If no-one sees you eat the cheese..

...does it still contain all the calories?**

I'm looking for accountabilibuddies on here - living on my own is great in a lot of ways, but knowing that there's no-one around to judge me means I make all kinds of wrong choices sometimes. I'm not new to calorie-counting, I lost 20lbs last year but managed to put half of it back on due to reasons I won't get into.

I'm a running nut, currently training for my first full marathon after completing a half in February this year. I follow a mostly meat-free diet and don't cook with it myself, but I do indulge in steak/bacon/chicken/fish if friends are cooking or I'm out at a restaurant.

Anyways, I'm 26, 5ft 8ish, 158lbs currently, looking to drop to 140lbs or so, and I'm in the UK - and looking for motivational friends who aren't afraid to kick me into touch when I need it!

(** Yes, yes it does.)


  • lauren_jb
    lauren_jb Posts: 26 Member
    Ha I do the cheese thing! Have you seen the show secret eaters? I'm do the classic lets have cheese and biscuits when everyone else is in bed so I don't feel guilty ... I need to learn to stay away from the fridge and go to bed myself in these moments!

    P.s I won't go into the on the train chocolate and crisps snacking... Such an epic fail.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    once you start logging, it will make you more honest. you'll get to the point where logging is habit and cannot be overlooked. then your accountability will skyrocket.
  • apple_22over7
    Ha I do the cheese thing! Have you seen the show secret eaters? I'm do the classic lets have cheese and biscuits when everyone else is in bed so I don't feel guilty ... I need to learn to stay away from the fridge and go to bed myself in these moments!

    P.s I won't go into the on the train chocolate and crisps snacking... Such an epic fail.

    Haha yeah - I have been known to eat an entire wedge of brie in one sitting. Not even with crackers or bread or anything - just the cheese. Oops..
  • jec285
    jec285 Posts: 145 Member