Counting and Running- NOT LOSING WEIGHT

OMFG guys I'm going INSANE. I don't know what to do or where else to turn!!!!!!

I run at least a mile every day after working and being on my feet for 8 hours. I watch what I eat and usually net between 1200-1400 calories. I can see and feel the changes in my body but oh my God the damned scale is STUCK at 258!!!!

What am I doing wrong? What do I need to change? I'm getting irritated, desperate, hopeless and about to just give up.

Help please!



  • NancyH66
    NancyH66 Posts: 20 Member
    You have to make your food diary public.
  • defauIt
    defauIt Posts: 118 Member
    There's no way you're eating 1200-1400 a day while standing on your feet for 8 hours and running a mile while weighing 258 lbs and not losing.

    Two possibilities:

    1) You're way overestimating calories burned from exercise and eating back too much.
    2) You're eating more than you think.

    I'm 165 right now and I lose if I sit in bed all day while eating 1500 calories a day.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    1400 seems low for 258lbs. I bet your metabolism slowed down a lot. I would bump it up to 2,500 and run 2mi every workout. If you start gaining a lot, drop the cals back down and keep the 2mi runs. If increasing running distance is to hard, hop on the stairmaster for an hr or ride a bike.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Over what time period have you seen no changes in weight or measurements?
  • Arranna1212
    Arranna1212 Posts: 143 Member
    Are you weighing and logging everything you eat? Did you lose a significant amount of weight before this and now you're stuck? How long has the scale been at that point? Are your clothes fitting better? There are a lot of factors we need to know to even begin to help you. All I can say for now is, make sure you WEIGH everything and don't over estimate your workouts. If you're netting that much, at your weight you should EASILY be losing. Unless you have a medical problem.. It's as simple as calories in vs calories out.. Unless you're about to whoosh. :P
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    OMFG guys I'm going INSANE. I don't know what to do or where else to turn!!!!!!

    I run at least a mile every day after working and being on my feet for 8 hours. I watch what I eat and usually net between 1200-1400 calories. I can see and feel the changes in my body but oh my God the damned scale is STUCK at 258!!!!

    What am I doing wrong? What do I need to change? I'm getting irritated, desperate, hopeless and about to just give up.

    Help please!


    Running and working on your feet does not equal weight loss. Calorie deficit = weight loss.

    Running for one mile will burn about 100 calories. This is not a lot.

    Dont blame the scales. You are not entitled to weight loss. The most likely scenario is that you are overestimating exercise/underestimating calorie intake. This is up to you.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    How long stuck? You started in 2011, that long stuck?
    Or back at it again from whatever break occurred?

    Think about if you are using this tool correctly.

    Any tool used incorrectly may at best not work for intended purpose, at worst it may hurt you. Some tools used wrong may work for a bit, but usually something breaks or is ruined.

    On your feet all day long - what activity level did you select? Lightly Active is truthful, hope you honestly know that.

    You can afford 2 lbs weekly now as goal loss, so that's fine.

    When you log that running, are you selecting the correct speed in the exercise database? It matters.
    Better to round up to slower if between levels right now. If you actually hit that pace, that calorie burn estimate is more accurate than HRM. I'll show you the studies if the other claims start flying. Running and walking is perfect use of database entries.

    Are you correctly eating back those calories as your goal increased?

    Are you logging all food you eat, being accurate with entries selected?
    And weighing is more accurate than measuring, since calories is based on weight, not volume.
    Are you eating out a lot thus requiring lots of estimates? Won't work.

    You might also change the goals for protein while keeping fat the same. See how many grams they gave you, double that figure, and change the % to make it match. Fat is fine, let the carbs drop to whatever is left.

    Now, for a month - meet your goals. 50 over is better than 100 below.

    And since exercising, your body is going to make some improvements that are totally about water weight gain. Need more blood volume, need more glycogen stored (with water automatically), and if muscles sore, need more water there too.

    And no to any replies coming - you aren't gaining muscle so fast as to mask fat loss.