lauren_jb Member


  • I'm terrible at dieting. I love food and going out for drinks. I'm in option b. Recently started weightlifting and haven't lost weight but my shape is changing - am down on my measurements - and I haven't cut calories to limit my eating at all. I am going to need to cut back to 2000 calories a day to see proper results but…
  • I was in the same position as you. Pretty much zero strength. I bought a copy of the new rules of weightlifting for women. It has 6 months worth of training programs and info on diet, form, exercises. I also found it really funny. I'm on week 7 and have really enjoyed it - never managed to stick to a cardio program this…
  • That might just be the greatest idea of all time.
  • Hoping to be in shape by Christmas so I want a tight sparkly party dress!
  • Hahahaha love this ????
  • Just started a weight lifting program. 3 weeks in and I'm really enjoying it, much better than running! Add me if you like ????
  • I definitely binge eat and I do it away from judging eyes. I find 2 things help, one not buying things I am likely to binge on - for example biscuits. If I buy a pack I will eat a pack so it's safer not to have them and if I really really want one I have to go to the shops especially. Second is to log it afterwards. (If…
  • Definitely find I'm stronger. I really struggled doing the shoulder press with 5kg weights initially, didn't complete the second set. Now 5kg doesn't feel challenging enough. I tried to up to 6 and found it ridiculously hard. Found out afterwards I picked up 9s! Bit of a blonde moment... I was only at a calorie deficit of…
  • Around £2 a go. Just seems a bit excessive so thought I would buy a job lot online. I've had a few different ones depending what are in stock, just avoiding anything with creatine in it and trying to limit the calories to 250. MFP is telling me to have 15% of my calories from protein (70g) but the lifting program I'm on…
  • Trainer at the gym asked me what I was planning in doing next. I told him deadlifts and lat pull downs - he looked surprised and after talking my program through for 5 mins said I sounded like I knew what I was doing ???? Not sure I do quite yet but faking it is a step in the right direction!
  • I started this yesterday, didn't feel too sore this morning but feeling it now. Oh and I fell off the medicine ball doing the jackknifes. Too graceful for words! Would love to see how you guys are finding it from time to time!
  • Ha yea I'm sat with my book now making lots of notes!
  • I don't work weird hours (athough I leave for work at 7.20am and get back 7.30pm at the earliest) and find it really hard to squeeze in exercise around it. On top of that my boyfriend runs a bar which means he has weird hours which has an impact one my schedule too... massively feel the pain. Deep down I know it's an…
  • Ha I do the cheese thing! Have you seen the show secret eaters? I'm do the classic lets have cheese and biscuits when everyone else is in bed so I don't feel guilty ... I need to learn to stay away from the fridge and go to bed myself in these moments! P.s I won't go into the on the train chocolate and crisps snacking...…
  • A deficit on 2000 is interesting, out of curiosity I'd like to know my actual number as I am very sedentary so unlikely to be that high. But could explain why I'm not a gazillion pounds when I eat the same size meals as my 6ft 2 active boyfriend! I'm trying to consider exercise as a bonus to calorie counting as I'm so…
  • Just did press ups, abs and squats. I feel I might be in a bit of pain tomorrow lol
  • Brilliant, I really need exercises like this which I can't talk myself out of! Thanks for sharing :)
  • I've not really tried weight training. I'm not really sure where to start, I have zero core strength (and I mean nothing) so I think classes might be a bit beyond me. Do definitely need to tone up though. Any tips on where to start?
  • I did exactly the same, gained around 30lbs in my first year (tooooo much pizza), managed to drop to within 5lbs of target weight in my final year but I've gone back up since I started working :(
  • Exactly! The only time I feel properly rubbish is when I'm shopping for a party dress and nothing fits... Feel free to send a request :)
  • 23 but I'm going to consider myself at the top end of young generation. Have tried MFP before but I'm terrible for abandoning it after a blow out... Think some moral support/accountability might help! I'm 5 9 and want to get from around 172lbs to 158 I'm gong to give myself till May as a target. Would be great to hear from…