NancyH66 Member


  • Just my opinion but for your height that weight range sounds perfect. However it is unclear what you want help with. Nobody here is going to be able to stop you from comparing yourself to your friends. When i have negative self talk or start comparing myself to others i give myself a mental shake and make myself think of…
    in Help! Comment by NancyH66 January 2016
  • I washed mine with a gentle soap and water, patted dry and applied A and D ointment. The goal is to keep the tattoo moisturized. From the ingredients i think that cream you used is too harsh. Treat the tattoo the same way you would a bad sunburn. Be gentle with and don't pick at it. You may not remember but it is going to…
  • You should listen to your son-in-law.....well except i would count the calories. Find a few BMR calculators on the internet and put in your stats.....height, age, sex. This will give you a rough idea of how many calories you should be eating just to live. I don't know what the Venus program is but 1000 calories is super…
  • Don't worry about your form. Worry about getting good running shoes and then embarking on a sensible training program. It is *very* easy to overdo it in the beginning. Don't hurt yourself!
  • how tall are you? 1200 calories is really not very much. Also what exercise are you doing that burns 700 to 900 calories? Are you logging your food? Are you eating your exercise calories back?
  • You should start by walking. put some music on, stick your ear buds in and walk for 30 min. You can gradually increase the time and speed til jogging is the next natural step. Youtube is a good suggestion for workout videos. Also you should look around your area for volunteer activities that will get you out of the house…
  • I'm a Veterinary Technician. I actually don't currently work third shift except like now when i'm covering for one of my co-workers. 10 years ago i did work full time overnights for three years and i've worked it on and off since then. This week i'm experimenting with sleeping as soon as i get home vs waiting til noon to…
  • Just covering nights for a vacationing coworker for two weeks though i used to do this full time. Blech...not having a great time.
  • It looks really delicious btw
  • You should be aiming for a pound a week. It's hard to make recommendations because your food diary isn't public. It is possible you are overestimating your calories burned through exercise or underestimating your calories eaten. 1300 calories isn't very much either unless you are really short so you might be under-eating…
  • I don't want to open that image. If i were you i'd break down the meal into its components and add them up that way. For example 6oz chicken = # calories, 1cup broccoli = # calories. and so on. easy peasy the image is there. Still the same advice though.
  • You have to make your food diary public.
  • is impossible to give advice without more information. Keep working out and start logging everything you eat. You might want to start logging your measurements also since you could be losing inches (muscle gain / fat loss) which could explain the lack of movement on the scale. keep at it....a month isn't very…
  • Get out and walk or jog or ride a bike. Do you have sports teams at school? Working out with a group will help with motivation. Avoid eating junk food. Drink water not soda or sugary drinks. This is the time to build some good diet and exercise habits. If you get down to a healthy weight now you probably won't have…
  • I would advise against mixing different types of drinks. Stick to beer for a few outings while you figure out how you deal with being drunk. Getting puking drunk on your first time out shouldn't be the goal. Also hangovers are no fun. Try to drink water during the evening and have some gatorade waiting when you get home. I…
  • Rest it! and anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen or tylenol (if you can take those drugs). Keeping any swelling down inside the knee will help it heal faster. Don't exercise the knee when you are medicated as you could make the situation much worse (taking the pain away with ibuprofen doesn't mean the knee is…
  • There are many training plans on the internet. A good conservative one is called Couch to 5K and is aimed at new runners. The most important thing is not to overtrain and injure yourself (which it sounds like you might already have done). Running injuries can become long term, nagging, debilitating, and frustrating. If you…
  • It is possible that the muscles in that area were weakened by the surgery. You may have the beginnings of a hernia. For sure tell your doctor and stop doing abdominal exercises until the doc says it is ok.