devenwarvel Member


  • I say just bad "text etiquette"...I am NOTORIOUS for it! My friend just got on me this weekend for just stoppig a conversation with no "Bye". But to me, texting is so informal I see no need to end it "properly". I may get busy, or have no response, or just decide to respond later, then forget! If she's initiating the…
  • I buy clothes that will fit at different sizes. Maxi dresses would be something that would fit at as you lose, as you get smaller you can use a belt to cinch it in to show off your smaller frame. Blazers could be cute, you can buy them a little small and wear them open, they tend to be slimming and cute. I have also been…
  • I couldn't have said it better:)
  • I think that all of her videos are basically the same format. I have done both 30DS and NMTZ. I personally LOVE NMTZ! It is def more challenging than 30DS. I didn't see much results from 30DS. I combined NMTZ and BFBM (Burn Fat Boost Metabolism) and got amazing results...I can not say enough positive things about these two…
  • I totally understand where you are coming from! I felt like I was addicted to logging. It was all I could think was becoming an obsession. I have quit logging. I feel that I have a pretty good idea of where I am on most days, mainly because I eat a fairly regular diet. If I am going to eat something "out of the…
  • When I first started working out I used Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones. I think they work great!! I am doing P90X now, and sometimes think that JM videos worked much better. I HIGHLY recommend them!!
  • I am at the end of my first month...not sure on my progress yet, I'll be measuring Friday. I'd love to see some result pictures as well...I am feeling a little discouraged with the program right now :/ Good luck to you and your husband!!
  • To Hubs: We'll have so much more room in our bedroom for activities! It's makin my head spin!! Reply: Rumpus time is over. (In reference to Step Brothers)
  • Great motivation! I am so in!
  • I am going through that exact thing at the moment! I have calories left, my husband is going out and all I can think is "Well, I have enough for a few beers...", BUT I know that will lead to munchie food and ruin my whole day! So, here I sit eating my 4th "Cutie" of the night.
  • Love Billy Blanks!! I am always sore after I do matter how often I have been working out!
  • Yeppers! I am constantly trying to stop myself, because the tiniest thing makes me look/feel like i set myself way back!! Blech :/
  • EEEKK! I am obsessed with Halloween! It's my husband and I's aniversary so we always dress as a couple. This year I am Miss Voorhees and he is going to be Freddy. And for another party we are being the Bundy's. SOOOO excited!!!!!
  • I worked for a vet for about 4 years...saw very few cases where the declaw had a negative effect on the cat (the cases I did see were due to noncompliance issues with the owner). There are some inhumane (or what I would consider inhumane) ways of declawing, but it depends on the procedure the Dr. uses. Ask your vet how…
  • I eat it almost every day with hellmans light....I love it!! I taste no difference from the regular mayo I used to use.
  • Sometimes my TOM really causes me to lose a good amount of weight right after?? That is my only thought.
  • I struggle SO much with binging! I am curious what people will have to say about this. The only way I keep myself slightly on track is to let myself have the weekends. While it may not be ideal for weight loss, if I know that I can eat what I want on the weekend I can get myslef through the week without…
  • It would FOR SURE influence my decision. Plus, it would save the time of trying to look uo that info before going out to eat.
  • is AMAZING! And I am by no means a cook.
  • I cheat all weekend. After reading these posts, I feel a little guilty about that! I do try and work out on Saturdays though, so I guess that offsets it. I don't think I would stick to any sort of healthy diet if I didn't give myself those days.
  • The only thing I can do is stay on track all week, then let myself splurge on the wknd. It is probably not the best thing to do, but it is the only thing that keeps me sane! I could never be one of those people who is good all the time..I love food too much!! I also really do think tracking food helps...I hat to get on…
  • My husband is the type of person who can (and does) eat anything and he stays estremely fit by working out (lifting) one a week. So food has been a major pain in our house as well! I found and it has amazing healthy recipes that both my husband and I LOVE!!!
  • Is anyone else dealing with both shortness and disproportionate top-heaviness? As a 32D, I feel like my weight loss doesn't really change my looks very dramatically. Busty women always seem to look heavier to me. Ugh...5 even and at 32DD. I always feel heavier than smaller busted women! Even when I lost weight I still look…