oumick03 Member


  • Yes - I definitely get sore. And you HAVE to stretch after! For hips, I like the invisible chair stretch. Cross one leg over the other (putting your left foot on your right knee and vice versa) and sit like you are in a chair (you may need to hold on to something). The deeper you sit, the more you stretch.
  • Hello! Welcome to running :-) I have been running since 2009....I've done four half marathons, a bunch of 5Ks, and I think 4ish 10Ks.....So, I've got the running part down (well, I have NOT been training well)....I've done 2 warrior dashes...but, the obstacles are not even comparable .... so I'm super nervous.
  • I will definitely join! My TM is in a month, and I am sooooooo not ready.
  • I have to say that I have been feeling SO much better since doing this - really its just clean eating (as other posters have noted). What I'm taking away is portion sizes, new recipes, and how to live without non-naturally occurring sodium (I'm a salt fiend...). You stay surprisingly full, but again it isn't for everyone.…
  • I'll be finishing up week two tomorrow. So far I'm down 9.6 pounds. I will say my biggest fear IS going nuts when I'm done. I actually am going to Chicago next week so will be off plan for three days...I'm scared, but prepared to eat as healthy as I possibly can and work out more to compensate. Some of my thoughts on the…
  • The book is only $13, not the food....(It may be a bit less on Kindle...I can't remember!) I will say the food part is PRICEY. But, you aren't eating out or snacking out at all...so, if you do that now, it may just be a wash in terms of finances.
  • Congratulations!!! It is so awesome that you made it through! How long did it take you? (I'm trying to gauge how long i'll be out in the heat for mine!) It is really good to know about the triceps/ backs/ pull ups. That is what I have started to focus on so it helps me to know I am on the right track. What obstacles did…
  • Don't be discouraged! We ALL have those nights (I have more than I'd like to admit). Look at the positives here - you showed more restraint than before....you actually tracked your binge so you can hopefully improve...and you have identified some triggers (can we say mindless TV eating?!?!?) Don't dwell on the binge, move…
  • Thanks all! The one time I got fitted for shoes I think they did a half a** job because they didn't watch me run or anything. I'll tray again at a different store (I have two running-specific stores by me!) and see what they say. But, I'll keep in mind the types you listed here for sure! Happy running to you all!
  • YES! I learned the very hard way that you need bigger shoes a few years ago. If you don't like your toenails, stick to smaller shoes :-)
  • I've wanted to try them, but, with my knee issues, I'm not sure if it is the best idea. Granted, maybe running natural would help my knee!!
  • I've heard good things about the Mizunos. I went to a running shop for this last pair and they suggested saucony - my least fave so far. I'm hoping to find a shoe I LOVE and can stick with from here on out.
  • I trained for about 4 months or so...my longest run was just over 10 miles.... I was sore as heck when I was done, but it was the best feeling in the world at the same time :-) I like Hal Higdon's novice training plan...I followed that pretty closely for my first.
  • I'm looking to lose just about 20! Feel free to add and good luck!
  • There will always, always, always be bad runs (boo). For me, getting back out there is the only way to recover. Try the same four miles again...eat a good breakfast or snack before hand...make sure your ipod is fully charged, and let go of the last run! You've got this!
  • I don't post much, but I figured this would be a heated one. I bought shakeology....never would again. I still have half a bag (anyone want it?) I PERSONALLY can't replace a meal with a shake...and the calories are too high (particularly after I add what is needed to make me be able to drink it) for a snack. If it works…
  • Hey Jackie! First, congrats on the great workouts! Secondly, your weight will fluctuate daily for any number of reasons...It could be an acid build up post really intense work out, or maybe you ate extra salt the day before, or any other things....Though I wish I could take this advice myself, try to limit how much you…
  • It took me a while to love running, but now I LOVE running. I had a friend talk me in to doing a half marathon in 2009, and I hated her for it every minute...But, after a while, I couldn't get enough! Wait till AFTER your first race - that was a big turning point for me - you may really like it then!
  • Thanks Rich and Tim! Sounds like I have some calculating to do. Figuring out the percentages has always been really tough - But, great advice! Really thank you everyone - there are certainly a lot of views on it - and while it sounds like I'm not in danger of going overboard w/ protein, it also sounds like I need to do a…
  • Thanks Cathleen for the advice. I am trying to lose weight and tone, currently. I've talked to one of my friends at length (who is a personal trainer and nutritionist) and I think lowering my carbs is a good option - especially just to keep me FULL. (I tend to eat a lot of bread/ crackers/ etc., and then am hungry later!).…
  • Okay awesome - thanks! I do have protein listed in my diary, but, because I'm going lower carb/ higher protein - it really didn't reflect what I needed to know! But good to know I can't really overdo it on protein - I'm way off from 1 gram per pound (though I wish I weren't so far off!) and certainly don't have liver or…
  • PS - I did first time poster in case this was some how against etiquette or in the wrong forum!