Simple HRM/Cal burn monitor?

Anyone with recommendations? Preferably on the budget side as not really the cash for one!!! But aside from my running I'd like to know how much I actually burn doing my circuits/weights/other cardio. Doesn't need to be fancy so long it can measure my heart rate and estimate cal burn.


  • dondimitri
    dondimitri Posts: 245 Member
    Two of the more popular brands are Polar and Garmin.

    I think the cheapest Polar that records calorie burn is the FT4 at about $100 MSRP.

    I think the cheapest Garmin that records calories is the FR70 at about $130 MSRP.

    There is a website where he reviews in detail a lot of GPS/HRM type equipment.
    I'd spend some time there before I purchased anything. Good luck.

    If you do a search on this forum there have been numerous HRM questions asked and answered many, many, times.
  • justmeg86
    justmeg86 Posts: 40 Member
    I got my Polar FT4 on Amazon for about $65 and it's probably about as simple as you can get for a HRM. It's waterproof and tracks HR, Cals, length of time, and how long you are "in zone". I find it easy to use and simple enough for what I use it for...which is to more accurately track my calorie burn.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Even though you can go for a cheaper model, I'd recommend the Polar that comes with the phone app Polar Beat. It allows me to record my workouts on my iPhone and it syncs with most treadmills and ellipticals. The reporting I get from my phone more than makes up for the added cost (and the app is free).
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 472 Member
    Will def have a look at the FT4 so!!

    Don't think I need to have one that syncs with equipment as I don't use a gym at all - and I use endomondo to track where/how fast/how long I am running, and that syncs with mfp also. I just haven't got anything to measure my HR and I'm doing Insanity at home at the moment, plus two circuit trainings (at boxing club one of them) which are hard to judge calorie wise without something that can measure this.

    Thank you guys for your responses!!
  • synthomarsh
    synthomarsh Posts: 189 Member
    I got a polar ft1 i think on ebay for 40 probably simpler cheaper works for what I need I like it comfortable to wear
  • tllgreene
    tllgreene Posts: 2
    I suggest the Polar FT7. Its just a little bit more but the added features compared the the FT4 are well worth it. Here is a link,

    The 4 will only keep 10 of your workout summaries recorded where the 7 will save up to 99 workouts. Which is great to go back and look at, I do all the time. Here is a link comparing the two devices, You can watch videos explaining all the features on Polar's site too. My friend just ordered one just like mine after buying 2 different ones at local stores and they were horrible! You couldn't even program them. Mine is SO easy to program and use. It will be a great investment. I uses mine everytime I work out, whether it is at Zumba, doing workouts at home or when I run.
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 472 Member
    Thank you!!! Sickening really, same HRM (the link you provided to over here on is the equivalent of 101US$ at offer price (66£ instead of 100+£!). Waaahhhhhh Why must it be so much more expensive here????? :frown:
  • tllgreene
    tllgreene Posts: 2
    I would check Ebay even. See if you can get a better deal there.
  • This website had a great information