Ideas for Evenings?



  • I don't know how much you like raw veggies, but I'll eat baby carrots, celery or even a tomato (like an apple) and they stop me from being hungry without using more than about 35-50 cals. Good luck! You can do this.
  • goaliema
    goaliema Posts: 150 Member
    One of my favorite is fat free vanilla yogurt with 1/3 bran buds and either fresh blue or raspberries. Yummy!! Sometimes when I need that extra little sweetness to it or I have no fresh fruit.. I will sprinkle some graham cracker crumbs on it and it taste like a cheese cake! (not the yucky baked

    very good and healthy! Just try not to eat to close to bed. I try not to eat after 7-8pm! Usually 2-3 hours before I crawl into bed!

    To keep you on your toes at night..if watching tv... on the commerical try doing squats or leg lifts or something to keep your mind focused and it will make you think second about extra snacking!!

    all the best
  • thanks to all! appreciate the help.....I can do this! :bigsmile:
  • Seems like you have a lot of ideas from everyone, but maybe I can help as well, since I know exactly how it feels. I try to use my pvr to tape shows, then I can skip through the commercials. Also, when I am not having to sit through commercials, I am less likely to get up and want to snack.

    Also, I try and do crosswords or sudoku etc. during commercials, if I am watching something live, like a hockey game. When they go to commercial or between periods, I just pick up the puzzle and start to do it.

    I am hoping that I can eventually break the habit of snacking while watching tv... knowing exactly how many calories I have already consumed and what I have left makes it harder to pretend that the bowl of ice cream is okay.
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