

  • You want honesty? The skirt is too tight.... the top is cute. But the skirt clinging to every thing is not attractive. Sorry.
  • You want honesty? The skirt is too tight.... the top is cute. But the skirt clinging to every thing is not attractive. Sorry.
  • Read Geneen Roth's "Women, Food and God". Seriously. Go to the bookstore, or go online, and get it. NOW. :smile:
  • I am also 6 ' tall and would look emaciated as a single digit dress size. I am aiming for size 14. I'm almost there!
  • This whole thread made me laugh out loud! Thanks. And I am so glad I made a gym in my basement!!!
  • I agree... Juice is mostly calories without any added benefit like fibre. Maybe try a protein drink instead? VHP for example is a complete breakfast replacement...
  • Maybe it's not food that you are craving. Sometimes it is psychological (lots of times!)... ask yourself what you feel you are lacking in your life. Why are you feeling empty? I know it sounds like pop psychology, but there is some truth to it.
  • I'm thinking of doing the same thing and look forward to hearing people's responses.
  • I found Geneen Roth's book "Women, Food and God" really helpful in helping me look at food in a different way. It's the best thing I've read on the subject and completely altered how I look at the food I'm eating.
  • In Canada, there are only 2 or 3 retail stores that cater to the plus size market. You can get "active wear" really only in one, although another one does carry swimsuits. The selection is limited and does not really understand the plus size market that well. So, what you get are sleeveless or cap sleeves on the shirts,…
  • I like having oatmeal for breakfast because it is a) healthy, b) low in calories and c) very filling. The other thing I really like that could be a good snack or even lunch is mixing zero fat yogurt, some fresh fruit, and Kashi GoLean Crunch (1/2 cup) together. Hot -air popped popcorn might also be something to think…
  • I love my elliptical. It is so much easier on my joints. Plus, I have some foot issues that make running no longer possible. I lucked in by searching online (Craigslist, Kijiji) and found someone who was selling professional gym equipment. I think his little fitness center went out of business. I got a good deal on a…
  • Everyone has periods like this. It may help to change your perspective about why you are dieting. If you can think about honoring your body, caring for it with good, nutritious food, respecting its need to be at its best to support you physically and allow you to enjoy life more fully, it may help. I really like the way…
  • The fresh spring rolls (not fried) are relatively low in calories. They are wrapped in rice paper. Too bad it isn't Vietnamese and you could have Pho, which is super reasonable in terms of calories. Some restaurants have their menu posted, which might help to look at in advance and figure out what would be a good choice.…
  • Eatingwell.com is also super. The chocolate decadence cake for example is really wonderful.
  • If you make vegetable soup and then puree it all, it seems more like a cream soup. And the Greek-style yogurt is fabulous. If you put a bit of maple syrup in, it is only slightly more caloric and makes an awesome dip for fruit.
  • Seems like you have a lot of ideas from everyone, but maybe I can help as well, since I know exactly how it feels. I try to use my pvr to tape shows, then I can skip through the commercials. Also, when I am not having to sit through commercials, I am less likely to get up and want to snack. Also, I try and do crosswords or…