

  • As far as I know, the estimation is a simple calculation depending on that one log - not the week, or the month. So, if your intake is low throughout the week and then you shoot over the goal once, that will not do any harm - it will rather keep your body from adapting to the low intake. I went pretty good with logging all…
  • I tried to use ist, but it slows down my phone like hell. Besides that, I think it's great! I use runtastic. Does almost the same thing. I use it with the Polar heart rate monitor. Works pretty well!
  • Very nice article!
  • It goes like this: "no pain, no train, no muscle - no muscle, no girl, no sex!" My favourite quote is: GO ON DO IT NOW!
  • Great one! I like!
  • This is one of my favourite conversations (many more in that movie!): Pulp Fiction. Jules and Vincent on their way to getting the case Jules: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... stop right there. Eatin' a ***** out, and givin' a ***** a foot massage ain't even the same ****in' thing. Vincent: It's not. It's the same ballpark. Jules:…
  • I can hardly push it beyond 180. I am 30 and I try to run really fast, it never gets over 180, even uphill!
  • Chicken Chicken Chicken, sometimes salmon, thuna or eggs :)
  • I don't know, what your weight is, but 14 punds in one month is VERY much. Normally 1 - 2 punds is known to be healthy - more might throw your metabolism into starvation mode, and you'll lose much water and muscel. Why would you want to rush it? Take your time. Do you constantly but with progress. I lost 12 ppounds in…
  • :)
  • I started with 50/30/20 (P/C/F) and switched now to 40/40/20. 30& Carbs was quiet hard, I was over many times. But 40% is pretty fine, and my protein intake is still very high with 40%.
  • I would just calculate my goal. Then I would keep my goal for 3 days in a row, and the fourth day, I would raise my cals about 20% This should be high enough to boost your metabolism.
  • I think it's routine. I just get up, when the alarm goes off, turn on my coffee machine, and the day has started. Then I sit down, drink a cup of coffe. The best days are the ones, where I get up, and go out running after the coffee. did you ever try to run, as a start of the day? i think it has great impact on your mood…
  • I am 5.6 but a guy - so pretty short for a guy :) I feel with you. BUT I have to say: I preferr "short" women. I think tall women lose their elegance ... I like shrt ones.
  • I guess my road is not that long, but if you like, I am metric also :) And my support is for sure :)
  • I don't know really. I googled it, maybe the diary is meant, where you eat mostly fish, meat, and vegetables, and no processed carbs. If you like high protein and low carb, I strongly recommend chicken and broccoli (or similar food). Very lean meat, Brocooli has almost no cal's. You can take a look at my diary. There are a…
  • Welcome! I have been here for around 90 days now, and I agee: Can't go a day without logging my food, even if it's pizza.
  • Hey there. I haven'T taken a look at your diary, but did you consicer, that this could be a premenstrual effect? Is your diary open?
  • I used to dead lift a lot, and I read several articles about how important heavy dead lifts are (equally to squats, bench press, dips and pull ups). I can only talk in kg. I used to weigh 76kg and dead lifted about 110kg about 10 times, always quality over quantity. But for the rest, I think bmontgomery87's goals are okay.…
  • They take joining fees here also. In every gym...
  • I used to go to a gym, since the age of 18. Now that I am almost 30, it's the first time I have come near a sixpack, and I haven't been to that gym for 2 months now. I started doing P90x and best of all, I started rethinking m eating habits. Last point was the most effective part of my change. Try and watch some P90x…
  • You can easily up the cal's by adding a teaspoon ov olive oil to the meals, that aren't sweet ones, and some nuts or avocado. Very healthy fats. Did you try to eat some salmon?
  • woops - double post :)
  • I agree. It makes a huge difference. It's just that difference in nutrition, that boosts your results. You can work out as hard as you want. Just when you start optimizing your nutrition, your effects will be multiplied ... I ate VERY well the first four weeks of my diet, and then started seeing it relaxed. And just as I…
  • Great! Makes you want to work even more and harder, doesn't it? I was working out with my best friend yesterday. It was just too hot, so I hat do take off my shirt. First thing he mentioned was "man ... you dropped a lot of weight - you even got near a sixpack - RESPECT!" Boosted my confidence a LOT! Then we talked a…
  • Once a week, at most. Sometimes ever other week.
  • Good to hear, you started. Keep up the motivation! My Tip would be: Maybe you ran to fast for the start. Jogging, or slow running is harder than fast running. Depending, wether you want intervall training, or plain running/jogging, you should maybe work on running slowly. And I would advise you to work on your breathing.…
  • I am a guy, and I have the same problem with my gf. I work VERY hard, to get in the shape, that I want to be in, and she is the absolute opposite. Couch potatoe, can't find any motivation for workingout, can't find the proper motivation to eat healthy. What shall I say - I do it for my self! I am proud every time I worked…
  • There are three levels of strenght. Positiv, static, negative. For example: You can lower more weight slowly than you can hold it static, and you can hold more weight static, than you can push/pull. So holding weights is only one of the three parts used, when working out. I would always reccommend haveing a normal positive…
  • The goals you enter are net goals. So if you wor out, you raise the cals you may eat. Maybe I misunderstood you, but staying at 1200 is much harder, and acutally "lower", on the days you work out. On days you don't work out, it's actually easier to stay below 1200. Btw.: 1200 is considered the absolute lower limit for a…
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