In need of motivational friends!

squintyme Posts: 24 Member
I have recently decided I need to not just diet but change MY LIFE!! Please add me, more the merrier I am interested in Yoga (newbie) Heavy Lifting (even newer newbie) and yummy healthy food!

I am gonna share recipes and ideas on all exercise as I want to stick to it this time! Speak to me guys I wanna soak up all things healthy and positive!


  • taydelanie
    taydelanie Posts: 16 Member
    I'm a yoga newbie also! I took a class for health credit at my university a few years ago, so I have a good background in the fundamentals, just not a lot of practice. I intend to change that though! I'll friend you :)
  • DanceswithWow
    Hello squinty

    My name is Dances w/ WOW

    and have I got some motivation for you..
    Your entire list of request all within m vast little bag of super teaching triumphs..

    Would love for you add me to your friends as I come with a host of authenticated verifiable on paper on purpose driven benefits..

    not to mention a new book coming to Amazon winter Fall 2014

    Need help with Weights, resistance training, muscle anything or metabolism anything? can have you an expert in 5 questions or less
    Need clarification on your eating process?..while I dont use calories I do use something 25 times more powerful

    Want recipes that will super charge your life force.., I will have you secreting enough lipolytic enzymes to make all the elephants in africa look like walking sticks..

    My name is Dances with Wow..
    and I can help you command a battleships worth of life force

    friend me
    and you too can soon showcase your body dancing with wow
  • bgalindo5
    bgalindo5 Posts: 3 Member
    Find me & Friend me.


    Im a national level NPC Figure Competitor & use my social media friends as my motivation too. Im on IG (@fitt_bambi) and on BodySpace (bgalindo5). Im always interested in learning new recipes as I'm constantly cooking and eating the same thing.
  • lauren_jb
    lauren_jb Posts: 26 Member
    Just started a weight lifting program. 3 weeks in and I'm really enjoying it, much better than running! Add me if you like ????
  • mcloving81
    hey there.

    Heavy weights? This will be key to your fat loss/muscle gain.

    btw i couldnt stop laughing at DancewithWow's reply.. It read like an infomercial.
  • lauren_jb
    lauren_jb Posts: 26 Member

    btw i couldnt stop laughing at DancewithWow's reply.. It read like an infomercial.

    Hahahaha love this ????