Running question.... 15k marathon coming up

So I haven't run more than 5k... wait more than 2k in the last 7 years.

I started dropping weight, did bootcamp/crossfit/rowing, but since it's winter time, I didn't get a chance to run outside until recently.

A few of my friends and I signed up for a 15k run on March 30, 2014.

I have no idea how to train for it...

I recently ran a 5k after a full hour of crossfit class(immediately after) at a 9 min/mile pace. Felt a bit winded at the end but not too bad.

Now I'm trying to run 10k... but I am starting to shin splints on the left side and I don't want to overtrain.

The runs we are doing is always AFTER an hour of crossfit class. Is it better to train the runs so that it's on seperate days?

Or would doing it immediately after an intense bootcamp/crossfit class increase our cardio and thus, make a 5 - 10k run 'easier' if we do it fresh?

So many questions, so little knowledge! Any help would be appreciated for those who run 10k + regularly!



  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    In reality to be a better runner you need to run and get the miles in. I would not be doing crossfit then running though that sounds like a recipe for an injury. The most important thing at the moment is just getting comfortable at the distance so I really wouldn't worry about speed with around 30 days you haven't time to build speed as well as the endurance. The best advice I can give is ease up my guess is your getting shin splints because you're trying to push it too much. Run at a pace you could hold a conversation then once your comfortable running the distance you can then try and push it a bit.
  • NancyH66
    NancyH66 Posts: 20 Member
    There are many training plans on the internet. A good conservative one is called Couch to 5K and is aimed at new runners. The most important thing is not to overtrain and injure yourself (which it sounds like you might already have done). Running injuries can become long term, nagging, debilitating, and frustrating. If you want to have a long happy running future you should not try to ramp up your milage to quickly. I know you have already signed up for the 15K but there is no reason you can't do it as a run/walk and save yourself a lot of pain.
    I think you could do short runs after your cross fit class and save longer distances or fast workouts for other days. Also make sure you have good running shoes, Warm up by alternating walking and jogging. Stretch after you run, Buy a foam roller and roll your hamstrings and IT band. Look at Amazon or the library for books and magazines about running and training. Also, just as a side note, the term Marathon refers to the 26.2 mile distance.
    Have fun!
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    No other way than to practice running and increasing your distances over time. Time yourself to give yourself motivation.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    A 15Km Marathon... methinks this is merely trolling
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    A 15Km Marathon... methinks this is merely trolling

    It would match their trolling behavior of early this morning .. two threads started around 5am central that were locked pretty quick.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    A 15Km Marathon... methinks this is merely trolling

    It would match their trolling behavior of early this morning .. two threads started around 5am central that were locked pretty quick.

    Long term pattern actually... Runners are unfit Crossfit is the ONE TRUE WAY... blah blah blah