Thyme4change Member


  • Hi!, I just let fitbit do its thing, or else in mfp the cals get adjusted then I tend to eat them. If I want my kudos, I log my ex as weight lifting by making a new weight lifting activity. If there is an easier way, please let me know :)
  • Hi Jat! So glad to see your enthusiasm for your new fitbit one, I have it too! And the enthusiasm! You picked the one for the same reason I did. I tried four different types and brands. They all went back but this little beauty stayed. For me, i use the clip and a pony tail holder to secure it around my bra strap, then…
  • New Fitbit one user.
  • Fort Collins / NoCo Area... Hi! Are there any who might be interested in starting a group to go on hikes and bike rides? There are so many trails and bike paths out there waiting to be experienced...and our summer is quickly slipping away! I often go biking on my own, but sharing it with like minded people would motivate…
  • Hi Diane, I am right there with you. I continue to remind myself to only focus on the NSV, but not losing has gotten to me too. I feel like the lab rat in my own science experiment...So, I once again started seeking a different way, hoping that I would find the golden key. Have I? Probably not, but here is hope...where…
  • I just got back from our first cruise. I did a lot of research and still went in blind and unsure what I would do. I didn't track, I made mostly good choices from the choices I had, bread n butter at dinner killed me, I ran every morning b4 breakfast. And we walked a lot! And mostly took the stairs. I follow a Paleo plan…
  • Week 2...taking it really slow because last time when almost done and full run my legs and really started hurting because of shoes, lack of stretching well enough and too fast.. Currently Walk at 2.4-6 run at 4.0 and drop down to 3.7 last part Good luck, be safe, enjoy!
  • Count me the book!
  • Thanks for posting the link...I am that fat girl who can run a mile and a few more steps each time, woohoo..I teared up reading that blog. I never thought about others silently cheering me on rather than thinking 'how did she ever get that way? It's nice to be reminded we aren't in HS anymore and people usually mature. But…
  • Hi J.. I didn't like the chest strap however for accuracy chest straps is hands down.. I used a inexpensive reebok from target, very much like the timex. Tried it for a weeks and returned it. I had trouble getting it to synch w the watch but it did synch w the gym machines. It might of been the device or the user ;) so I…
  • Good points thanks..egg whites...old habits ;)
  • Bump thx!
  • I just posted a 'question' and maybe I just found a little insight here...I hv been making smoothies almost every morning and hv not lost much of anything, plus I hv been gassy :( I knew there was something in my smoothie. I changed from coconut milk to almond. I changed my pro pwdr to vegan pro powder/Vega Preformance. I…
  • Welcome back...I hv had two mths of birthdays and celebrations. Stayed more or less primal but my mind set never changed, I know it is right for my body, but we live in a life which is challenging us every step of the way, which I think is a good thing :) Your awareness is awesome! Keep it up...Kim
  • For easiness I use the Vega protein powders. They are vegan if I am correct. I believe no whey as well. Vega is pricy but well worth it and taste amazing. Sweetened w stevia. Everyday breakfast smoothie I use Vega Energizing Smoothie Chocolate. 11g protein. Plus it has a lot of nutrients as well! Post workout It's Vega…
  • Thanks so much! Your basic smoothie is similar to mine. However the spices are a great idea! I frequently add cinnamon, pumpkin or apple pie spice. Cayenne! This is what's been missing with my chocolate base smoothies. Ginger, I can do that too. The turmeric is so good for us, but I will hv to experiment w that one. Thanks…
  • Thanks Greenmeena, I think I am on the same road. I hv slowly found myself moving to primal lifestyle. I feel 80% better. YEAH! Then I started to notice I would still had bouts of low energy, bloating and feeling over all just plain yuk. I cut out all dairy w the exception of butter, cream and cheese. In turn I added…
  • Thanks that really clears up a lot an confirms I am doing the right thing.
  • Interesting topic.. I started getting into shape 4 years ago after the kids were in high school and university. I went from zero to full exercise and killed myself for years, never getting any fitter, gaining wt and exhausted. I know this isn't typical. To get more to the point, a few mths I started using a heart rate…
  • Use it everyday, every leaves the counter...I scale over the wt scale. Tip... When wanting to weight a serving and it is in a bag or mayo. .. I just put the jar on the scale BEFORE turning it on! says zero. ..then I remove what I guess to be a TBL of mayo. Remove the mayo and spoon from jar…
  • So, needed this info, cause its almost time to buy a jar of mayo. I think I will use the immersion idea..wonder if it will fit into the b jar and fool a picky basement dweller :) our son...
  • I am an old pro to low carb'ing and six glorious days into primal yeah! Ok enough tooting my horn...(still learning n not clean) Night time hunger is all what was said above. It can be a habit, missing carbs, thirst, tired, stress, bored, not satiated, true hunger or a combo of the mentioned. Best thing is to become aware…
  • Yeah! Glad you shared!
  • Thanks everyone!!! Great to see people of all levels and experience. I must say this is the best I have ever felt and converting our 23 year old daughters well. And hubby I will too without him ever knowing by slowly eliminating his rice :D The carb flu is horrible, but the energy is great...hope this time my body will…
  • I don't know if this will help but I will share anyhow... Restarted low carb in January. Daily net carb was 50-70 and 12-1300 cals. I ate a typical LC diet. I worked out about 3-4 times at the gym. Keytone strip averages trace to small and I was always hydrated. Now day 5 of a primal carbs are still around…
  • Thanks for sharing, you hv inspired me to throw some frozen zucchini into my morning smoothie. I am always need ideas to get in more veggies and paired w the mint sounds great. Plus now I know what to do with my extra zucchini...into the freezer they will go :D
  • 1: How much are you trying to lose? Lost 7 of 25 lb. 2: How much lost this week? (Lbs or inches) 0.8 3. Biggest temptation I had was skipping lunch and then making Mac n ch for son 4. Biggest wins - getting fitter, ex'ing more days, feeling great after the gym :)
  • I never did south beach, because when I was researching Atkins just seemed to make more sense to me, which made it pretty easy to follow. Last apr - July I lost about 20 lb. low carb is my way of life. Do what sounds reasonable to you and you will be successful. Good luck, Kim