alsnipes Member


  • An entire box of snack cakes plus half a medium pizza later. Plus, i have lactose intolerance and a wheat allergy. I thought i was going to die later on, but up until the rxn, i had emotional ate myself happy.
  • I'm addicted to applesauce and they have a VARIETY of flavors. Blueberry pom is super yummy. Regular Cinammon Applesauce is good and ht cup is 90 calories. I don't care about the sugars and blah blah blah becuase i feel like i'm eating junk and it's only 90 calories of fruit. Also, raisins. The serving size is a quarter…
  • #1 I feel way better now. #2 silly sodium... it's hidden everywhere!!! I'll try to monitor it around ... Thanks for the help!
  • check out the Jeff Galloway system. You run/ walk your miles to get you better accustomed to striaght up running the miles. Based off you mile time, you should run 2 min, walk 1 min. It def builds your endurance physically and MENTALLY. Good luck
  • I deal with food intolerances and the resounding theme is to test yourself. If you can remember how much you ate the other night, set that as your threshold. When you eat broccoli, eat a very small amount and gradually increase it. This is a trick people with lactose intolerance should do too. My doc explained to me that…
  • upper or lower tummy? If it's lower, welcome to the world of fiber and the embarassing things that fiber can do....
  • I almost barfed when i saw calorie/serving info on some of my favorites. I really enjoy the Chex cereals. I eat a somewhat large breakfast so i'll do 2 servings of 3/4 cup; rounds to 220-240 calories depending on which you get. It may seem like a lot + milk, but i'm on the 1440 calorie plan so i'm okay doing 300 or so…
  • Get the Pilsbury Fast and Easy cook book. So many simple 30 min recipes that are good AND they include nutrition info
  • I watched a heartbeat of the first episode and couldn't stomach it. BUT... I'm watching all the final episode stuff tonight because i'm shallow and need a good laugh. I've watched the last 4 seasons and am somewhat of a fan, but she was a touch too much.
  • I'm going for 125. It's been when i looked and felt healthiest since my family tends to be average/slender. Plus, it's what my drivers license says.
  • I'm in... bye bye sodium! i'll miss you.
  • Marine wife : ) Deployments are horrendous. I had to stop watching the news because it would turn my stomach over and over. I think the adjustment when they're back is almost as bad. He would wake in the middle of the night just to drink water and i was worried he'd had a bad dream. And, let's face, going from independence…
  • As much as it pains me to admit it, the scale is your accountability tool. In all the things i've read on healthy weight loss and maintaining a healthy diet, the scale is always in the top of the mix because it doesn't lie.. though i'm POSITIVE mine does :) Eat healthy while at school. Walk to class. if it's too too far,…
  • lean lean lean (96/3) ground beef if you don't like turkey. But i found in this recipe, you don't get the dry turkey feel in your mouth because of the salsa.
  • Lean ground turkey: browned Add vegetarian refried beans Add jar (ish) of favorite salsa or make your own Stir stir stir simmer for 5 to 15 min occasionally stirring. This is a STAPLE in our house. i prefer veg refried beans because of oil and fat content. You can do hard or soft tacos/burritos, or anything you want. We've…
  • Same way here. I love my blankie and pillow!!! I heard or read somewhere, that exercising in the afternoon can be just as good for you than the morning. True, the heart rate boost in the morning is awesome (when i get out of bed to make it happen) but i've always worked out in the afternoon and found the heartrate boost…
  • That's a great story. And... i got married in no shoes so beat that:) The best part is now you two can thoroughly enjoy your wedding; no wondering if the other will have a change of heart. Congrats!
  • Sorry if this is redundant, i don't feel like reading thru 8 pages of posts. How are y'all adding you exercise totals for 30DS? individually? cuz i would assume abs is strength, but my abs are .. ummm... insulated, so sometimes it feels like cardio on the obliques part since the heart rate goes up with the breathing and…
  • First, get her on here to make her aware and hold herself accountable for her decisions. She doesn't have to join the community.. i didn't for a little bit. She can stay completely private about her habits but if she can physically see what she is doing it may have a great effect. Do everything with her. As in, offer to…
  • water water water... Make sure you're keeping track of it at the very bottom of your food diary page. You can use the notes section to log you headaches too so you can go back and see what the relation to your intake of water, food etc. was to your headache.
  • App rocks! No excuses for not adding if you have a smart phone!
    in Hello Comment by alsnipes June 2011
  • Welcome! It's a great community! Add me if you want : )
  • It always depends on the season: i reach for the berry family as much as possible. Ripe Mangos are scrumptious and good source of C. I'm a sucker for pineapple but watch out for your sugars that day. A long time ago i had starfruit but i have no clue where to get it. Watermelon is def a seasonal but keeps well. And if you…
  • Does anyone's boss allow exercise balls at work? if so, you can sit in that instead and literally get a workout all day. They have ones with sand in them so they stay put and if you physically have to get up to get files, you can get in some light stretching to keep your core loose since you're engaging it all day. I had…
  • Count me in!!!! Just started a blog about it and i think if we're all in the same boat, it'll be easier:) Bump
  • Thanks for the instant motivation!!! I'm gonna try tapering off for a few weeks and see where I'm at. Thanks again, and send me an add if you wanna keep motivating me : ) Ashley
  • I've tried a lot of gimmicks but just saw the scale fluctuate, not get low and stay low. I like this place as a "diet" cuz it keeps you in check and one i started using healthy alternatives to satisfy my cravings i notice instant change in my attitude! I love sweets and found a big bowl of fresh fruit in the morning will…
  • Great post!!!!! I'm running a 1/2 marathon in November and am nervous about training. (I haven't run in a few years) Thanks for the tips and motivation!!!!!!
  • This sucks, but rapid weight loss plus skin = extra folds. Each organ has a regeneration cycle. The skin is included in this. If you've ever watched the biggest loser, you see the excess skin on some but not all of the people, and the scale reflects this reason. Slow and steady weightloss gives your skin the chance to…
  • Don't forget your stomach is constantly resizing itself. Of you're not hungry, don't guilt yourself into eating because "in theory" you haven't consummed enough nutrition. Your body is a wonderful machine that we all forget to stay in tune with. For example, cravings usually come from the body having a deficiency, but we…