oldmanrivererik Member


  • Ive been on it since Sept 10 and have lost 36 pounds. Its hard at first but it gets easier. If you follow it through it should train you to live differently. If I go back to eating a lot of sweets and crap then yes I'll gain the weight back. But it does indeed work
  • I'mcurrently on the dukan diet. Cruise phase. Lost 35# so far, feel free to add me.
  • Greens:spinach, kale, etc etc salsa chicken onions red and green peppers garlic
  • I got a flex a couple of months ago. Its neat and I like it. If you need the money for something else though just save your money. It has not revolutionized my weight loss. It makes me more aware of my activity level or lack thereof so that is a good thing. I can tell days where i do not get enough activity shows up on the…
  • Eat 10 or so dried prunes and drink a substantial amount of water...you will see the effects 2-3 hours. Also low fat intake could be an issue as well
  • I see. I never argued the aerobic benefits. I was looking at it from a physics standpoint. I guess I need to factor in the inefficiencies of human locomotion. Running movements must be more inefficient than walking movements in order to expend so much extra energy. I didnt really look at it from that angle until now. Thanks
  • I see. I never argued the aerobic benefits. I was looking at it from a physics standpoint. I guess I need to factor in the inefficiencies of human locomotion. Running movements must be more inefficient than walking movements in order to expend so much extra energy. I didnt really look at it from that angle until now. Thanks
  • Think of it this way..it should take the same amount of energy to move a given weight a given distance. The difference between running and walking is that you cover more distance over a given period of time so you are burning more energy in that given amount of time. I realize this is probably not exact but theoretically…
  • I have a dietitian to gives the advice of targeting 30-60 grams of carbohydrates per meal every day. She said that low blood sugar creates a starvation response in your body. She said you need to keep from getting to that point in order to maintain blood sugar on an even keel. That will help you control your food intake…
  • Its "Food Rules" by Micheal Pollan
  • Hi, Im not sure what I weighed at my highest but it was over 350. Probably 360-70. Anyhow I weigh 288 now. Im still a great big fat person but my life is 100 times better now. Im not sure if what I did will work for you but here goes. First you need to start cooking for yourself. If you dont know how to cook go to a…
  • two hard boiled eggs cup of coffee with soy milk kiwi
  • cup of greek yogurt with a tea spoon of chocolate mix in it...fruit optional emerald almonds with coco 100 calorie pack 100 calorie pack of special k chips or crackers
  • tuna fish and crackers fruit such as apples or bananas couscous rice and beans w salsa turkey sandwich canned herring pickled herring boiled eggs borsch vegetables with some kind of dip, carrots, celery, broccoli, etc etc PB&J sandwich I cook my breakfast and lunch on sunday for all week. I keep it in the fridge and…
  • 110 gr of baby yellow potatos 85 gr of kale braised with vinegar 4 ounces of chicken breast 16 160 grams of birdseye pepper stirfry
  • You know they put bleach (chlorine) in drinking water...and fluoride...
  • Is it any different than being married to an alcoholic or drug addict that refuses to help themselves?
  • It sounds like he tried to help you but you werent able to help yourself. When he left it seems (at least from reading your post) that you finally were able to get your life together? Maybe him leaving was the best thing for you?
  • Im completely debt free. I use mint.com. Ive used it for 3-4 years and its completely free. I cant recommend it enough.
  • I was your size 2 years ago. Ive lost over 50 pounds since then. First of all you have to start cooking for yourself. It takes time and you dont have to do it all in one fail swoop. I only discovered this site in the last year or so. Start by cooking simple things and moving to more complicated things as time goes. Soups…
  • I have had serious problems with protein shakes and constipation. I do think its different for everyone though. I have to watch my fiber intake at all times or I end up with issues like this. Its something a person should be aware of before they start using these shakes.
  • Mustard + honey + red wine vinigar = low calorie great tasting salad dressing. mix to taste Non fat greek yogurt + garlic powder+ onion powder+ chives + dill weed + lemon juice concentrate= great ranch dressing substitute . Mix to taste , very easy to make tastes like real thing. Also good for dips
  • I forgot sea food such as shrimp, tuna salmon and herring
  • Nonfat plain greek yogurt Beans of almost any kind chicken and turkey breast Soy milk Egg Whites I am almost always high on protein and under on carbs and fat. I eat a lot of vegetables and the above items. I eat these things almost every day in different ways.
  • I was trying to kill myself after what seems like a life of failure after failure. I was going to eat myself to death for the simple reason that when I am eating I was happy. Everything else about my life might be miserable but at least for the 5-10 minutes I was scarfing down food, I was happy. In the matter of about 2…
  • On Sunday night I always boil enough eggs for breakfast for the following week. I also make a large pot of some kind of bean soup or stew. I take that for lunch every day. I make up low fat ranch dressing using nonfat greek yogurt and spices. I use that for dipping veggies as well as putting on potatoes. I have a bag of…