I don't know what this means...but i don't like it!!!



  • smoonygirl
    smoonygirl Posts: 23 Member
    maybe it was the clothing you were wearing too? If you are wearing big shirts or sweaters, its REALLY hard to tell a difference... ? Just a thought... maybe also it has been SO long since you saw them, they were unsure and didn't want to say anything in case you really hadn't and make themselves feel silly for saying anything...
  • Shed4Wed
    Shed4Wed Posts: 25
    That is fantastic!! They must have noticed, but didn't say anything. Don't worry about them...we notice. Keep up the good work!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    :flowerforyou: Congratulations on your weight loss!!! Regardless of whether or not others are saying anything, I'm sure you look great. Maybe they aren't sure if it's just that you are in different clothes (I know the heaview I am, the bigger and baggier my clothes, maybe they aren't sure how to give a gracious compliment, or maybe they're just self-absorbed (LOL!). The bottom line is, you are getting healthy and you're doing it for YOU! Keep going--you rock!!!
  • Vqueen
    Vqueen Posts: 13
    Ahhh.....You sound like one of the unlucky few such as my self and other women of my family that have to lose massive amounts of weight before anyone notices.
    It takes a good 50 to 60 pounds before I drop a dress size or any one notices. I've been joking lately that I lost all 30lbs in my face! *Since that's the only place you can tell* - _-
    But If you want to put a positive spin on it just think of all of the REALLY bad fat that was around all of your organs smothering you to death.....ITS GONE!
  • ldon37
    ldon37 Posts: 145 Member
    That is a tough one. Sometimes the "weight" subject is considered sensitive and maybe your husband's family was afraid to say anything. But, hey, we all want to hear "good job." So, GOOD JOB!! 46 lb lost is a fantastic job!!!! Just stay on course and I bet you will be getting lots of compliments in no time!! You are already halfway there, and you will feel better and more confident with every pound lost. Keep up the good work and don't let your Easter experience defeat you!
  • brendar
    brendar Posts: 11
    Im on the exact same path as you are, and yes Easter weekend was full of food and relatives on my husband's side who didn't say a thing...oh well, I know how terrific I am feeling and that's what motivates me to keep going...onward to 100 pounds!!! I am cheering for you...you have begun a complete tranformation of yourself...keep going!!! Oh, yesterday someone asked me who photoshopped my face...I guess that's the part that has changed the most! Like!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I've found it's a delicate thing to bring up. One of my SILs recently lost weight, and I hadn't seen her since Christmastime. I noticed that she looked good, but I really never look at her critically enough to really tell for sure if she lost, how much, or if she was just wearing more fitted jeans. To me, she always looks pretty and well-dressed, no matter what her size. And sadly, I've known some people who are so sensitive that they take a compliment like, "Have you lost weight?" as "Boy, were you FAT!" so I'm cautious about saying anything.

    Granted, if they're rude enough to make snide comments when you gained a little, that might not be the case. They must just be {insert bad word of choice here}. And if that's so... screw 'em! :laugh:
  • emilex
    emilex Posts: 95 Member
    Well first of all, my feelings would have been hurt if I were you. However, I have to say that I think some people are oblivious. Ya, some people just don't want to give compliments or are jealousy or whatever but I think its usually 1 of two things. Some people are very unobservant and honestly really don't notice because they are not paying attention. Or some people are afraid to say something because they don't know if it's appropriate to mention it. Anyway, even though you are doing this for YOU and not others...I think it would be sad for your friends/colleagues not to notice. I am sorry that happened. Good luck in the continuation of your your journey! ((hugs))
  • allornothinggrl
    This MFP family is sooo supportive!! Thanks for all of your encouraging words and experiences!! It means a lot to me!! I'm definitely staying the coarse on this journey...I feel too good to give up now...thanks for reminding me...YOU ALL ROCK:wink:
  • BenKnowsFitness
    BenKnowsFitness Posts: 451 Member
    You can find ways to appreciate your achievement even if others don’t acknowledge it (cause you know that they know)
    A trick I use. Haul the scales down to the kitchen after a trip to the grocery store. Get on the scale and see if you can pick up enough bags such that the scale registers your starting MFP weight. Now put those bags on the table. Look at em. Now imagine toting those around all day, every day. Yah see, you really have achieved a lot.
    Now if I could just get people to notice my teeth…
  • lovingbears2
    lovingbears2 Posts: 73 Member
    Remember you are doing this for yourself. As good as it feels to have people notice all that matter is how YOU feel. Best wishes in the rest of your journey.

    Ditto on that one!!! You WILL show them,:wink: when you reach your full goal, but, your OWN goals for yourself, feeling better, more energy, fitting into nicer clothes, being able to walk farther, etc, etc, etc, are SO much more important for you!!!! YOU ARE DOING FANTASTIC!!! WHOO HOO FOR YOU!!!:bigsmile: :drinker:

    Have you taken pictures of yourself? When I started losing weight, I took a picture of myself each month in the same position, in front of the same scene, etc, so that I could flip back over it and SEE FOR MYSELF that I was doing it!!! I still have the picture album, 10 years later, and it is STILL highly motivational for myself to look back over the 100 + pound loss, and when I start inching up, to look back at the 'BIGGER" picture (no pun intended!:blushing: ) and use that as one of the tools to keep myself on track.

    GOOD ON YA , HON!!! GREAT WEIGHT LOSS!!!:drinker: :heart: :smooched: