justmeg86 Member


  • I enjoy fall and am ready for it! Of course South Dakota has been experiencing fall like weather for about two weeks now! I do not, however, like that fall means winter is around the corner. I don't mind the first three months of winter, it's the last three months that I hate!!! =)
  • You should eat enough to be hungry about 3 hours later. In other words, it is perfectly normal to be hungry every 3 hours or so. I eat breakfast around 7:30, have a snack around 10 am, lunch between 12-12:30 and then a snack again around 3-3:30 before I go to the gym. Eat protein and fiber dense foods (fruits, veggies, PB,…
  • I love mine too. I have the Polar FT4 and it does everything I want it to do without over complicating things. I got it for $65 on Amazon and have used it pretty much daily since I got it in April. In using it I found out that the cardio machines were accurate up to a certain point and then the readings were usually lower.…
  • My boyfriend works with someone who has had great success with that program! Not entirely sure what it is, but like anything else if you stick with it long enough, it will work!
  • I have some of the same issues. In the summer it's too hot by the time I get off work to do any real exercising outside, and even though I am a morning person I can't get myself to get up to exercise. If I get up early I usually do things like laundry and dishes so I don't have to do them when I get home! I go to the gym…
  • Two summers ago I was able to run a mile in 9 minutes or less. For some reason between then and a few months ago I quit running, or cut back on it. I decided to start up again and it's been slow going but I have made progress. I also notice if I do not run for a week or two it's always harder when I start again. I do not…
  • I use my IPod and the Nike+ app if I walk or run outside. I also have a HRM which shows me burning more calories than the app does, so I go by my HRM for that and not the Nike app. I haven't used it much but haven't had any issues the times that I have used it. I don't think I've figured out how to add people though =(
  • I'm also in a bad mood and mad at the world today =) Just a few minutes ago I was thinking about how good a big ol' cheeseburger sounded! ha! I can't hit the gym during lunch b/c I only get 30 minutes and am also stuck at a desk all day. I need some HAPPY pills!!!! =)
  • Polar FT4 on amazon is about $65, that's what I paid for mine about 6 weeks ago!
  • I feel the same way....I know my weekends could use some improvement, and I am hoping that when the weather finally gets nice, and stays nice, I will have more energy and be outside more and be active. I did so well losing weight a couple years ago (with little effort outside of going to the gym) and am upset with myself…
  • Ditto!! =) I use the cardio and Cybex machines that I know how to use for that same reason!
  • That's a dumb question..EAT IT!!
  • I find that my HRM is usually pretty accurate with the treadmil for about the first mile then my HRM tells me more cals burned than the machine. However, I have noticed with anything else (Bike or Arc Trainer) the machine is way higher than my HRM. Seems like MFP is usually off from both, so I just go with what my HRM says.
  • I got my Polar FT4 on Amazon for about $65 and it's probably about as simple as you can get for a HRM. It's waterproof and tracks HR, Cals, length of time, and how long you are "in zone". I find it easy to use and simple enough for what I use it for...which is to more accurately track my calorie burn.
  • When I joined the gym 3 years ago (in July) I worked up to running. I waited until I had lost some weight to start, but by the next summer I was running just over a 9 minute mile. This past year I dealt with a lot of crap, sickness and otherwise, and kind of quit running. I have since started getting back into it and I'm…
    in Runners!! Comment by justmeg86 May 2013
  • I didn't eat enough on Tuesday between going to the gym and having volleyball in the evening, and definately made up for it yesterday. So far today I am back on track....I agree that as long as you aren't over eating everyday and just not eating for a day to make up for it you should be okay!
  • Mine is waterproof too =) If I am outside for a run/walk I use the Nike Fitness thing on my Ipod that tracks how far I have gone. I used it the other day and the calories were way lower on it than my HRM. It's nice that my Ipod can track distance/speed but someday I would like to have one thing that does it all!!
  • I use a Polar FT4, it looks like a watch so it's easy to wear and not big. It gives the basics, HR, cals burned, time you've exercised, and how long you were "in zone" I got it on Amazon for about $60 so fairly inexpensive considering. I've had it about a month and I think it has more than paid for itself! Eventually I…
  • I'm 5'8", 147 and 22% BF...but I don't have the abs that the girl in the picture does...haha!!
  • I do 20-30 min of cardio, followed by about 15 minutes of strength training and finish with about another 10-15 minutes of cardio. I used to just do cardio followed by weights. I don't know what the answer is, what the best option is, what works best....but I started doing this a few weeks ago and am going to stick with it…
  • I'm wondering the same thing, what's the point of it if you have to subtract numbers anyways? I will just keep going with what the HRM tells me!
  • So basically you subtract one calorie for each minute you are exercising? Sorry for the lame questions, I just have a hard time understanding it all because people have such conflicting thoughts/ideas/answers.
  • What do you mean by subtract your BMR from your HRM reading?! I'm confused! When I plug my numbers off my HRM into the website for it (not MFP) it actually ups the cals based on my max and average heart rate.....so is the HRM giving me the true reading and the numbers plugged in on the website giving me the number without…
  • So I have a question then with my HRM. I generally workout anywhere between 40-60 minutes and my "in zone" time is usually all but about 10-15 min of my work out. Usually my average HR is around 155 and my max goes anywhere between 176-182. Is this good? I don't care much or focus on anything except calories at the end…
  • Sometimes the gym I go to has a bowl of fruit for people to have so if there is something setting out I will grab and and eat it on my way home. I also work out after my work day and eat supper shortly after getting home so don't feel the need for a snack immediately after I finish exercising. There are days that I am…
  • Hold is this picture? I can't find any of those things that cheap at Wal-mart, especially not the hamburger!!
  • My in zone time is generally a large portion of my time spent exercising, unless it's something like volleyball that doesn't get my heart rate going as fast. I will check out the website mentioned. I'm new to this whole HRM thing so just trying to figure it all out. Thanks!
    in In Zone? Comment by justmeg86 April 2013
  • Grab an exercise ball and do some sit ups, stretches, etc. I know what you mean about not trying new things when it's busy. I stick to the same ol same ol when it's busy and do my experimenting/learning when it's less busy. I also stay away from free weights because I don't want to be in the way of the big macho guys that…
  • I do get almost the recommended 8 cups of water a day and I eat bananas quit religiously. I'll have to step up my water game or eat some more water dense foods! Thanks!
  • I track although I'm not sure why. I never used to track anything and lost a bunch of weight. Seems like now that I do track I become way too obsessed with what I'm eating. I'm not overweight by any means so I don't need to be obsessive. I've thought about ditching the site completely....