

  • What is a bison burger please?
  • Some great ideas! Thanks!
  • Yeah truggle with this also, I think for me its more of a boredom thing than wanting to reward myself for the healthy eating for the day / work achieved for the day or whatever it is.... It seems sitting watching the tv I get that craving for something - anything - not necessarily something sweet - I smoke so this helps…
  • I logged yesterdays exercise but nothing for today.... it seems its not to do with the volume I earn back from exercise, its the minimum intake thats all of a sudden changed this morning.... did it happen to you guys?
  • I tend to find myself in a similar boat.... Where I work on the road ( driving a lot ) I have my one cup of tea in the morning then in the evening when I get back I'll have another and that's about it..... Or was, now I'm using the gum to exercise I'm finding I'm drinking more. I have never drunk my 8 cups of water a day…
  • WOO HOO SOME FELLO UNITED KINGDOM-ERS LOL!!! Need some uk friends if any of you feel like adding me!! Isnt it just SOOOOO addictive !! I too log everything I eat each day to the nearest I can possibly get.... even if its got no calories (my canderel sweetener lol!!) Im in full motivational swing down to this fantastic…
  • Yesterday I read a post by a lady who is in proffessional fitness, she said you should never have a protein shake before a workout but always after
  • Thats a lt of calories lol.... how much exercise do you do?!! I dont ever eat my calories (or I have once, in 10 days, went over on Spaghetti for lunch not leaving me much for the rest of the day.... OOPS!!) I personally think if you arent hungry then why feed yourself? Just how many calories are you having for breakfast…
  • I may have misunderstood but I thought spaghetti squash was a "squash" as in the vegetable, the kind of marrow looking thing (just smaller with a larger bulbous end one end) that you bake in the oven (after slicing in half first!) then you use a fork to get the squash out which goes kinda stringy (like a pumpkin does) when…
  • My gran is a firm believer of the eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and dinner like a porper theory!!! Bless her! I havent really thought too much about it but I do try to alllow my calories around the..... 200 Breakfast 300 Lunch 400 Dinner Mark, then it allows for snacks if I find myself hungry in between. I…
  • Thanks for the ideas guys, yes keeping his attention span going long enough for me to comlete a workout is a bit of a problem because of his age right now but ill have a go at the above and see where |I get with it!!!
  • Although I joined MFP some time ago I actually only started using it a week ago Monday, so this is only my 10th day, Ive lost 6 lbs so far and totally agree with the person above, its a lot to do with how restricted your diet is, how much exercise you put in, and how much weight you have to lose!! They are all very…
  • It seems I way over calculated.... by weighing it cooked, I did an experiment yesterday and weighed the amount dry that I had eaten cooked the day before, when I cooked it it more than DOUBLED in weight, cooking obviously for the same length of time.... OVER HALF THE CALORIES I THOUGHT I HAD EATEN!!! NEXT TIME ILL ALWAYS…
  • Thank you all so much for your help!!
  • Is it possible to burn calories at the gym when you havent eaten that day? I always eat then go to the gym so I have something to burn - though I do have some fat to burn off - obviously!!!
  • LOL, ah, thats funny!! I totally agree!! Think after this palarva im defo going to weigh BEFORE I cook or just not eat it since the calories are so high anyway!!!
  • LOL, very similar question to my post calorie maths question, I weighed my pasta cooked then thought I had eaten nearly double the amount of calories!! Have a look at "Calorie Maths Question" Post, some people have put stuff on there that might be of help to you!!
  • Hi there, a DRY serving is 75g = 265 Calories Yeah, 225g weighed cooked yesterday And experiment to work out calories today, weighed 225g dry and cooked to 12 mins same as yesterday was 500g in weight cooked!!! Thanks so much, Its hurting my pea sized brain lol!!
  • I used the calculator on here but I weighed it cooked, have I made a mistake then?
  • Ummmm.... these sound YUMMY!!
  • Hi there, This sounds absolutely DIVINE!!! I just wondered, what is PAM spray? Ive never heard of it before? Oh and please could you add me as a friend so I can see your other recipes? Thanks Clare. x
  • I wasnt aware either that it needed to be changed in settings..... ill do it now..... if anyone wants to add me as a friend id like that since ive got none!!! This is only day 8 and I generally go on the iphone app but have been logging on on the computer at home to read posts etc. It would be interesting to get some ideas…
  • Mine are nearly four years old from childbirth on my stomach and I find not only having a spray tan by a proffessional makes me feel better it also noticably conceals them since they are now white and the spray tan is brown
  • Well thats very unhelpful and very unthoughtful, it was a smaller portion size than I would normally eat thank you very much. As im VERY new to this I was far from aware the amount of calories I was consuming.... should have read the packet first.... trial and error at this stage
  • With breakfast ive already done the 1200 calories lol!! Oh well, I know for next time!! No spaghetti for me!!
  • I tend to agree with you.... she is WAY too skinny and muscular looking now, but each to their own I say!
  • Hi, I started this week, this is day 7 and ive lost 4 lbs (maybe more but its the female time of the month which can cause weight gain!) Ive eaten under my calorie allowance 6 days out of 7 I exercise daily, around 400 - 500 calories burned I do not eat my exercise calories either This is not necessarily a good thing - I…