constipation....BEWARE....MAYBE TMI FOR SOME!



  • Kiwis work the same as prunes (And taste just as good). Another option is having a hot bath. It actually helps things 'move along' xx
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    pellet sized poo is usually a sign of dehydration. Drink more water. Also, make sure there's adequate fibre and fat in the diet as these also help everything keep moving in the right direction.

    note: increasing fibre without increasing water will make things worse if the original cause of it is insufficient water

    If that doesn't fix it then maybe see a doctor.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Constipation is also a symptom of low thyroid function which you may want to have checked out. I also find that exercise does wonders for me. 15 or 20 minutes of squats, sit ups and core exercises seems to get things moving.
  • This has happened to me before. I bought a bottle of lemon lime magnesium citrate and drank it... you can buy this at your local drug store.........takes a while for it to kick in.... oh but it will. ;) Good luck!
  • huv123
    huv123 Posts: 54 Member
    I find that cutting out fat is usually the culprit.
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    Constipation is also a symptom of low thyroid function which you may want to have checked out. I also find that exercise does wonders for me. 15 or 20 minutes of squats, sit ups and core exercises seems to get things moving.

    I brought this up to my GYN at my annual visit. I also told them how tired I am even after 8hrs of sleep. He says he doesn't think it's hormonal, since i'm still having a period and producing estrogen. he says that I dont' have the symptoms for him to think it's thyroid(funny, because I thought fatigue was a symptom!) I have to take melatonin before bed, otherwise my brain doesn't shut off, and I don't sleep well at all! It's almost like I never get into REM sleep, you know? I just can't keep my brain gears from turning and turning when I go to bed. I do workout regularly. I run 3-4 times a week and do some strength, so that should be working, but sometimes it doesn't.
  • pplf2001
    pplf2001 Posts: 133 Member
    You need salt/electrolytes for digestion (in addition to your water- maybe you need gatorade?) maybe you aren't getting enough? Probiotics are a wonderful thing too...
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    Are you drinking enough water? And errrr running when things aren't moving sometimes speeds things up...
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    I recently had this problem and like you, don't normally have it. Before resorting to anything drastic, try what seemed to work for me... up your fiber and water and exercise, even walking, whenever you can. A couple of days of this worked to get things going for me.
  • amcsouth
    amcsouth Posts: 283 Member
    Spinach, apple and ground flaxseed in a blender with water.... should clear you out quickly (works for me haha) :)

    Otherwise look at your fat and water intake. Cardio like running or walking usually helps too :smile:

    Good Luck! :smile:
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    I take 1 tbs of coconut oil in my milk with cereal or pumpkin latte every morning, that has been working along with my daily requirement of water.

    Also I find if I eat a lot of white flour my stool changes to pebbles, that's my warning shot to leave white flour along.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    As a poop expert, I have a few thoughts after glancing at your initial post.

    Difficulty going + "small pellets" (particularly if they're hard/small) sound like a fat intake issue. You might need to up your fat intake a bit (fat and fiber are both incredibly important in digestive function; fat often gets forgotten).

    Are you hydrated, as well? Make sure you're drinking water, and GRADUALLY upping fiber when you do start to up it. Even going from 10g to 15g one day to the next could be too jarring for your system... particularly if not being well-balanced with adequate fat and water intake.

    In regards to "medical issues" outside of diet/weight loss (losing weight can also throw things off), I'd watch the diet before running to the doctor.

    However, if you're not going at all, see any blood from straining, etc., then definitely go. Don't want any blockages. In regards to thyroid, if you also have fatigue, have they done any bloodwork? Having a period + producing estrogen doesn't really clue anything in regards to thyroid (in fact, long/heavy periods, or irregular periods, are symptoms of hypothyroidism).
  • TaraRichardson913
    TaraRichardson913 Posts: 157 Member
    Hey there,
    i am on meds that cause constipation and would be soo bloated and backed up.
    I use probiotics called acidophilus and its super helpful. I take three at bedtime.
    hope that helps
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    I brought this up to my GYN at my annual visit. I also told them how tired I am even after 8hrs of sleep. He says he doesn't think it's hormonal, since i'm still having a period and producing estrogen. he says that I dont' have the symptoms for him to think it's thyroid(funny, because I thought fatigue was a symptom!) I have to take melatonin before bed, otherwise my brain doesn't shut off, and I don't sleep well at all! It's almost like I never get into REM sleep, you know? I just can't keep my brain gears from turning and turning when I go to bed. I do workout regularly. I run 3-4 times a week and do some strength, so that should be working, but sometimes it doesn't.

    When is the last time you saw your primary care doctor? Do you live with anyone who can observe your sleep patterns for things like apnea?

    I would go see your PCP and possibly ask for some referrals to specialists, for the sleep and for the fact that you can't even pass gas. I wouldn't keep trying food based cures at this point because if they don't work, you're going to be compounding the problem and adding more clog to the pile. Once you clear out, evaluate the diet for sure-adequate fiber, water, fat, electrolytes, reasonable protein, not too much caffeine (nothing against caffeine but it can worsen constipation.)
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    If all the above advice doesn't work , laxatives ( should not be taken long term ) increasing water etc. see a dr. Underlying factors you may not even be aware of ....some more serious which you will want to have canceled out :) hope all work out ;)
  • sgeschin
    sgeschin Posts: 1 Member
    you might be dehydrated, I had some issues like this before and fresh orange juice, or rubharb helps. but overall its the amount of fluid and fibre you have to get right. the other thing you may want to consider if you are eating a lot of low fat food. these can cause constipations too. have a healthy and balance diet.
    I have stopped eating low fat food and I feel better than ever.:smile:
  • oldmanrivererik
    oldmanrivererik Posts: 28 Member
    Eat 10 or so dried prunes and drink a substantial amount of will see the effects 2-3 hours. Also low fat intake could be an issue as well
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Ditto what everyone else has said about water, fiber, fats, seeing a doctor, etc. I'm just going to go ahead and give you the TMI solution learned from pregnancy message boards - fleet liquid glycerin. If you are really constipated and uncomfortable, it works. Quickly. The package says within an hour, but you're better off staying where you are because it will probably all be over in less than 15 minutes. And I do mean "all," you could probably weight yourself afterwards and find that you've dropped 3 pounds. It wouldn't be my first choice of treatment if things like colace or metamucil work for you, because it is not, ahem, ingested orally, but it beats the hell out of straining and hemorrhoids.
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Since I changed my diet, I have had trouble with constipation and gas. I have seen my doctor and a gastro specialist and no one can really help with this situation. My thyroid tested normal. I drink plenty of water and herbal teas and eat lots of fruits and veggies, but I still have trouble "going" on a regular basis. I also take metamucil and sometimes Miralax (recommended by the doctor), but they don't really help that much. In fact, the Miralax makes the gas worse. At least once a week my bowels are hard pellets which I have to strain to get out. I don't think water is the problem, as I drink plenty. I also eat normal foods (including fats), just less of it. I also exercise five days a week, so there goes that theory. If anyone has a real solution, I'd love to hear it!
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Since I changed my diet, I have had trouble with constipation and gas.

    What did you change about your diet? You said what you are eating, but not really what is different.

    Are you eating enough? That can also contribute to constipation. Metamucil and Miralax are different "solutions," where Metamucil will add bulk but Miralax will increase the water to your bowels to soften them and make them pass. Consider trying a glycerin suppository to soften things up, then make sure you are getting enough but not too much fiber, enough water, sodium, and potassium, not overdoing protein, getting enough fat, and not overdoing vitamin supplements like calcium. Make sure you are getting enough to eat to keep digestion flowing.