Help: How many calories would this be?

If any1 can gives me an estimate on calories or any nutrition info on the meal would be nice
meal is called Grilled Meats Rice Plate w/Beef Skewer & Pork Chop
it is vietnamese
Much appreciated


  • NancyH66
    NancyH66 Posts: 20 Member
    I don't want to open that image. If i were you i'd break down the meal into its components and add them up that way. For example 6oz chicken = # calories, 1cup broccoli = # calories. and so on. easy peasy the image is there. Still the same advice though.
  • aqualeo1
    aqualeo1 Posts: 331 Member
    Have enough trouble logging my own food!
  • NancyH66
    NancyH66 Posts: 20 Member
    It looks really delicious btw
  • Fujitsu626
    Asian cuisine is so hard to log >< multiple sources online say different things
  • EpsilonGamma
    that's a lot of rice there, maybe 350-400
    Spring roll at least 100
    skewer 100
    Pork/lamb chop? I would say maybe 120-150g of meat there. So like 350-400.
    Those veges are like nothing (not nothing but there is so little of it)
    Fish sauce maybe 50

    So you're looking at like 950 to 1050, but obviously this is me looking at it through a picture. I'm not really there. Also, I don't know how much oil was used in the cooking process. That adds a bit.