
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    You can do this. Lifestyle changes happen. The more you eat healthier, the more you will enjoy healthy food.

    I am NOT joking or being sarcastic or funny when i say I LOVE collard greens. I LOVE brussel sprouts. My mouth waters at the thought of these foods.

    I am NOT joking when I say I ENJOY exercise. I do. A lot. In fact, i get grumpy if I don't get my exercise.

    These things were not always true for me. And changes are hard to make, but you CAN do it.

    These are my two bits of advice I will give you, and I think if you take these bits of advice, you will find yourself a much healthier happy person:

    (1) REMEMBER that SLOW AND STEADY wins the race... don't try to do too much too soon. Don't expect to see yourself as some skinny super model in two weeks and get frustrated when it doesn't happen. If you see the scale move an AVERAGE of 1-2 pounds a week, YOU ARE SUCCESSFUL. That means, in one year, you can lose between 50 and 100 lbs. If you lose any more than that, BONUS!

    (2) NEVER GIVE UP. IF you screw up, just get right back in that saddle. I screwed up a lot too, but I kept coming back. I was honest with myself about my screw ups (heck, YESTERDAY I ate 700 calories more than I was supposed to- I felt bad, but I'm still sticking to it today. I didn't decide to just give up, or even to allow myself another day of screwing up. I'm back at it. BOOM).

    You already made the choice to change your life, now all you have to do is stick to it.
  • heyshaker
    heyshaker Posts: 13
    You are here and asking for help, that is a massive start! So big well done for that.

    Don't jump head first in to it and think it has to be all or nothing. Ease yourself in to healthier eating. If you eat junk food every day at the moment, say you will have 1 or 2 days a week where you will cook your own food. And try and make sure you have 5 minutes walk every day, or make a commitment to be a little more active.

    Sometimes if you take the all or nothing approach you find it too much of a change and then eventually you cave in to one little thing and feel like you have blown it all and give up.

    Take baby steps and gradually work your way in to a healthier lifestyle, you can do it! Small changes hunnie. Feel free to add me as a friend for support if you like xx

  • Well done for making a start and firstly good luck, you will get there.
    Take it slowly and the weight will come off, don't get despondent if the scales don't show the result you wanted sometimes we all have fluctuations where we think we should have had more loss one week than another.
    Make small changes, don't try to do it all at once. If you like fast foods, then have them but maybe cut down the times per week, you can also make healthier choices, like leaving out the mayo or cheese in a hamburger.
    Always weigh and log everything, there are so many foods in the database that its easy to do and don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day, just get back on it the next day.
    It took me two years to lose 42lbs with WW and I have maintained that weight but I can't get my head around their new propoints, so came to MFP to lose the rest.
    What I'm trying to say is take it slowly, you will get to where you want to be and be able to stay there.
  • Hello and welcome! Bravo for taking the first step by deciding to take back control and start on the road to healthy. You can do it.

    Add me if you wish.
  • Change can be hard and nearly impossible, but this is a step in the right direction for you. You have to find the will-power and motivation within yourself to continue. Feel free to add me, anyone and everyone. I wish you the best of luck in your journey.
  • Danni328
    Danni328 Posts: 3
    Congrats on starting!! I let myself get out of control and reached a peak weight of 346 about a year ago...a size 26, I used to be a size 9.....I just recently started 2 weeks ago and am down 38 pounds! If I can do it, you can do it, and eventually as weight starts coming off it helps to keep you motivated. There are a lot of great tips and great people on here. I find just knowing that I am going to be logging in my food and exercise for the day makes me want to make better choices. It's a good way to stay accountable. I wish you the best of luck :)
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    Take baby steps. Make small goals. Use this site and log everything. Its not easy but I broke a fast food addiction. You can do it. If you want to know how I did it let me know.
  • raelo88
    raelo88 Posts: 8 Member
    Just take it a little bit at a time so it doesn't get too overwhelming. Like every week, just cut out one bad thing, and keep adding onto it. Say week one: you cut out sodas. Week two: cut out sodas and potato chips. Week three: cut out sodas, potato chips, and candy bars. You will see progress, and that is the best feeling! And keep a measurement journal as well as weighing yourself every week, cause once you start to see those inches go, you won't want to go back to fast food! A lot of it has to do with your mind too. When you're dealing with a craving, instead of thinking, "I want it, but I can't have it," say "I CAN have it, but I DON'T want it." The healthy foods will taste better in time! And remember, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!
  • HI!!!

    this is my 3rd day.....and has been my easiest so i guess the more you do something the easier it gets!!

    i did not go through the kitchen tossing all the bad stuff as i am not the only one eatting the stuff...but next time i go shopping there will be some differet things in the kitchen.

    to save money i have always made a menu....then a grocery list.....then eat before i go to the store....if you have a SO who is the type of shopper to toss it in the cart just cuz....go with out them!!
  • Good job for you wanting to change your life! I know how hard that is. You just have to remember that it takes time. You will mess up.. and that's okay. Nobody has perfect days. I agree with a lot of previous posts, it's very crucial to cook your own food. I bought a scale that way I can weigh out correct portion sizes with meats. Your body will adjust to the changes, just don't rush anything. If I go over on my calories one day, the next day I'm right back at it. One thing that helps me is that no matter what I eat, I still track EVERYTHING I put in my body. I drink 96 ounces of water a day...and I'm a previous Pepsi addict. I wanted Pepsi ALL the time and would drink it several times a day. You just have to remember that you CAN do this. Try to pack snacks with you and keep them with your or even in your car, that way those become more convienent than fast food. If you do have fast food, get it without cheese and mayo...that saves a load of calories and sodium. Get small fries instead of large, and get a bottled water. I promise it will get easier and you WILL want to make the better choices. You have a lot of people here willing to help you anyway they can, including myself. Feel free to add me if you'd like... We can always exchange ideas! Good luck to you in your new, wonderful journey. Whatever you do, don't give up...keep tracking! :)
  • dgljones
    dgljones Posts: 89
    I started at 343, last Friday when I weighed I was 204. 139 lbs and within sight of my goal.
    Trust me that tastes better than any fast food.
    You can do it, just commit and stick with it.
  • NHoughton13
    NHoughton13 Posts: 303
    Only 6 weeks ago I ate fast food every day, I know how you feel. When you start to see results, you will want to continue to do better. I also credit MFP with keeping my motivation up. I scan the success stories often to remind me that it can be done. I can track my calories with ease with my phone.

    The two things I can't live without are my food scale and my heart rate monitor. When you can accurately montior what you're eating and burning, it makes it so much easier. I worked out hard today and had calories to spare, so guess what? I had McDonalds!!! You don't have to give it up forever, just plan for it and make the necessary adjustments.
  • Congrats on starting out!

    I think starting out in the spring time is the way to go as everything just seems to scream 'fresh air'.

    Some of the tricks I've used... Stop buying sugar. If you like sugar in your coffee, try using raw honey instead.

    If you like your butters, try using coconut oil or a nut oil.

    Start into a yoga class a few times a week. This will help to start toning and for me, I found that after a few classes I began to just be more picky about my foods and made better choices. And I just started the 30 Day Shred, give it a whirl!

    Someone said it before but NEVER ever ever ever go to the store when you are hungry. Always go after you've had a meal. And if you are craving fast food or junk food, buy a kids meal or buy the smallest individual portion you can get.

    Some have said plan a menu for each day of the week. This way you only shop for a list.

    And don't forget to get lots of good sleep! When you reach your first goal? Treat yourself to something nice and new too!

    Good luck, and congrats on just starting out... You are not alone!
  • time4jenn
    time4jenn Posts: 35 Member
    you can do this and from here every step is a step forward! YOU are worth it!! add me if you like as I would like to support you through your journey.
  • RebeccaBurmeister
    RebeccaBurmeister Posts: 35 Member
    You can do this! there are SO MANY GREAT people here! Feel free to add me! You are going to kick butt and feel great!
  • oldmanrivererik
    oldmanrivererik Posts: 28 Member
    I was your size 2 years ago. Ive lost over 50 pounds since then. First of all you have to start cooking for yourself. It takes time and you dont have to do it all in one fail swoop. I only discovered this site in the last year or so. Start by cooking simple things and moving to more complicated things as time goes. Soups are pretty easy. I use to get ideas Start walking a little bit each day. Try to go farther and farther each week. Take it one step at a time. Not every day will be a success but the past is the past and each day is another day.
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    Just start with today. Do one good thing for yourself that you don't undo (go for a walk but don't eat more just because you exercised). Tomorrow, just one thing again. As time goes on, it will get easier and you can always ask for help for whatever interests you as the next step!
    :flowerforyou: I love this advice. it makes so much sense. Baby steps. None of us got big overnight and one night will not cure the weight issue but taking one step at a time, being kind to yourself. it will happen and congratulations for reaching out, You are more than welocme to add me if you'd like.
  • welcome! I would say try not to over-think everything. just take it a day or a week at a time and set small goals. if going cold turkey on fast food is going to sabotage you to quit this diet, then do fast food friday for one meal on friday only. see (march issue) this month's prevention magazine for an article about a woman who did just that. she 'walked' off 149 lbs, but gave herself that fast food friday in the beginning to get used to the healthier palate of eating. pat yourself on the back for being here. i'm patting myself on the back for being here also.
  • MstngSammy
    MstngSammy Posts: 436 Member
    Welcome to MFP :flowerforyou:
  • amberstevens7906
    amberstevens7906 Posts: 55 Member
    I was once 270 pounds. I was in a size 2x and wore a 28 in jeans. I hated it and was so miserable. I am now 164. I made it down to 139 and i still wasnt thin.i got depressed and started eating again. I then got back to 164. I am now attempting to finish my weight loss journey. I agree with the fast food part.its so addicting. I always want cookies,ice cream and overall fast food but i always tell myself no food will taste as good as it will feel to be thin..