Extremely exhausted am...causes?

Adpalangi Posts: 349 Member
I've read about the 1200 calories, my son in law a personal trainer says 1000 is no where enough. He says to eat healthy whole/organic foods, exercise and do not count calories. He explained starvation mode to me, and was quiet serious. But from the Venus program I bought it tells me for my body type age and height I should be eating 1000 a day to loose the Thirty I nerd to.
Do you think "starvation mode (I'm not extremely hungry) could have an effect on my fatigue? I don't fully understand starvation mode, if someone could please help me understand.
Could it be from the large amount of carbs I was eating, to the less I am eating now in the low hundred grams. Like is my body in some kinda shock?
And just a final note my sugar level is most of the time over 20 grams than the 45 I should be getting. I don't eat processed food 90% of the time, I guess it's coming mostly thru the fruits vegs and I'm not sure but the protien bars. Could this be part of my problem?
I am finding it difficult to choose the right balance of these healthy foods.
Please still help! Thank you!


  • NancyH66
    NancyH66 Posts: 20 Member
    You should listen to your son-in-law.....well except i would count the calories. Find a few BMR calculators on the internet and put in your stats.....height, age, sex. This will give you a rough idea of how many calories you should be eating just to live. I don't know what the Venus program is but 1000 calories is super low. My understanding of "starvation mode" is that if you don't eat enough calories your body slows down its metabolism and hoards fat so that you don't starve to death.
    Figure out how many calories your body needs you to have (using the BMR calculator) then multiply that number by 1.2 if you are sedentary (you sit in an office chair all day) or 1.5 if you are really active all day (like a mailman or waitress in a busy restaurant). That number is your total daily energy expenditure and you should eat that many calories daily. Any calories you burn by exercising you can add in and eat more.
    Aim for slow steady weight loss. Fast weight loss is bad for you and will usually return very easily.
    To answer the original question. The fatigue could be from many reason. Super low calorie intake, over exercising, poor diet, or you could be sick..a doctors exam would be a good idea also.
  • Halziees
    Halziees Posts: 42 Member
    I've read about the 1200 calories, my son in law a personal trainer says 1000 is no where enough. He says to eat healthy whole/organic foods, exercise and do not count calories. He explained starvation mode to me, and was quiet serious. But from the Venus program I bought it tells me for my body type age and height I should be eating 1000 a day to loose the Thirty I nerd to.
    Do you think "starvation mode (I'm not extremely hungry) could have an effect on my fatigue? I don't fully understand starvation mode, if someone could please help me understand.
    Could it be from the large amount of carbs I was eating, to the less I am eating now in the low hundred grams. Like is my body in some kinda shock?
    And just a final note my sugar level is most of the time over 20 grams than the 45 I should be getting. I don't eat processed food 90% of the time, I guess it's coming mostly thru the fruits vegs and I'm not sure but the protien bars. Could this be part of my problem?
    I am finding it difficult to choose the right balance of these healthy foods.
    Please still help! Thank you!

    I am dealing with major exhaustion, too! I think you should aim to have your NET calories at approximately 1200. I have noticed when mine reach that level, I feel much better and have more energy for working out. If they are under that number, I tend to feel extremely exhausted, especially in the morning. My limbs feels heavy and I just wanna go back to sleep. Also, try to make sure you are eating enough carbs and protein. I had a pork sandwich tonight (bread & meat!) and I am feeling much better! :D
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    I've read about the 1200 calories, my son in law a personal trainer says 1000 is no where enough. He says to eat healthy whole/organic foods, exercise and do not count calories. He explained starvation mode to me, and was quiet serious. But from the Venus program I bought it tells me for my body type age and height I should be eating 1000 a day to loose the Thirty I nerd to.
    Do you think "starvation mode (I'm not extremely hungry) could have an effect on my fatigue? I don't fully understand starvation mode, if someone could please help me understand.
    Could it be from the large amount of carbs I was eating, to the less I am eating now in the low hundred grams. Like is my body in some kinda shock?
    And just a final note my sugar level is most of the time over 20 grams than the 45 I should be getting. I don't eat processed food 90% of the time, I guess it's coming mostly thru the fruits vegs and I'm not sure but the protien bars. Could this be part of my problem?
    I am finding it difficult to choose the right balance of these healthy foods.
    Please still help! Thank you!

    If you're feeling exhausted then it's your bodies way of telling you that something is wrong.

    Use the MFP calculator, set your goal to lose 0.5 to 1lb per week and see how you go. 1000 is not enough and any programme that recommends it is irresponsible and not setting you up for sustainable, longterm weight loss.

    I wish you all the best. :flowerforyou:
  • Adpalangi
    Adpalangi Posts: 349 Member
    Thank you so much for your input. I've heard nothing but negative here regarding a 1000 calorie intake. I think I need to go back and revisit that. I know my daughter and son in law will be much more supportive knowing I'm not using 1000. All of you have given me similar advice-and looking at your tickers/results I feel you know what your talking about. Thanks again.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Hey OP, thanks for taking advice and actually listening - its refreshing!

    Honestly, you can eat more than 1000 and still lose weight, just run the numbers, try it out for several weeks, then weigh and assess from there. You don't have to feel like cr*p in order to lose weight :)
  • KimberlyinMN
    KimberlyinMN Posts: 302 Member
    Have you had a check up lately? Feeling extremely exhausted could be sleep apnea or something else like rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, lupus, etc.

    Before I lost my weight, I had to use a CPAP machine for sleep apnea. Although it also runs in my family as my skinny uncle and skinny aunt (my mom's siblings) both have sleep apnea as does my dad and my brother. (And my husband, but... he's not a blood relative.) And... I have rheumatoid arthritis which sometimes makes day-to-day get up go, well, go. :)

    But, I'm not implying that your fatigue isn't related to what you are or aren't eating.
  • rm33064
    rm33064 Posts: 270 Member
    What is a Venus program?