Anyone elses goal size in the double digits??



  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Right now, I can wear a size 10 from any store in any brand. I can wear the occasional size 8, but I've found most size 8's are cut way too narrow through the hips for me. I've actually been wearing my boyfriends pants/shorts since summer and found they are much more comfortable than women's pants!

    Right now I wear a size 32" jean - but they are too loose and need a belt. I wore his size 30" shorts in the summer. I would love to be a 28".

    I'm 5'4" with a medium frame. Most women my height want to be 120lbs or less - not me. I'm currently around 145lbs and have recently decided to try and get down to 135lbs. We'll see though. If I look too thin - I won't be afraid to gain the weight back to where I am now.
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 938 Member
    I would like to be a 14 or a 16 again
  • rhawkins26
    I am also 6 ' tall and would look emaciated as a single digit dress size. I am aiming for size 14. I'm almost there!
  • GeneaCindy
    GeneaCindy Posts: 148 Member
    Ummm...yes! When I was a 12 I weighed about 165 and I'm only 5'5". I was playing tennis 5-6x a week and felt great. That was nearly 30 years ago, however. So I'm setting a goal of size 14 for now. I would just be happy to be able to shop in a "normal" size range :)
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    Thank you all. I am glad I am not the only one who wants to get down to where I am not comfortable because society says so:)

    I just turned 42. I think a size 10/12 or 12/14 is most appropriate. I will still have curves, its age appropriate, and MOST OF ALL... its a healthy weight range for me:) I am NOT AFRAID OF ANYTHING!

    So Thank you all!!!! I know its doable. I'm a size 18/20 right now. So I try and think of it in sizes... my next size down would be an 16/18, then a 14/16, then a 12/14... then a 10/12. How awesome is that!?!
  • wisgal77
    wisgal77 Posts: 59 Member
    I would be perfectly content with a legitimate size 10 and I'm only 5'3". When I was in high school at my lowest weigh I was an athletic 135 and was in a size 10 in jeans and within the heathy range for my height. I think it is just how my body is.
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    I would be perfectly content with a legitimate size 10 and I'm only 5'3". When I was in high school at my lowest weigh I was an athletic 135 and was in a size 10 in jeans and within the heathy range for my height. I think it is just how my body is.

    Yea, there are different weights for different people. And what weight I am for a size 12 may not be the weight you need to be for a size 12.

    Thank you for all the encouragement everyone! I love you guys;) woohoo! It makes me feel normal:) thanks!
  • amberrrogers
    I was in a 28W now 30 pounds lower in a 24w. I want to be a 14/16. I love me at that size
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    I don't really have a goal size. I've never been a thinner adult weight that I am now. So I have no idea how small I can get. I will be happy with anything below a 14 in jeans so I can wear juniors sizes :)
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Interesting question. I've never though of my goal in terms of a size, or a number. The only reason my goal is 175 is b/c MFP needed a number for my ticker, lol. But seriously, I feel that as I changed my habits, whatever size I get to will be good, I think we all can manage single digits and feel healthy/normal
  • RonneyKay
    RonneyKay Posts: 464 Member
    Is it because you don't WANT to or you don't think it would be comfortable to maintain that size at your age/weight/activity level? Or is it because you think you could never be as small as an 8?

    Oh! and one more thing, I do not WANT to be a size 8. I would be wayyy too thin, lose what makes me, me. And being a size 12/14 is actually considered "average" and that is where I want to be. I'm sure I COULD do it, but I don't WANT to do it.

    It's also not my age. I just turned 42 on Thursday. I know women who are older than me that weight a lot less, who are very active and have amazing bodies. I just don't want to be like that. I want to be who I want to be and I do not want who I am dictated by society/media.

  • Calidaho
    Calidaho Posts: 110 Member
    I was thinking about this the other day when I saw two tall women--my height of 6'--and they were soooo thin that they looked sickly. I am at 18/20 now, down from 26/28. I would be happy with 14 but 10 or 12 would make it possible for me to shop in some stores that don't go over a size large.
  • mamasyd
    mamasyd Posts: 80 Member
    When I began this journey at a size 34W, I could barely even imagine being in "normal sizes" (meaning not having to go to the plus size section to buy my clothes). I would have been pretty ecstatic over an 18 and just about over the moon to be a 16. The goal that I thought was realistic was a 14, or possibly a 12. I was at a BMI of 65.1 which was rapidly dragging me toward an early grave.

    I am now at 159 pounds and a BMI of 26.9. I have 12 more pounds until my BMI will be in the normal range and my actual goal is 145 (only 14 pounds away!). No one is more shocked than I am about my current size. I went shopping on Friday and bought a pair of New York and Company dress pants in a size 8! It's beyond my wildest dreams to be wearing a single digit. I wasn't necessarily aiming for that. I was focused on 'healthy' and having a BMI that was in the normal range.

    Sizes vary so much from manufacturer to manufacturer, though, that in some other brand I might have to wear a 10 or even a 12. The goal for me is going to be my health. How I look and/or what size I wear - those are just frosting on the cake (oops, maybe I should find a better metaphor!! LOL).

    This is me standing in one leg of the size 34 pants!
  • LeonaB17
    LeonaB17 Posts: 304
    My ultimate goal is size 10/12. I think I looked good at that size. No desire whatsoever to be rail thin. I'm a tad over 5ft 7 in. So to get to that size I'd need to weigh 165 ish. (jbasing that on how much I weighed the last time I wore that size a bazillion years ago lol)
  • spottedlee
    one size at a time,, I was wearing 18 when I married in 1982.. since then,, anywhere from 20 to 24.. I think I would like to see 14ish..
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    When I began this journey at a size 34W, I could barely even imagine being in "normal sizes" (meaning not having to go to the plus size section to buy my clothes). I would have been pretty ecstatic over an 18 and just about over the moon to be a 16. The goal that I thought was realistic was a 14, or possibly a 12. I was at a BMI of 65.1 which was rapidly dragging me toward an early grave.

    I am now at 159 pounds and a BMI of 26.9. I have 12 more pounds until my BMI will be in the normal range and my actual goal is 145 (only 14 pounds away!). No one is more shocked than I am about my current size. I went shopping on Friday and bought a pair of New York and Company dress pants in a size 8! It's beyond my wildest dreams to be wearing a single digit. I wasn't necessarily aiming for that. I was focused on 'healthy' and having a BMI that was in the normal range.

    Sizes vary so much from manufacturer to manufacturer, though, that in some other brand I might have to wear a 10 or even a 12. The goal for me is going to be my health. How I look and/or what size I wear - those are just frosting on the cake (oops, maybe I should find a better metaphor!! LOL).

    This is me standing in one leg of the size 34 pants!

    Wow that is so awesome. I'm so thrilled for your progress :)
    You go girl!
  • sheshe32
    sheshe32 Posts: 195 Member
    I would love to be a 12/14 I am currently a tight 20 :-) So similar to you. I am 33 and about 5ft4inc.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I only asked because of story's like Mamasyd's and also my own experience. I 'weigh' a lot but I am nearly the size I was when I was ...hmm 25-30 lbs lighter? Seriously. If you had asked me what size I'd be at 170 (5'6"), I'd have told you a 12, but I'm a loose 10 creeping towards an 8. I think at 160 I'll be a very comfortable 8 - last time I was that SIZE (5 years ago) I weighed 142.

    I actually think size goals are kind of difficult as sizes change over the years and vary wildly between brands, but I just want to throw out there that exercise changes your body DRAMATICALLY.

    But I agree with you - you should have the body you want to have (As long as you are healthy).
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,013 Member
    My original goal was size 14, but I blew by it without noticing -- I went from a 16 to a 12. Now I'm not sure, but this is a problem I like having.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    So I am cruising through the posts and noticing peoples goal sizes. So many of them are 4-6. I only want to get down to a size 10/12. or maybe even a 12/14... I will know when I get there.

    so is there anyone else not wanting to be in the single digits? Just curious to see if I was somewhat normal?

    In US sizes? that can make a pretty big difference as our sizes are inflated compared to most other countries!