Is my motivation in here?

Just came looking for it, cause its no where to be found.

I've been working out with a Personal Trainer for 8 weeks, and I feel my motivation dwindling. I work out four times a week, for a minimum of one hour, and I am seeing results so slowly! I'm working really hard, and the Trainer is really good at motivating me, but I am frustrated with how slowly the weight is coming off.

He recommended switching from the Eliptical to the Stair Climber (fun!). I was scared to get on it (its one of those "mini escalator" type things), cause I thought I was going to fall off. LOL I tried it, and admit I sweat a lot more than the eliptical (which isn't easy either).

I've lost 11 inches, but I only 3 pounds. Even though I've lost inches, its hard not to focus on the pounds. Anyone else having that problem? And does it start to swing the other way?


  • chovest81
    chovest81 Posts: 99
    Fat weighs alot less than muscle. You are losing inches adn gaining muscle! Keep up the good work.
  • suzukigurl
    Congrats on your progress so far!! you say only 3 lbs but some people have such a hard time losing that. You have to realize that when you are working out you are building muscle, you will most likely see inches lost faster then lbs gone because muscle weighs more then fat. So DO NOT get dicouraged because of what the scale says, trust me I freaked when I started going to the gym my weight would fluctuate 5 lbs from one day to the advice would be stay off the scale for a while and keep doin your thing cuz the stair climber will do you justice in the end!! as long as you feel good and you are getting "smaller" I wouldn't worry about the weight loss
  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    yes, that is my experience here as well...
    losing inches but the scale takes awhile to catch up.
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    11 inches is amazing!!! congrats!
  • simone55
    simone55 Posts: 10 Member
    I hear you! I am having the same trouble. Have been working out hard for 3 weeks at the gym - elliptical for 45-60 minutes at level 10; then 30 minutes of strength training at least 3x per week. I've averaged eating 1400 calories a day, but am zig-zagging them so my body does not get into a plateau. But I'm stuck anyway. I lost three pounds, but now am back up one. I know it takes a few weeks for the body to adjust and it is building muscle which weighs more, but it sure is frustrating. I don't know what your fitness level was starting out, but it could take another few weeks before the weight will start to drop off. I've done this routine before, and it seems like it took a couple of months the last time before the weight dropped consistently - I never did plateau again for over 6 months. So - hang in there! Mathmatically, you are destined to see results (barring hormonal or metabilism issues that I suppose could affect weight loss). I am determined to stick with it. Remember, even if the weight loss is not at the rate you are hoping for, you are making healthy choices and will only benefit from better nutrition and exercise. It just might take a bit longer than planned.
  • Shed4Wed
    Shed4Wed Posts: 25
    You guys are awesome. :) Thank you!

    Whenever I am doing walking lunges, and I am out of breath I dress...and I force myself to keep going.

    My fitness level was zero before I started. Getting used to working out so much was a huge adjustment. I still get out of breath every time. Thanks for the support.
  • Mandalicious
    Hang in there! Same thing happened to me at the start. In fact, I was devastated to see myself gaining weight. I was doing everything right - measuring and counting every single calorie every day, working out daily, drinking lots of water. I wonder if it wasn't that my muscles were needing to recalibrate. Then the weight loss got going. I hit another plateau later for two weeks, but then dropped two for the next weigh-in. Just keep at it! The numbers DO work out in the long run if you follow mfp's recommendations. One day at a time...