party, and really isnt…
  • Perhaps to some it might be true but in my case I am actually in better shape now than when I got married. I think mainly what changed for me after I got married was time meaning time to focus on myself new challenges of adjusting to sharing my life and all my time with another person, different goals and expectations,…
  • for me it's not type of food but TIMING of food. I have the most difficulty in the evening so I have to leave myself about 400 calories in the evening to have my nice big YUMMY snack! in the diet world it is not customary to do this but it works for me and keeps me satisfied and on the plan so to speak, down now 62 lbs and…
  • I love 5K's they are fun, easy to train for, and don't suck up my time, which is so precious as a busy mom. I am doing a 5 K run on new years eve, and love that it is only really a few hours ( drive time, registration,etc. included) I personally love to run but have absolutely no intrest in doing a marathon mainly because…
  • are you eating enough? I find that I have had to increase my food intake beyond the recommended ( 1200) in my case. I don't track my exercise but do eat between 1500-1600 calories per day. If you get into a calorie deficit your body will not trust that it can let go of the calories. You are a biological being reacting to…
  • I opt to keep things simple, for longer term success. I don't track carb, protein etc. I track my calories only and try and choose foods that help me feel good and satisfied. I have some protein in all my meals and snacks and try and encorporate a healthy amount of veg in each of my main meals! and I drink TONS of water...…
  • Snacks at a desk job can be hard. I do enjoy veg and hummus, also protein bars I enjoy the peanut butter chocolate ( SIMPLY BAR) only 160 cals and 16 g of protein. Also hard boiled eggs are good with some veg. I also enjoy a tbsp of Peanut butter on a plain rice cake. (125 cals) there are also a good number of protien…
  • tomorrow is a new day! The trick is to not get hungry. Start with a mn of 30 G of protein each day. Egg whites ( 6) or an egg with 4 egg whites scrambled or with some veg as an omlette and maybe a rice cake with a TBSP of Peanut Butter is a good option. Carbs although tempting, burn off quick and will not keep you…
  • I don't add my exercise, instead I have increased my overall daily intake to accomodate for my regular activity and 1550 calories per day works for me and is much less fussy and subjective. However, that being said, I have some friends and have seen other's who work out heavily, burning 700+ calories in a work out…
  • Good days and bad days - don't sweat it! just get back on the saddle. Drink lots of water today to flush excess sodium etc from your system and continue to eat healthy balanced meals for the rest of the day as you would as usual. you do not want to let yourself feel hunger. you cannot win against Biology. So try and eat…
  • I don't but have increased my daily intake beyond what was recommended by MFP to 1550 calories per day on average vs the 1200. this works for me. I have had my metabolism tested and it's high so was told to eat about 1400-1700 to lose weight! Most of my friends that are on MFP are trying to eat around 1400 without…
  • You came to the right place. Lots of support and lots of ideas on here! I have been using MFP since February, and successfully have lost nearly 50 lbs. Its been an up and down battle but one I am glad to have done. I have been fortunate enough to share this journey with my husband and some close friends, and this really…
  • Hi there, Firstly, you should be proud of yourself for putting yourself on high priority. Losing weight and changing your lifestyle take time. and learning what works for you takes even more time and energy. Women also have the additional challenge of hormonal changes that can cause your body to function differently at…