

  • Don't look upon it as a "one-occasion" weight loss but a change in life style. This way you're in it for the long haul and I'll bet you will be down enough to satisfy yourself for the wedding. Even if you're not at your goal by then, you will be on the right path to self-esteem and healthy living! Good luck! Feel free to…
  • I, too, have been overweight forever. I fluctuated, being fat, losing weight, being fat, losing weight. You're only 19 and I've had a LOT more time to do this see-sawing. It's a constant battle, which we must wage for our health and happiness. Keep on plugging!!
  • Easy go, easy come. There is no magic bullet for weight loss. Remember you're in it for the long haul. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • You can do it! We're all human, and nobody is perfect. The important thing is that you're back. Success is falling down five times and getting up six!
  • Hang in there! There's nothing to be ashamed of. I've been there more than once or twice myself, and manage to fight back. The important thing is that you're here and ready to fight this thing. I myself am right now at target rate and am afraid of the slippery slope. Would be happy to be your buddy if you like!
  • Hi Steph, I'm in almost the same position as you are and would love to have a supportive friend like you. I've attained pretty much the weight I would like to remain at and am afraid that it will creep back. I'm a female, 5'2"and weigh 122. I would like to be about 120. As it is, I've already gained 2.5 lbs. What are you…
  • Hi, I'm 79 and have been on MFP since the beginning of 2013. I've lost 16 pounds. Slow and steady is my motto. You might get tired of entering your data but stick with it. It really works! Add me as a friend if you like.
  • If it ain't broke, don't fix it! You're losing weight and feeling great, Don't mess with good results. And congratulations!
  • You look great! Congratulations.
  • I just got back from 7 night cruise and just had a good time. I gained 5 lbs after losing a total of 15. I immediately went back into die mode and after a few days, have lost 2-1/2 lbs of it. If I can get back and keep back, I would say that it was worth it. We do need to pamper ourselves and have a good time once in a…
  • I went on vacation for a week, where the food was ever-present and delicious. I gained 5 lbs. I've been back home for 5 days and going back to my diet and exercise routine, I've knocked off 2-1/2 lbs. I hope I can continue and get back to my pr-vacation habits at least, and then keep going. It's not easy. I keep thinking…
  • I'm a 79 year old grandmother, and would like to be in this group. As we get older, I know it becomes more difficult. I'm almost at my goal and am afraid that I will slip back. Does anyone hava any suggestions for a maintenance diet?
  • We're a friendly bunch, and I can always give you grandmotherly support,
  • I also do this occasionally. It helps me keep on track since I don't want to deviate from the pre-log once it's written down in black-and-white.
  • . 79 years old, ca.1200 a day, around 300 calories in exercising, allowing me to actually eat around 1500 calories a day. I've been doing this since the beginning of the year and have lost 10 lbs. Slow and steady wins the race. I have around 6-8 more lbs. to reach my goal and am very happy to keep doing what I'm doing.
  • I'm MUCH over 50, i.e. 79 years old. I've lost and gained a ton of weight in my life, and as I get older, it seems to get harder. But I'm determined to look my best and help my health. If you would like to be my pal, i'd be honored.