

  • It will base your loss on your weight today minus the weight you started with. So it would say (if you were still 582) that you have not lost any weight.
  • That depends on what you are trying to get them to do. I work out 3 times a week too, and I use them after my workout to help replenish and build lean muscle. When I first started working with my trainer, he pointed out how low my protein levels are, so this has really helped with that. I also like them because its…
  • The night before crack two eggs into a bowl and mix them like you are going to make scrambled eggs. Pour the mix into a zip lock bag. Add whatever veggies you like. Take the bag to work and microwave it for a quick omlet (about 60 seconds, and if it looks like it needs more another 30 seconds). I do this for my kids on…
  • Never heard of them. What's different about them?
  • Oh, I'm sorry. That happens to everyone. It took a full two months of being consistent eating right and exercising before I starting seeing the scale go down. Expect to go up and down; even better, stop looking at the scale. Don't get discouraged. Keep at it. You can do it!
  • Honestly, I'm going to tell you what my trainer tells me. Exercise isn't supposed to be comfortable. Its supposed to make you hot, tired, sore, and uncomfortable. Don't hurt yourself, but don't allow yourself to use excuses not to at least get out and try. If you don't start somewhere, you won't ever get that feeling to go…
  • I can't wait to get rid of the clothes that don't fit me anymore and buy new ones!!
  • It doesn't sound like you are doing anything wrong. You are likely building muscle (which will offset the weight loss) while burning fat. Give it time. If you are seeing a difference, keep it up! Eventually the muscle will start helping you burn more fat and you will see the weight come off.
  • Steamers (in a bag) are such a huge time saver. They have so many choices, and they are so much fresher than canned veggies. Try those, and making your own salad.
  • I started an all natural (no processed foods) diet today. I didn't realize there was a name for it. It was recommended by my trainer, and I think its a healthy choice. I'm sticking to fruits/veggies/lean meats and seafood. The carbs I am eliminating will be made up with natural sugars from fruit. I'm sure there will be an…
    in Paleo Diet Comment by Shed4Wed June 2011
  • Me! 5'2" and the thing I hate most is watching taller people jump up on doubled up steps. If I tried that, i'd fall flat on my face! Glad to be in good company. ;)
  • Super! Hang on to that feeling and keep going.
  • Plan your meals ahead of time. If you pick the right foods, you can eat enough to feel full without eating anything bad. When I do this, I do SO much better. If I wait til the last minute, I choose things that are quick/easy and not the best choices. Good luck!
    in help! Comment by Shed4Wed May 2011
  • I did it years ago, so it might have changed, but the problem I had was that once I got used to it, there wasn't a really good way to change up the work out. One of the best things about the gym is the variety of equipment. Once your body gets used to one machine, you can switch to something else.
  • You set that goal for a reason. Stick to it! Its your health at stake, not his. If he loves you now, he will love you when you reach your goal. Just reassure him that you love him too.
  • Weight Watchers is good for teaching you how to make better choices. They are big on "life style changes" and not "diets". I have used their program twice and was successful both times (until I got comfortable and let it go). Good luck! The roller coaster sucks. Its good you want to get off it.
  • I didn't think about that before I started working out; it just didn't cross my mind. The first time the trainer asked me to do Jumping Jacks, I thought I was going to die! Believe it or not, I found a "high impact" sports bra online, and I LOVE IT! Those girls don't move when I do jumping jacks now. Plus, it clips in the…
  • That is fantastic!! They must have noticed, but didn't say anything. Don't worry about them...we notice. Keep up the good work!!
  • You guys are awesome. :) Thank you! Whenever I am doing walking lunges, and I am out of breath I dress...and I force myself to keep going. My fitness level was zero before I started. Getting used to working out so much was a huge adjustment. I still get out of breath every time. Thanks for the support.
  • I have the same problem. I struggle sometimes to get to 1200. My trainer recommended protein shakes as snacks, which gets me to the perfect amount of calories. I don't have to be hungry to drink them, and they are pretty good. If you don't want to deal with the protein shakes, are there other choices you could be making…
  • Late night runs to Steak n Shake! Turtle Milkshakes were my favorite!!
  • I joined Curves years ago for a while, and I found I enjoyed it. The only problem I had was that once I got used to the workout, there wasn't a way to change it up as much as I needed to keep loosing weight. My friend goes and loves it.
    in Curves Comment by Shed4Wed March 2011
  • The trainer I am working with recommended EAS Whey Protein Shakes because it helps rebuild lean muscle after workouts. I use the powder mixed with Almond milk (less calories and sugar), and when I am on the go I use the pre-made ones. Both have given me energy, and I don't get hungry as much as I used to. I think they…
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