In need of support

So the past couple days have been a bit rough....things have been happening to the people around me, and there is nothing i can do to help. And I have been working a lot and going to school, so a lot of times i go to bed with over 500 or more calories left over. I eat when i get hungry but I really just don't have time to eat. I go to school fun time (for 6 hours a day nonstop) and then i go to work right after.

I'm starting to feel really run down, and have no motivation to work or really do anything for that matter. Nothing bad has happened to me personally but i feel as though it has.

Sometimes i just don't want to get out of bed in the morning....

What keeps you guys going? What helps you get out of bed?


  • lynnmarie60
    lynnmarie60 Posts: 325
    Family, friends, motivation, the future, determination.

    Try not to worry yourself so much with what is happening to others but instead focus on what you want for yourself in the future and keep reaching for it and everyday do something that you enjoy to bring up your spirits and try to stay around positive people who love and respect you.
  • shumatet1982
    I think it's routine. I just get up, when the alarm goes off, turn on my coffee machine, and the day has started.

    Then I sit down, drink a cup of coffe. The best days are the ones, where I get up, and go out running after the coffee.

    did you ever try to run, as a start of the day? i think it has great impact on your mood (in a positive way).
  • jeff261159
    jeff261159 Posts: 385
    Hi, we have all had days like that, that seem to spread into weeks. The thing i do is set daily goals, like walk a mile, i try and make it more fun by setting myself up to count the number of red cars or something like that, daily goals that are acheiveable, and why not make them goals that will help people you know when you achieve them. It worked for me.
  • paulicarroll
    Setting small goals everyday, seems to be helping me a lot. Hope you feel better and recieve abundant energy.
  • bestdaysahead
    bestdaysahead Posts: 90 Member
    Sounds to me like you need a good psychologist! Sounds like you have depression.
  • TheCloverFreak
    TheCloverFreak Posts: 49 Member
    It's hard to not worry about others when it's one of my closest friends.
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    What keeps me going is all the great people here, all the support and motivation, and the fact that I want to improve myself.

    It sounds like you are a very compassionate person who cares a lot about people and things in life. Sometimes events that occur with people around us can effect us without really realizing it.

    Stay in touch with the wonderful people here. Reason for getting up in the morning you ask?.....mine is that I'm happy I'm alive each day.
  • SRS1226
    SRS1226 Posts: 37
    Although there are days where it truly doesn't seem like it, there is ALWAYS a silver lining. Look for your silver lining, even if it is just waking up to the birds singing or having your favorite glass of juice. Focus on what makes you happy--be it a course in school, or a customer at work. Surround yourself with positive energy with your friends, family, and your MFP family.

    I agree with lynnmarie60, look toward the future and focus on the steps to get you to where you want to be.
  • lisamarie1227
    maybe you should carry some healthy snacks with you through the day. protein bars may help give you little pick-up. i had just changed my "about me" section and wrote on there that i was going back into this with an attitude of "life is always going to keep happening but I'm not going to let it stop me". i hope you find your answers and i hope things get better real soon.
  • hrigsby
    hrigsby Posts: 31
    Sometimes it is just one day at a time. It is hard to do, but sometimes you have to trust that the people around you are going to be ok, because there is nothing you can do. Sounds like you really need to take some time and think about yourself. I know you don't have a lot of time, but take a small walk or some type of exercise when you get a chance. I know if I haven't worked out I will not have the energy to do anything. Also, if you are not eating enough you will also lose energy. Fuel your body and your mind. Yoga is a good option. If you can't make it to a class, get a dvd. It helps you stretch, gain strength and relaxes your mind.

    I pray you start feeling better.
  • lorishultis
    lorishultis Posts: 95 Member
    Keep your head up Clover... I know its hard to not feel what our friends are going through but you have to be healthy in order to care for others. Carry some fruit with you, apples especially will give you energy and pep you up.

    If you are a woman of faith then pray - what ever your faith whom ever you God lean on them... It's also very theraputic to write a letter to someone - YOU DONT REALLY SEND IT unless you want, but I have writen to loved ones that passed just to get the pent up emotions out...

    Sometimes it helps to talk to someone not attached to the situation, if you dont have anyone - fell free to email me - I'll listen
  • Redness82
    Redness82 Posts: 134 Member
    I'm not sure where you live, but I live in Mn.. And the season has just started to change (it should have a while ago..), and it's hard to get up on those cold, overcast days!

    It's supposed to be 80 here today, and I was super excited to wear capris and sandals!! One of my friends plan little events (going somewhere or countdown to the end of school) to keep us motivated.. It doesn't always work. But we help keep each other accountable for things, and that helps a lot! FInd a buddy if you can. :) I can be it on here!

    Pack little snack bags of high impact foods, and put them in your purse or bag to munch on when you are walking or driving to your next destination. And get enough sleep! I know thats not easy when you have a jam packed schedule and needs a little downtime before going to sleep...

    Good luck!!
  • Kappyoc
    Kappyoc Posts: 39 Member
    We all get that way sometimes, where it feels like the weight of the world is on our shoulders. Its hard, but you have to find the positive in each and every day, there is something, anything that is good. We all take on problems that aren't ours and believe me, coming from a family of 11 kids, we have plenty! But I can only control myself and my actions, so I've learned to not get so stressed out with daily stresses. Don't get me wrong, I have two friends in the midst of stage 4 cancer which stresses me out sometimes, but I take the time to give it to God and step back and just do what I can. Try and eat healthy and maybe eat six small meals instead of trying to larger meals. And take care of yourself! You are important and we all care!
  • Raven5287
    Raven5287 Posts: 31
    I understand about bad things.... this past few weeks my grandmother broke her back then had a stroke they could do nothing about so from my birthday to mothers day i was wondering.... will this be the day her suffering will end? A friend was burried on my birthday, my cousin had to have a full hystorectamy, my favorite aunt is dying for terminol lung cancer, my dad got in a car wreak a few months back and broke his hip & has been having long & painful recovery, another friends boyfriend just drowned the other day too...... so with all that (possible forgetting some) i ended up failing my last test for the semester last week but i did get a little lucky and the teacher is going to work with me.

    I am a mother though to a 2 year old and thats where I get my strength. I have to! I also jsut try to shake it off.... try meditation and yoga. Very good to help get your body and mind realigned and cleared of the negativity that can be bombarding you. Having a good friend or stranger to talk to can help to sometimes. Just remember that YOU are in control of how you feel. Maybe you should take some vitamin supplements if you arent already. St. Johns Wort is good for depression. Find yourself a good multivitamin and a b-complex. Im a vitamin junky honestly but they have helped me most of all in tuff times. Add me if you want... Hope maybe something ive said helped....
  • CandiesAndSweets
    CandiesAndSweets Posts: 167 Member
    Sometimes we need to remember that we have no control over certain things. So when situations occur when our loved ones are having trouble, all and the best we can ever do is just love them. It my not sound like much. But to really love someone when things are crashing around him/her, it's the best thing you can possibly do for them anyway. Also try to stay strong for them, so they have someone they can hold on to during their difficult time.

    What gets me out of bed and moving is focusing on the results I want. That doesn't only revolve around having a healthier body, but also around things I will finally be able to do again once that happens. My reward for losing 60lbs. is skydiving :)