MadDogManor Member


  • I changed my “meals” to times, in 4 hour increments: 0001-0400, 0401-0800, 0801-1200, and so on. It really doesn’t matter to me what I call it, I just want to try to log accurately, and logging by time just seems to work best for me.
  • Your hours sound a lot like mine - that 0430 alarm really yanks my chain sometimes lol. I always have an “after-work snack” of crackers and cheese or veggies and fruit (pre-prepped). Then I can do other stuff until dinner time (5 or 6 pm). Then it’s usually some leftover dinner (I cook a few different meals on Sunday) or…
  • I did c25k twice, once on the treadmill and once on the pavement, before I ran my 5k. I was 40 something and 200 lbs. My goal was to not walk during the race. I was successful, felt like I had ‘ran’ the whole thing, and my time was 47 minutes. I thought it would be the beginning of something (I wanted to do a marathon…
  • The Pura d or seems to be working alright. I don’t see as much breakage. It smells like tea tree oil, it’s kinda strong at first. But I don’t mind that smell. I think the minoxidil is working too - I see some fine baby hairs growing in my crown and part (the thinnest areas for me)
  • Turkey noodle soup with homemade turkey broth, carrots, celery, peppers, turkey chunks and egg noodles.
  • I started using the Pura d’or professional grade system around the same time as you started Aveda. It’s for thinning and breakage, too, and I think it’s working but I don’t know. My doc suggested minoxidil too and I’ve been using that on my part and front thinning areas. I feel so self conscious about it, but try not to…
  • Yes, I haven’t slept all night for about a year, maybe more. Can’t keep track bc I’m so tired/exhausted/zombie. I skipped flo for 8 months, then had a visit. I’m currently skipping 4 months now. Cannot wait for this to be over and done !
  • I’ve been walking to Mordor since Nov. I only log my actual exercise walks - helps give me motivation to walk
  • I’m off work until Jan 2 - yay! And, no Aunt Flo since Sept - double yay!
  • The cows are my neighbors now in So. MS. The other is near where I grew up on Lake MI.
  • So jealous ;-)
  • I think a lot of it may be posture, lighting, etc. at least that’s what I tell myself every time a see a pic of me
  • 999. On my 1,000th day, I was driving to see my son-in-law graduate from Calvary boot camp. It was worth breaking the streak
  • I replaced drugs with alcohol. Then I replaced alcohol with food. Now I know I need to get mentally healthy to beat the addictions. I have not replaced food with exercise, however. Exercise just does not seem to “do it for me” like drugs, alcohol, and food did.
  • I would love at least 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep! Oh I can just imagine it
  • May try it. Can’t hurt, I guess.
  • Yep, I moved from MD to MS two years ago, and gained most of the weight back that I had lost. New foods, less fresh veggie selection, no fresh foods farmers markets, Mississippi being the fattest state in the Union, etc etc etc. My new job is more stressful now. Both my parents passed within a 6-wk time period this past…
  • I can relate. I stand 8+ hrs at work and am too tired when I get home to exercise. I binge, too, which certainly doesn’t help anything at all. Every 3 months or so, I have to buy new work shoes - they break down so quickly bc I’m heavy. When my ankles and shins are on fire after a day of work, I know it’s time for new…
  • Like stated above, I've also made a homemade version of this - pumpkin sage risotto, with chix broth, fresh pumpkin chunks, sage, onions, butter and Parmesan cheese. Yum!!!
  • For me, too. Recurring sinus and ear infections? Bc I'm fat. Headaches, eye pain? Same. Took 25 years for a doctor to finally do one CT scan of my sinuses, then immediately schedule me for sinus surgery. Musta been bc I was fat. My varicose veins? Painful and swollen when I was fat, but also when I had lost weight. No…
  • I thought this exact thing just a couple of hours ago! I've always been a "pear" but now just look (and feel) like a blobby slob. Ugh.
  • Yep, I can relate to all of this. Woke up WIDE awake today at 0200. Did laundry, make some homemade chicken noodle soup, washed dishes, made coffee. Then, right before my alarm went off at 0415, I dozed off
  • I usually say something like "I like your hair, it looks different". And leave it at that. Nothing else. And you're lucky if you get that - I just don't care. I'm pretty sure all my female coworkers think I'm really weird, but whatever. I'm there to work, not make friends.
  • Erg - now I'm having horrible pms symptoms! My b00bs have never felt so sore - hah hah. UNCLE already!!!
  • Omg! It's been SEVEN MONTHS, until yesterday :'(
  • I used to work 3rd shift when my daughter was young, and I had a 55 min commute home. I found that falling asleep at the wheel was much more dangerous than eating in the car. I ended up drinking water and peeling and eating oranges - that seemed to be the best to help me stay awake. Luckily I never injured anyone, but I…
  • Nice! I used to belong to a meat CSA, and when we'd go to the farm to pick up our monthly box, she'd point to the cow or chicken and say that's next months box. It was the best meat I've ever had
  • I don't work nights anymore (except on rare, on call occasions) but I still have my logging broken into time periods (0001 - 0400, 0400 - 0800, 0800 - 12 noon, etc). I never know if it's breakfast or lunch or what, I just log it into the time slot
  • You are not alone - you wrote exactly how I feel and what I do. I don't know how to stop the endless cycle, I know I need counseling, but haven't even gotten to that point of trying to find someone I'm comfortable with
  • I will try this. Thank you